“I was sleeping in the hallway.”
“No, you were not!” She finally looked at him. “Oh my god, Seb! You did not need to do that.”
“I wanted to be right here if you needed me, but I knew how important it was for you to be in here on your own, too.”
“Yeah, a lot of good that did me.” Her head landed back on his chest and she snuggled down into him again. “Since you’re here, and I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to fall back asleep unless I stay cuddled close to you, would you mind…I mean, I feel like you would be more comfortable and I know I would…Oh Jesus, I’m just rambling.”
He placed his thumb under her chin and tipped her face towards his. “Emma, can I stay with you tonight?”
The relief in her eyes was instant. “Yes, Seb. Please, stay with me.”
“You got it, Sprinkles. Let’s get you back to bed and I’ll take the couch.”
“No. Stay in bed with me. I mean, would it be okay if you just held me a little bit longer?”
“I’d hold you for the rest of forever if you let me.” God, where had that come from? He was a goner already, and the light laugh that burst out of Emma made him realize she knew that too.
“Well, hopefully I feel better before then, but if not, life doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Jesus, you guys just roll right here from sleeping on the plane?” Sebastian watched his five friends stroll into his office, luggage in hand. It had been four days since Emma was attacked, and although new security had been installed at both the bakery and her apartment, Seb felt relief wash over him now that his team was there.
“Would you have rather waited for us to shower and settle in before hightailing it over here to protect your girlfriend?” Nash Caldwell laughed as Sebastian glared at him.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Oh? Is that why someone at that rinky-dink airport we flew into was gossiping about the billionaire who bid fifty-thousand dollars to take her on a date? I don’t know, Cap. If I spent that kind of money to woo a woman, I’d definitely classify her as my girlfriend.” Hawk Morgan was a traditionally handsome man. He had this arrogant personality that was offset by his southern charm, and Seb normally found him hilarious, but after that comment, he was fully contemplating messing up Hawk’s pretty face.
“If you would have let me finish what I was saying, you would have heard me say yet. She isn’t my girlfriend, yet.”
“Alright, enough ribbing, guys. Cap needs our help to protect his girl, and that’s what we’re going to do.”
“Thanks, Doc. Good to see at least one of my buddies hasn’t lost their mind.” Stone Lawson had been the medic on their SEAL team, saving their asses more than once when a mission went sideways.
“So, are you going to fill us in on why we’re in Bumfuck, Texas to protect the woman you’re chasing after, or what?”
“Reaper, shut the fuck up. Sorry, Cap. Gunner didn’t get as much beauty rest on the flight out from D.C. as he needed.” Gage punched Gunner in the arm, earning him a scowl from the grumpy bastard.
“I just want the details so we can get down to business.” Gunner looked back at Seb. “Agent Wilson said he’d be calling later today to update you on what his team still needs from us.”
“Thanks, Reap. I know we’re tied up with his investigation but I also expect things here to be your top priority.” He looked each man in the eyes and waited for their acknowledgment. “You guys can leave your bags here, I’ll have my assistant, Natalie, take care of them while we talk things over in the conference room.”
* * *
Sebastian walked into the bakery an hour later with his five buddies trailing closely behind.
“Emma?” Worry laced his voice. He noticed a few patrons inside, but she was nowhere to be seen. A loud clang of metal had him jumping over the counter and running into the kitchen.
Emma stood with flour in her hair, a fine mist of the dust still hovering in the air around her.
“Everything okay?” he asked, searching the kitchen for any danger. She jumped at the sound of his voice, her hand flying over her heart as her eyes went wide.
“Jesus, Seb. What the hell are you doing back here?”
“I heard something crash. I thought you might be hurt.”
“Well, I’m not! I dropped the damn bowl on the bench because I’m so jumpy from the other night that I can barely concentrate any time I hear the bell jingle on the door out front.” She swept the hair out of her eyes and he watched her cheeks flush as she took in the guys all standing around him.