“They sedated her.”
His fists curled at this side.
“Why the fuck did they need to do that?”
“She was trying to tell me something. Asking about Addie all worried. I figured she was just upset because Addie had been home with Natalie that night and she got things confused in her mind, but then she said…” he shook his head.
“What? What did she say?”
“As the medicine was pulling her back under, she told me that Addie is Luna.”
His heart stopped beating, but his mind went wild. What the fuck? How the hell could Natalie’s daughter be Emma’s? Her file hadn’t flagged anything strange when Sebastian had Gage run a background check when she was hired on at Montgomery Equities. Had they been thorough enough? What about her husband? Had they looked into him? How hadn’t he thought to re-run everything after Emma told them about her past?
“How is that possible?” he asked, sinking into a nearby chair.
“I-I don’t know. Do you think she’s just confused?”
“No. This is the most important thing in the world to Emma. She wouldn’t say that unless she was sure. No matter what she’d been through or how many drugs she was pumped full of.”
“Okay, so what do you want me to do?”
Sebastian pulled his phone from his pocket and started typing furiously.
“Natalie should be at the office with Stone and Hawk. I’m telling them to make sure she doesn’t leave, and one of them needs to be with her at all times.”
“I want you to dig into her file. We must have missed something, somewhere. Did we look at her husband? Do a background check on him?”
“Yeah, I remember pulling that info. I need to grab my computer from my apartment, but I’ll send you the file as soon as I’m there.”
Sebastian’s phone beeped, his eyes flashing as he read the incoming message
“What’s wrong?”
“I messaged the guys about Emma waking up. Apparently, they shared the news with Natalie. Stone says she left about ten minutes after they told her about Emma to pick up Addie from school.”
“I’ll head over to her house now. If she’s going to run, she’ll probably need to stop there first.”
“No, you need to get me those files. I’ll get Nash to head over to her house and have Stone and Hawk go to Addie’s school. We cannot let Natalie and Addie get away until we understand what’s going on.”
* * *
Emma watched Sebastian pace back and forth in her room, concern etched all over his face. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t watch him look at her with such pity and guilt.
He was so quiet, his gray eyes never leaving hers as the heart rate monitor connected to her beeped faster, betraying her warring emotions. The chair squeaked as he lowered his body into the seat, and his hand hovered near the edge of the bed, almost as if he wanted to touch her, but was afraid to.
“How do you know Addie is Luna? What happened that night at Natalie’s?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t remember. Everything is fuzzy and warped when I try to think about what happened.”
“But you told Gage that Addie is Luna.”
“I can’t tell you how I know that, Seb. I just do. It’s just there, this single piece of information floating in a sea of misty clouds.”
His eyes searched her face. “You don’t believe me,” she said.