She’d been planning on dragging one of the guys out to the grocery store earlier that morning to get all the supplies she needed, but couldn’t get herself out of bed. She just kept staring at the ceiling, waiting for the energy to get up and go. It just wasn’t coming. What did come, instead, were tears she never wanted to cry.
In the last seven years, Emma had never let herself cry on that day. No, she didn’t want her daughter to feel any sadness on her birthday if they were still connected somehow. Normally, she would have buried herself in her work, but sorting through the remains of the bakery and her apartment was too much to deal with on top of Luna’s birthday.
Cinching the tie of her bathrobe tighter around herself as the knocking grew louder, Emma walked to the door and looked out the peephole. She didn’t know why she even bothered. Of course, a handsome Sebastian stood stoically outside, dressed in a suit with his brown hair slicked back and his gray eyes looking directly at her.
“I know you are standing right on the other side of the door, Sprinkles. Let me in, yeah?”
She stepped back and opened the door, the safety chain still engaged.
“I’m not really in the mood to see anyone today, Seb.”
“And that’s exactly why I’m here. Because you need someone to be with you today.”
“I don’t, though. I haven’t ever had anyone with me on this day before.”
“Look, I know you are strong, okay? But the tears in your eyes and the redness of your cheeks are telling me that you could use a moment where you don’t have to be the strongest person in the room. It’s just you and me, Em. Let me be that for you today.”
“Okay,” she whispered, unlatching the door chain and letting Sebastian in. Emma watched as he walked into her room, a large bag in his hand, sitting down on the edge of her bed and patting the space on the mattress beside him.
“Come sit down next to me. I got you something.”
“What do you mean?” She plopped her body down on the mattress next to him. His thigh pressed against hers, and the warmth from his body made the tears in her eyes well even more than they had been. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the wave of emotion she could feel getting ready to slam into her.
“I know what today is. It’s why you didn’t want to do anything when I called earlier.” When she didn’t answer, he continued. “I remember you told me today is Luna’s birthday. So I got you something.”
“Why would you do that?” And there went the damn tears, tracking down her face and there wasn’t a single thing she could do to stop them.
“Em, like I said before, you don’t have to be the strong one today. I’ve got you.” He wiped away one of the tears that was traveling down her cheek towards her broken heart. “And I got you something because you deserve to be honored today. And so does she.”
“Just open it, Sprinkles.”
She opened the smaller box first, and gasped at the beautiful locket inside. It was carved to look like the full moon, and her heart fluttered as she flipped it over and read the inscription etched on the back.
“Forever under the same moon. Seb, it’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“We’ll take a picture the first day she is back in your arms, and you can keep it inside there.”
Hope swelled in her heart. It was hard to control when Sebastian was around. He was so sure that everything was going to work out, and slowly, she was starting to let herself believe that too. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the last year she’d have to go through this day without Luna.
“Now, open this one.”
“The locket is more than enough. It’s so beautiful.” He just smiled and pushed the gift towards her.
Inside the beautifully wrapped box was a picture frame. And inside that frame, was a picture of two stars, side by side in the night sky.
“I don’t understand.”
He smiled, gently placing his hand on her arm. “Read the back.”
Let it be known that star 22.732.434 has been named Luna Sullivan and is registered as such with the International Stellar Registration. Let it also be known that star 22.732.435 has been named Emma Sullivan and is registered as such with the International Stellar Registration.
“You named a star after her?” Emma’s chest hurt from the tightness the sweet gesture caused.
“And after you, too. They are neighboring stars in the sky. Your star is slightly bigger. It reminded me of a mama looking over her baby. I can show you where they are tonight if the clouds stay away.” He brushed his finger lightly across her cheek. “I know you can’t be together right now while we look for her, but I wanted you to know that somewhere, out in the universe, you always have been, and always will be, right with her. I know it’s not the moon, but when you look up in the night sky, you can see her in the moon and find her in the stars, too.” He reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Now, you both exist with the moon.”
“Sebastian,” she choked out. “Thank you.”