“Getting ready to carry you back to your place.”
“You are not carrying me across the street.” Emma glared at Seb as she stood next to the elevator.
“You want to go home? This is the only way you’re getting there.” His arms extended out like he wanted her to climb on him.
“If this is your way of trying to feel me up after I spent the night in your bed, you better think again.”
“I was a perfect gentleman all night. I think you can trust me to carry you across the street without trying anything.”
“You are impossible. Fine. If it gets me back home, you can carry me.”
“See, now was that so hard?”
Emma buried her face into Seb’s chest for the short walk between his building and hers. It was a mixture of being horrifically embarrassed at needing his help, and also the need to soak him up before they said goodbye. Maybe if she could memorize the way he smelled, the way his warmth felt against her, she could recall it later if she was nervous or scared. Her apartment was going to be a mess, and take a ton of time to clean. She just hoped she could find some clean sheets to put on her bed before she fell asleep.
Sebastian pulled a new set of keys out from his pocket in the alleyway next to the bakery, carrying her upstairs and into her apartment. When he set her down on the sofa, she finally pulled her head away from his chest and gasped.
“Did you do this?” Her heart was in her throat as she looked around her sparkling apartment.
“I knew it would be tough coming back and I just wanted you to feel comfortable.”
“I can’t…I mean, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
The place was spotless. It even smelled like new paint, and she had a growing suspicion that if she touched her walls, she might come away with a messy hand. Sebastian set her down on the sofa, his eyes never moving away from her face.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“I feel fine. I’m just a little nervous to be back.” She swallowed down her fears and smiled. “I’m going to take a shower and settle in for the night. Thank you for everything, Seb.”
“Are you sure? Do you need me to stay and help you wrap your stitches? You know Jake said they shouldn’t get wet.”
Emma shook her head. “I can manage. Besides, I’ve held you up from your work all day. Go, it’s okay. I know you’ve got things you need to take care of.”
“I’m just a text or phone call away, okay? If anything comes up, you call me right away.”
“Nothing is going to come up. Look at my door! I think five deadbolts is a bit of an overkill, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t. That’s why I hired that security company out of Dallas to install your new security system tomorrow.” He looked around her apartment and then back into her eyes. “I really want you to stay with me tonight, Em. This is killing me.”
“Sebastian, I’m okay. I will be okay. Hank has a deputy watching the building, so nothing is going to happen tonight. Go. I’ll see you in the morning for your obnoxious coffee order.”
“Fine. I’ll go. But I mean it Em, you call me if anything happens. If you have a bad dream, or if you can’t sleep. If you need help because of your leg. Anything. Promise me.”
“I promise,” she whispered, the anxiety of being alone in her apartment crawling up her spine.
“Good.” Sebastian took two steps towards her and her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. He kissed her cheek, setting her skin on fire. Maybe she should invite him to stay…
“Sweet dreams, Sprinkles.”
Too late. She needed to let him go.
Her hand raised to her face, and her fingers lightly dusted across the place where his lips had just been. Emma was sure she looked stunned. The gesture had been so sweet, and filled with such tenderness it was hard not to allow the tears stinging the back of her eyes to fall.
“Goodnight, Suits,” she whispered as he closed the door to her apartment.
Slowly, Emma made her way into her bedroom. Dread filled a pit in her stomach as she thought about seeing the room where she had fought for her life. She wouldn’t back down, she wouldn’t avoid it. If Emma was one thing, it was determined. Determined to not be weak. Determined not to be a scared victim who has to hide away. No. There was no way some masked man was going to take her sanctuary from her. She stood in the doorway and her heart kicked into overdrive.