“Emma. Call if anything else happens. Okay? And let me know what the police say tomorrow.”
“Okay. Thank you, Sebastian. I-I’m sorry for just barging in here tonight.”
“I’m not. I’ll be watching to make sure you make it back safe. Lock the doors when you get there.”
“I will.”
She felt his gaze on her back as she disappeared down the stairs, and once again as she crossed the street. She unlocked her shop’s door and once she slipped inside, she locked the doors once again. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she wondered just how long she had until things escalated like before. She’d have to say goodbye to the little town she’d fallen so in love with. But her heart hurt most at the possibility of having to say goodbye to the man she’d just accused of sending her the threat. And how messed up was that?
* * *
Seb watched Emma walk across the street and begged for her eyes to meet his. He wanted her to know he was making sure she was safe. He’d always been a protector, his days in the SEALs had made sure that desire was deeply ingrained in his personality, but he wanted her to see that he’d be there, making sure she was protected.
Someone was threatening her. And what’s worse is that she seemed to be hoping it had been him. Did she really want to see him as a monster that threatened women who smelled like vanilla frosting and peaches, whose skin was creamy and smooth, and so unbelievably delicate?
Instead, his insides clenched as he thought over how her face had changed when she realized he was telling the truth. That he hadn’t been the one to threaten her. Fear. Genuine, deep fear had flashed in her eyes, and then he’d seen her pull inwards, protecting herself. There had been acceptance. Had she dealt with this before?
Quickly grabbing his cell off his desk, he let out a huge breath as he punched in a number he had memorized.
“Gage, I need a favor.” Gage Walker, known as Tracker to his SEAL buddies, was one of his closest friends. Gage was a cyber-security guru and often helped Seb when he needed to dig up information not readily available to the public. In fact, Tracker had been instrumental in gathering information when Jackson reached out worried about his wife’s abusive ex.
“Hey Cap. You caught me at a good time. I’m just about ready to send you what I’ve found from that surveillance tape your assistant sent me. Is that why you’re calling?”
“Partially. After you send me everything from this morning, I need you to find out whatever you can about Emma Sullivan. Full background check, including any known romantic relationships and their full background check too. She lives here in Bell Ridge and owns a bakery called ‘Emma’s’. It’s a priority.”
“Sure thing. Give me the night. I’ll have whatever I can dig up for you by morning.”
“Thanks, man.”
“You wanna fill me in on why you need this so urgently?”
Sebastian laughed as he ended the call.
“Hey, Emma!” Natalie and Addie bounced into the bakery a few nights later, holding each other’s hands.
“Hey, what are you two up to tonight?”
“I just finished with dance! Mom said I could get a treat because I got picked for a solo in our recital.”
“Wow, Addie, that’s amazing. How many nights a week do you have dance class?”
“Two! Tuesdays and Fridays. That’s why they’re my favorite days of the week.”
“You must be tired after so much dancing. Get to picking your treat, prima ballerina. It’ll be on me.”
“You don’t have to do that, Em.” Natalie protested, taking out her wallet.
“Honestly, Nat. It’s no big deal. Pick something for yourself, too. I’m sorry for how I barged in the other night and didn’t listen to you. I hope I didn’t put you in a tough spot with Sebastian. It can’t be all rainbows and sunshine working for Mr. Tight Suits over there, and I’m sorry if I made things awkward or tough for you.” She nodded across the street. “You probably deserve ten chocolate cakes for what you have to put up with from him.”
“Actually, Mr. Montgomery is an amazing boss. He’s been so understanding any time I need to leave a bit early or change my schedule around to accommodate Addie, even though I just started there. Honestly, it’s been a huge blessing to work for him. Even my husband thinks it was a smart move on my part to apply for the job.”
“He wanted you to stay home?”