Page 8 of Courageous Demands

“Don’t you volunteer me, Rimes,” Captain Marks laughed from nearby. “Go run along and get the pink schlong like a big boy now.”

“Oh my gosh… I cannot touch that thing, sir.”

“I got it,” another man snapped, rolling his eyes. “If I can gut a deer, slaughter a hog, drag a limp body out of a Scub-A-Ru that’s halfway submerged in Ember Creek, or deal with my nasty ex-wife… nothing scares me. Gimme a trash bag, and I’ll get rid of the Pink Paraphernalia.”

“Thank you, Justin.”

“Sure thing, Reese. Kyle, go unclench your boxers and relax in the truck – and please don’t say anything to Austin. He’d probably want the darn thing for a trophy.”

“That’s my cue to leave,” Willow blurted out, chuckling. “Thank you, everyone. And I’ll be in touch closer to the election. We’ll do a fundraiser or something.”


* * *


Several months later…

Willow texted Alec.

She hoped he had the same phone number but her hands were trembling as she typed. He was still so incredibly handsome, but there was an edge to him now that hadn’t been there before. Guiltily she wondered if it was because of her actions. What he had let slip had been telling, and she had gotten really good at reading between the lines over the last few years.


Who dis?

Ouch. That hurt.

Obviously, he’d deleted her phone number at some point, and if what she’d suspected was true, she really didn’t blame him. That loneliness in college had been horrible, and she wanted to reach out so many times but had been afraid of what he would think or say.



Can we talk?

Isn’t this English? You obviously have your degree. You’re smart – so do the smart thing and lemme alone.


Don’t be childish, Alec – let’s talk.

Ohhhhh… so now I’m childish AND not worthy of your precious time?

Winner, Winner, chicken dinner.

Stop contacting me.

I wanted to explain and apologize.

Apology accepted.

(See? Look at me being an adult)

Now – again – stop contacting me. I don’t want to talk to you.

Explanation not needed.