Page 7 of Knot Her Reality

“Yeah, that. My name is Jagger, by the way. As we’ve established, I’m an alpha, and I don’t think I’ve ever lost control of myself like this before. Not even when I first revealed and went into rut. This is not the first impression I’d like to make.” He runs a hand through his hair, cursing.

I consider him for a moment before nodding. I don’t get a bad feeling about him. Nothing is screaming danger at me. I really am beginning to think there really are some defective products being used. “That’s quite alright, Jagger. I won’t hold this against you, as long as you prove to me that this isn’t usually how you act with our other interactions. Now, tell me a little bit about yourself.”

He gives me a soft smile, inclining his head in thanks. “I’m fifty-three and a physical therapist. I mostly work with injured athletes—college and high school mostly, but occasionally, I’ll get to work with a professional athlete. In my free time, I like riding my motorcycle along the coast and through the mountains. I’ve recently taken up needlepoint.”

“Wait! Did you say needlepoint?” I lift my hand to cover my mouth, trying to hide my snicker.

He quirks an eyebrow as he looks down at me. “Yes, I did. Is there something wrong with needlepoint?”

I shake my head, letting my hand fall away so he can see my grin. “No, but I thought that’s what little old ladies liked to do with their free time. And you’re the furthest thing from an old lady.”

“It’s something that my mom loves, and she is a little old lady. She’s the one who’s been teaching me. She wanted something that we could do together that allowed us to talk. She’s getting up there in age, and she says she doesn’t want to miss any time she has left.”

My heart melts right then and there. “And you love her enough to do what she wants you to.”

“Sure, that’s what it started as, but it turns out I like it. And I’m pretty good at it.” He shrugs. “It doesn’t make me any less of a man, does it?”

“It certainly does not,” I assure him with a smile. “I just love that you have that with your mom, that’s all.”

He nods. “From the way you say that, it tells me you don’t have that kind of relationship with your mom?”

“I’m surprised they didn’t include that in the information packet. No, my parents disowned me when I was eighteen, right after I revealed for the first time, because I’m bisexual.”

Jagger’s jaw clenches. “I don’t know what is wrong with people. Who disowns their own child for who they love? Who stands outside the gates of a private home to protest who someone loves? I thought we’d evolved past this.”

I smile at the outrage in his words. “Sadly, we have not, but that’s okay. I won’t let it stop me.”

“And you shouldn’t.”

“On that note,” I start when I see Reginald gesturing for me to wrap it up, “it seems it’s time for dinner, and I’m not going to lie, I’m starving.”

A growl seeps out of him before he clears his throat as if to cover it up, making me giggle. “I guess we should get you fed then, Evangeline.”

“Let’s do that.”

Walking with him over to where Bree stands with Skylar, Cora, and Koda, the corners of my mouth turn up. It’s the first day of suitors, and I’m already halfway smitten. I barely know these people, and I’m already imagining what our future could look like. I definitely need to slow my roll.

Even as that thought runs through my head, I make a beeline for Koda and link our fingers together. He grins at me but doesn’t say anything as we follow Bree into the mansion.

So much for slowing my roll.

Chapter Three


I groan when my alarm goes off the next morning. I stayed up entirely too late last night, getting to know my first four suitors.

Dinner together had been pleasant, and there were only a few times that either me or Koda perfumed. After that, we’d gathered by the pool for some drinks, and while I’m close to perfecting my scent-canceling swimsuits, they’re not there yet. All of that bare skin on display had set me off, and that had set Koda off. Let’s just say that Cora, Skylar, and Jagger are very familiar with mine and Koda’s scents at this point.

The hardest part of last night had been not inviting Koda back to my room. It hadn’t really been about sex—okay, it was a little about sex, but more about wanting to surround myself with him and his scent. I’m determined to not make any rash decisions, if I can help them, and something tells me that if I had invited Koda back to my room, we’d have bonded.

I’m looking forward to our group date today, but I’m also glad for the break from Koda. It sounds terrible, I know, but I can’t think with his scent surrounding me. We’re not even supposed to be able to smell one another that well. I wonder if this is what alphas feel like after they meet a compatible omega. If so, I feel sorry for them. I feel like my mind is fogged by his scent, and I’m not sure if it’s my omega that’s attracted to him or me—or both. Hence the need for space.

I already warned my suitors that I’m adventurous, and the dates I have planned definitely fit that bill. It might seem cruel of me to force them into activities they might not enjoy, but I need to be sure they can keep up with me. If they freak out because of the things I like to do, then they’re not the person for me. I need to see how they react, and if they’re willing to participate in the things I like to do. I’d hate to fall for someone only to find out that they alpha out when I try to go base jumping or something.

With that being said, today’s date is actually the tamest of them all. I’m excited about what I’ve planned, but I probably would’ve gone more extreme if Bree hadn’t asked me to roll it back for at least the first date. Something about liabilities and some other nonsense from the network. But she did manage to get them to approve all the other dates, so at least there’s that.

Glancing at the time, I see that it’s ten and startle before remembering that I’d chosen to skip breakfast to get more sleep. I’ve got about an hour until we have to head out for our first adventure, and what an adventure it’ll be.