“But I’m this season’s omega, shouldn’t I be the one to sit in the middle?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. Not that I care if I sit in the middle. I just want to give him a hard time.
“Or I could sit in the middle,” Evander offers with a chuckle. “Are the two of you going to be like this all night?”
“They’re always brats,” Lucas offers with a straight face.
Flipping him off, I climb into the SUV. “I don’t care who sits in the middle. Just get your asses in the car.”
Koda gets his way, climbing in behind me, and Evander sits on his other side. I lay my head on Koda’s shoulder as Justin leaves the compound, all of us ignoring the protestors. I’m so used to ignoring them at this point that I don’t even hear their words. Sometimes I don’t even notice they’re there. Let them spread their hate, and I’ll keep spreading my love. I’m the one who will be happier in the long run.
Koda and Evander banter back and forth, while I look out the window. I add to the conversation from time to time, but mostly I just enjoy the ride. We have a quick dinner of burgers and french fries from a drive-thru, which has me laughing. Then we come to a stop in front of a storefront that has me perking up—Serenity. Glancing at the windows, I grin. Koda has taken us to a spa.
“Hell, yes!” I pump my fist before reaching over and yanking Koda’s head down to mine in a kiss.
He chuckles against my lips. “I knew you’d love this.”
“But what does this outfit have to do with the spa?” Evander asks, peering out my window at Serenity.
“Nothing. This isn’t only our first stop. We’re here for a massage and facial before we head to our next destination.”
“And where’s that?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell us, but knowing he probably won’t.
He shakes his head, pushing me out of the car when Lucas opens the door for me. “Nope. You get to know nothing. Accept it and move on.”
“Fineeee. If I must.”
As soon as we walk inside, we’re being hustled off to a private room where three beta women are waiting to give us our facials and massages. When we’re leaving, my entire body feels loose, and I kind of just want to take a nap. “Are you sure this isn’t where the date should end?”
“What is it with you trying to end dates early?” Koda rolls his eyes, practically shoving me into the SUV.
“Maybe you should stop stuffing me full of good food and giving me full body massages for the first stop of dates.”
Evander chuckles as he climbs in behind me. “That’s it. I’m separating both of you. You’re adorable to watch, but it’s hard to get a word in edgewise.”
Making a face, I take his hand in mine. “I’m sorry, Evander. We don’t want you to feel left out.”
“Definitely not,” Koda agrees as he climbs inside as well.
He waves us off. “I get it. You’re newly bonded, but I’m definitely the one in the middle from now on.”
We both agree and when Koda pulls him into conversation, I listen quietly. I feel bad that we’re making Evander feel like he’s being left out, but I also feel like there might be a reason for it. Evander and I clicked in the beginning, I know we did, but nothing has come of it thus far. He’s an amazing guy, and he’s definitely hot, but why haven’t I imagined him in my future pack?
“We’re here!” Koda announces just before the SUV comes to a stop, and when I glance out the window, I realize he’s once again taken us to a nondescript building.
“And where is here? It’s not a rage room, is it? Because I definitely don’t need that after the massage.”
Koda chuckles and shakes his head. “This is actually just studio space that’s rented out to artists.”
“Which still doesn’t explain why we’re here,” I say with a laugh.
“Pretty sure he did that on purpose.” Evander laughs with me as the three of us climb out of the car.
Koda just shrugs, leading us inside and down a hallway. He knocks on the door and a man swings it open. “Koda! You made it! That must mean you’re Evangeline and Evander. My name is Kris, and I’ll be your photographer tonight.”
“Photographer?” I echo, trailing into the studio behind them. “I still don’t get the white outfit.”
Kris laughs. “You didn’t tell them anything, did you?”
“Nope,” he says with a laugh, popping his p.