“Gods, he’s exhausting sometimes,” I say as I take Natalie’s hand in mine, leading her toward the SUV.
She laughs. “And yet, you chose him to be a part of your pack?”
“Well, yeah. He’s hot.” I bite back my smile. “And overall amazing. Plus, I couldn’t seem to stay away.”
“That would be the universe telling you what I already knew,” Koda croons as I climb into the car. “We were meant to be.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don’t you sit back and shut up. Let someone else talk for a while.”
There’s a moment of shocked silence before he hisses, “I feel like I should be offended. Lil, should I be offended?”
She snorts. “Yes, Koda, you should definitely be offended.”
That sends us all into peals of laughter as Justin sighs from the driver’s seat before the car takes off. Mike just grins at me from the passenger seat, and I settle back into my seat, listening to the others chat on the ride over to Charlie’s. It looks like a hole-in-the-wall bar when we pull up, but Koda assures me that Bree says it’s amazing. When we push inside, I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.
The bar is two levels, with a dance floor on the bottom floor and a massive bar set against one wall. Tables and booths spread out across the rest of the space. There’s a sign pointing up the stairs that reads “Games upstairs” that has me curious. I wonder what kind of games there are.
“Y’all must be from Heated!“ a feminine voice calls out, a twang to her words. I spin around to find a petite curly-haired woman heading toward us with a smile on her face. “I’m Charlie, and I’m so glad you decided to have one of your dates here! We don’t open until seven, which is why I asked y’all to be here now. I want to get you set up before the masses come storming in.”
My eyes narrow on Charlie as I step closer, trying to get a hint of her scent. She easily picks up on what I’m trying to do and laughs.
“You won’t be able to scent me, but I’m an omega. I decided to make Rancho Mirage my home after watching the first season of Heated. I didn’t know there was anywhere like this place where so many omega-owned businesses thrive. Bree and Tessa helped me get set up as long as I promised to allow them to have dates here if the omegas wanted to. We didn’t open until just after the second season, so you’re our first date here. I’m so excited.”
I swear she didn’t take a breath through any of that, and for a moment, all I can do is blink at her. “Wow. Thank you for having us. I assume you have somewhere for us that isn’t out in the open?”
“I do.” Charlie heads for the stairs, waving for us to follow her. “I have a party room that can be split into two that I rent out. You’ll have the whole place to yourself, and no one will bother you. It’s actually set up on the third floor that most people don’t know about.”
Once we reach the top of the stairs, she leads us down a hallway. I trail behind her, but can’t help gaping at everything that’s set up here. There are pool tables, dart boards, pinball machines, air hockey tables, and I even think I see some giant Jenga towers in one corner. I’m not really paying attention and would’ve run into Charlie’s back if Natalie hadn’t stopped me. I shoot her a grateful smile before returning my attention to Charlie.
We’re standing in front of a chrome wall where two large men stand. If I had to guess, I would say they’re alphas. I’m just about to ask what we’re doing when Charlie leans over and places her hand on the wall. It lights up for a moment before the wall splits open, revealing an elevator.
“Well, that’s cool as shit,” Koda mumbles. “Why doesn’t the compound have anything cool like this?”
I bite back my laughter, shaking my head as we follow Charlie into the elevator. The doors shut behind us, and I barely notice when the elevator begins to move. It’s only seconds later that the doors open before us, revealing a hallway with only two doors.
“There’s one door for each room when it’s divided up. There are bathrooms up here and a bar. You’ll have your own bartender and a server.” Charlie moves to the closest door and throws it open. “Menus can be found on each of the tables. Your server is going to be Sarah, and your bartender Jimmy. They’re both betas and are wearing the scent-canceling products I require of all my employees. There are also scent dampeners throughout the room in case there are any scent breakthroughs. Now, unless you have any questions for me, I’ll leave you to enjoy your night.”
I shake my head. “No, Charlie, but thank you. I think you’ve covered everything. I assume Sarah or Jimmy can answer any questions we might think of.”
She nods. “Of course they can. There are two single-stall bathrooms in each corner as well. The kitchen staff is all set up, so feel free to order whenever you’re ready. The music is the same as what’s playing in the bar, but if you want to change it, Jimmy can take care of that for you. I hope you guys have a great night!”
She’s gone before I can thank her again, and I just shake my head before taking in the room. Two of the walls are lined with booths, and the same games I saw on the second floor are set up here as well. I grin as I head for the pool table.
“Who wants to play?” I ask, picking up a cue stick.
“I’m actually kind of hungry,” Lillian admits, and Natalie nods in agreement. I pout, knowing that since food has been mentioned, that’s all Koda will want.
“Fine, we’ll eat first.” I grin, hurrying over to the closet booth and sliding in. Lillian slides in beside me, leaving Natalie and Koda to fill in the other side. Picking up a menu, I lick my lips. Everything sounds amazing and we end up ordering a variety to share. As we eat, I find myself relaxing more and more. I’ve been a little worried that I’d been too rash in sending so many suitors home in one go, but I never felt as comfortable with any of them as I do with these three. Honestly, with any of the remaining suitors.
I made the right decision, and now I can focus on really getting to know the remaining suitors; to decide if they’re who I want in my pack.
Chapter Thirty-two
Leaning back in my chair, I swirl the whiskey in my glass before lifting it to my lips. It’s a damn fine whiskey, but right now, I don’t give a shit about it.
All I’m thinking about right now is Koda and Evangeline—who are officially late to our date. They told me to meet them on the back deck beside the pool at six—which was fifteen minutes ago. I don’t mind that they’re late. I’d wait as long as they need me to so that I can spend time with them.