“You’re right. It definitely is.”
Alejandro climbs in, slotting into the middle seat with Koda on his other side before Lucas closes the door. The three of us chat quietly as we head into town. I’m pleasantly surprised when I find that we’re having a hibachi dinner. It’s been entirely too long since I’ve had good hibachi. We have an amazing cook who does all kinds of tricks for us while he’s cooking our food. When we’re done, I’m so full I’m surprised I’m not in a food coma.
“That was fun. Now we can go home and take a nap, right?” I ask as Koda helps me into the SUV. I squeal when his hand comes down on my ass hard. “What was that for?”
“For acting like we’re going back to the compound after eating. What kind of loser do you think I am that I’d only plan for dinner?” Koda shakes his head as he climbs in behind me.
I cross my arms over my chest, trying my best not to pout. “Who plans hibachi before anything else? No one wants to do anything after they’ve shoved themselves full of hibachi.”
“You’re being a brat again,” Lucas sings as he turns around in his seat and Alejandro pulls the back door shut behind him.
I wave my finger in his direction. “You turn your butt back around. You’re not on this date. I don’t want any of your lip.”
I know Lucas and Mike are here to be my bodyguards or whatever, but I never feel like they’re actually honing in on any of my dates. None of the guys that work for Lucas seem to. Sure, they’ll banter with us when we’re in the car, but beyond that, they all blend into the background and leave us to enjoy our dates. I wish we didn’t need them here, but if anything ever happens, I know I’ll be glad they’re with us.
As Mike pulls the car away from the curb, I try my best to weasel information from Koda, but he remains close lipped.
It isn’t long before we’re pulling up to a nondescript building with no signs marking where we are. “You didn’t bring us here to murder us, did you? Because I don’t think Mike and Lucas are allowed to let that happen.”
“Oh, yeah, I lured you out with cameras following us around to murder you.” Koda shakes his head as he reaches over me to open the door. “Get the hell out of the car so we can get on with this date.”
“Bossy much?”
Alejandro’s laughter has me turning to the alpha, who I’d honestly forgotten was with us. Damn. How did that happen?
“I like watching the two of you together,” he says quietly. “Even before you bonded, it was clear that’s where you were headed. Watching the two of you together now is even better.”
I don’t know why, but that causes me to blush as I duck out of the car and head up to the building, leaving Koda to deal with Alejandro’s words. It’s what he deserves after not giving me any information about the date. I guess that’s what I get for letting him be the one to plan the dates this week, huh?
It doesn’t take long for the two of them to join me, Alejandro reaching out to take both of our hands as Koda leads us up to the front door. As we step inside, there still aren’t any signs to give us a hint as to what we’ll be doing, but there is a reception desk with a cute beta woman sitting behind it.
“Hello! I’m Tara. You must be Koda, Evangeline, and Alejandro?” At our nods, she jumps to her feet. “Excellent. Your crew is already set up in your room. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Yes, what the hell is this place?” I ask as we follow her down the hallway.
“Oh, well we’re a—“
“It’s a surprise, babe. Stop fishing for hints. You’ll know in just a minute what we’re doing.” Koda shakes his head at me. “Sorry, Tara. Apparently, she’s not very good with surprises.”
Tara laughs as she glances at us over her shoulder. “That’s quite alright. I’m not a big fan of them either, so I understand.” She comes to a stop outside a door with a smile. “The good news is your wait is over. You have the room for up to two hours. You won’t be disturbed, but if you need anything while you’re in there, just hit the red button by the door. The intercom will call the front desk, and I’ll get you whatever you need.”
With that, she spins on her heel and heads back the way we came. I reach for the door, but Koda bats my hand away.
“I’m going to need to teach you about patience,” he says with a snort. “Are you ready?”
Alejandro nods. “Sure am, and I’m pretty sure if you don’t open that door right now, Evangeline is going to kill you.”
Koda rolls his eyes but throws the door open and steps inside, Alejandro and I just a step behind him. I look around the “room,” as Tara called it, but it really looks like a warehouse. The floors are concrete and it seems to be filled with junk. There’s even a car sitting in one corner. What is this place?
My eyes catch on one of the walls filled with baseball bats, crowbars, hammers, wrenches, and some things I don’t even recognize. I’m so confused.
“A rage room? Hell, yes!” Alejandro holds his hand up for Koda to slap, and it sinks in what we’re here for.
“I get to beat the hell out of things?” I ask, trying to keep the eagerness from my voice.
Koda nods. “I figured you could use it after the past week.”
I squeal, running for the wall with the weapons, reaching for a sledgehammer. A hand on my arm stops me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see it’s Alejandro. “Yes?”