Page 96 of Knot Her Reality

Turning to Koda, I find him holding a lavender rose and offering it to me with a smile on his lips.

“We’d like it if you’d join the two of us and whoever else we decide on one of the group dates next week.” It’s Koda who speaks, and my eyes dart to Evangeline, who’s smiling softly at me as she nods. “Assuming you want to, of course.”

“Of course I want to.” My words come out harsher than I mean for them to, as I snatch the rose from his hand, afraid he’ll try to take it back or something. “I mean, I would love to join you. Gods, this was way more stressful than I thought it would be.”

Evangeline giggles as she wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m not going to lie. I kind of like you like this—all unsure and whatever. It’s a nice change from the cocky alpha I’ve come to know.”

“I’m not cocky.”

Koda scoffs. “Not cocky. Don’t lie to us. Plus, we like cocky alphas, don’t we, Evangeline?”

“Sometimes, but there’s no reason for you to worry, Jagger. We definitely want you to remain on the show.”

Finally, a smile breaks out on my face as I nod. “I’m very happy to be staying.”

I head off the stage before I do anything else to embarrass myself. Once I find my spot, I barely manage to pay attention to the rest of the ceremony. Lillian, Natalie, and Ronan also all receive lavender roses. Then the last remaining suitor is Tessa, and she looks as nervous as I felt as she makes her way onto the stage.

Koda has already grabbed a rose, but both he and Evangeline are very careful to keep it hidden behind their backs, making me very curious about what color rose she’ll be getting tonight.

“Tessa, you were such a good sport after what happened on our date Monday. Over and over again, you’ve shown yourself to be a strong alpha that can be counted on, but you’ve also shown your vulnerable side by admitting what happened last season. The way you admitted to knowing you allowed your emotions to affect your decisions. That would never be easy for anyone to admit, let alone an alpha.”

“While I might not have been there for the original confession,” Koda says with a grin. “You still made sure that I knew what had happened. You didn’t have to do that. You could’ve expected Evangeline to tell me or any of the others. Or you could’ve thought that it wasn’t my concern. Instead, you wanted to make sure that I felt comfortable with you and knew what happened. I can’t tell you what that meant to me.”

Tessa ducks her head, and it’s hard to tell for sure from this distance, but I think she’s blushing. “I’m alpha enough to admit when I’m wrong, and I was very wrong last year. I did things I’m not proud of, but that doesn’t mean I get to bury them under the rug and forget about them. I always want to be the kind of alpha, the kind of woman, who admits to their faults and their mistakes—especially when it’s hard.”

“And that’s exactly why you’re the only one receiving this particular rose tonight,” Evangeline says as she pulls the rose from behind her back. A white rose.

Tessa is receiving a second invite into bed with the omegas before most of us have even gotten a first chance.

Lucky bitch. I grin even as envy runs through me. I can be envious and still happy for her. I know there’s not a damn one of us in this room tonight that doesn’t wish they were Tessa.

“Oh, I didn’t…” Tessa sighs, shaking her head. “Thank you.”

Koda reaches out, grabs the alpha’s hand, and pulls her to them. The three of them exchange kisses as Reginald steps forward once more.

“Evangeline sure did shake things up tonight, didn’t she? Now, she’s down to half as many suitors as she started the night with. There are just four weeks left before her heat for her to choose the rest of her pack. I don’t know about you, viewers, but I’m on the edge of my seat wondering who she’ll pick. Make sure to tune in next time so you don’t miss a thing.”

As the lights come back up, Tessa leads Koda and Evangeline from the room, and all I can do is watch.

“What I wouldn’t give to be her right now.” Alejandro sighs.

Turning to him with a grin, I slap a hand on his shoulder. “You and me both, brother. But since we’re not, why don’t those of us remaining go grab a drink and celebrate the fact that we’re still here?”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Natalie says as she and Ronan join us. “I was almost certain she was sending us home since she’s barely spoken to me since the whole Viktor debacle. I can definitely do with a drink to calm my nerves.”

“I think all of us can,” Gavin says with a chuckle.

Lillian laughs as she loops her arm in Natalie’s. “Should we be worried that she cut the suitors in half in one swoop?”

“I think we should always worry,” I say with a shake of my head. “Before tonight, I didn’t have a worry in the world, but when faced with the idea that I might be sent home? I almost lost it. I won’t let myself be that cocky again. None of us should.”

Evander shakes his head. “Definitely can’t let ourselves get complacent. That’s what I learned tonight.”

“I need a drink,” Conrad grunts as he knocks Ronan’s shoulder with his. “Why are we standing around talking where there’s no alcohol?”

He shakes his head, not bothering to wait for us to respond as he heads for the door. I grin and shrug at the others before following him. It seems we’re all a little bit on edge after tonight.

Drinks might help or they might hurt. Only time will tell.