Evangeline twists her hands behind her back as she looks between the members of Pack Reyes, clearly uncomfortable. “It’s been quite the week for dates with your pack, hasn’t it?”
Paisley snorts before lifting her hand to cover her mouth, looking slightly embarrassed by the sound. “Sorry. I just… that’s putting things lightly.”
“You’re not wrong.” Evangeline laughs as she glances at Koda. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, Paisley. At first, I thought I’d be sending you home at the first ceremony, but once you realized I wasn’t going to attempt to take your place, I think we’ve gotten along pretty damn well.”
“We have.” Paisley nods slowly. “But you’re sending us home, aren’t you?”
Evangeline nods. “I am. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you freaking out on our date, Ana—and not in a good way. I told you to talk to Finn because it’s clear there’s something going on that you haven’t dealt with. If you’d done that, we might be having a different conversation right now, but you didn’t, so we’re not. I hope you get some help with whatever you’re dealing with, though. I want nothing but the best for all of you—even if that’s not with me.
“Nash, you’re a reserved guy, and I wish I could’ve gotten to know you a little better, but it’s become clear that I’m not meant to be with your pack, so maybe it’s good that I didn’t get to know you better. Malachi, you’re trouble—there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I think you thrive on chaos—which isn’t a bad thing, per se, but it’s not what I’m looking for in my pack. I enjoyed spending time with the four of you, but this is the end of the road on Heated for you.”
She takes two of the black roses from Koda and offers one to Paisley and the other to Ana. Koda offers the two he still holds to Nash and Malachi. As soon as they each hold their goodbye rose, Paisley throws herself into Evangeline’s arms. “I’ve never had a real friend before you. You have to promise to stay in touch once you’re done with the show. I don’t want you to just disappear from my life because we’re not part of the same pack.”
The relief is clear on Evangeline’s face as she hugs Paisley with one arm and pulls Koda into the hug with the other. “I’m so glad you feel that way. The three of us are going to be the best of friends when the show is over. I want you in my life, too.”
I’m not going to lie, I tear up a bit as Koda holds the two crying omegas in his arms. At least, if nothing else, Evangeline was able to find a friendship with Paisley.
It takes a few minutes for the omegas to stop crying, and when they’re done, Ana pulls Paisley into her arms as she turns her attention to Evangeline. “You’re right to send us home. I thought this was something I’d dealt with already, but it’s very clear I haven’t. If I’d known what an issue it would become, I would never have signed us up. I’m sorry for wasting your time, and I hope you find the perfect pack among the suitors.”
“Thank you, Ana. I hope you get the help you need.” Evangeline sniffles, turning to lay her head on Koda’s chest as they watch Pack Reyes walk away.
The mood in the room is somber as Reginald calls up the next suitor. “Bradley, it’s your turn to join us on the stage, if you would?”
I’m more than a little surprised when Evangeline hands him a black rose as well. I know their date didn’t go great, or at least that’s what Koda told me, but I didn’t think it was bad enough to warrant sending him home.
I feel a little better when she gives Conrad a peach rose, but I find myself shocked again when she hands Cora and Skylar black roses.
“Cora, you’re a joy to be around,” Evangeline says, her smile falling away when she turns her attention to Skylar. “Our first date went really well, but then you started pulling away, and I don’t know why. Anytime I attempted to talk to you about it, you changed the subject. I don’t know what happened or why you decided that this was the way you wanted to act, but it’s clear that you’re not who I need for my pack.”
Skylar nods jerkily. “I don’t think I really understood what it would be like to be on the show, and I wasn’t prepared for it. For all of the people around all the time—for all the drama. It was overwhelming, and I’m sorry that I withdrew into myself. You have some amazing suitors here, and I know you’ll find what you’re looking for.” Without another word or waiting for Cora, she spins on her heel and heads off the stage.
“It was fun while it lasted,” Cora says with a laugh, opening her arms and offering Evangeline a hug.
“It was. Thank you for the effort you put in. I hope the two of you find the pack you deserve.” Evangeline kisses Cora’s cheek before releasing her. “We might not have been a good fit, but don’t give up. I know your pack is out there waiting for you.”
“Thank you,” Cora murmurs before hurrying off the stage. As she makes her way back to Skylar, I see the tears in her eyes. I hate to see her leaving. She really is an amazing woman, even if we would’ve never been anything more than friends.
When Dustin is called to the stage, I force my attention away from Cora. I’m not overly surprised when she hands him a black rose as well. But it does make me realize she’s cut the pool of suitors in half already. Will she be sending more of us home tonight or are we safe? For the first time, I’m beginning to worry about my status on the show. Did I show enough interest in Evangeline for her to keep me on the show?
It’s not like I’ve been throwing myself at her or anything—I haven’t wanted to overwhelm her. Having twenty suitors wanting a piece of you can’t be easy, so after our date, I didn’t push too hard to get her on her own. I figured we had plenty of time, but now I worry that I’ve fucked up. I’m not ready to go home. I’m not ready to say goodbye to her or the other suitors I’ve grown close to.
Evander is the next suitor called, and he receives a peach rose. Gavin follows him, receiving a lavender rose.
Then it’s my turn to face the music.
“Jagger, if you’ll join us on the stage.”
I swallow, my heart beating a mile a minute as I make my way onto the stage. I want to smile at Evangeline and Koda, but I can’t seem to. I feel sick to my stomach, so afraid that I’ll be sent home tonight.
“Take a deep breath, Jagger,” Evangeline says with a laugh. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
Koda snickers. “As hilarious as it would be to see a big, bad alpha pass out, I think there’s been enough drama the last few days, don’t you?”
I nod, forcing myself to breathe in and out. I’d been holding my breath without realizing it. My bad.
“I’m sorry. I guess you’ve scared the shit out of me with the amount of people you’ve sent home today.” I make a face, realizing that instead of coming out as the joke I meant it to, my voice shakes over the words.
Evangeline’s face softens. “Then, let’s not draw this out. Koda?”