“We would never,” Ronan assures me with a wink from where he stands behind my chair.
I hum as I sit, laughing when Jagger holds Koda’s chair out for him—the seat next to mine, so he can’t complain about it—before both alphas return to their seats.
“I’ll make your plate for you, Evangeline. Just tell me what you’d like,” Tessa offers with a smile, and I nod, allowing Koda to grab my plate and pass it down to her.
“I’ll take a little bit of everything. I’m hungry this morning.”
Ronan snickers. “Did you and Koda build up an appetite between last night and this morning?”
Glaring at him, I shake my head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes.”
That pulls laughter from those seated closest to us, and I take a moment to really look at all the suitors. Pack Reyes is once again at the far end of the table, all quietly eating. Usually, Malachi and Paisley would be trying to talk to whoever is sitting closest to them, but they’re not today. Ana and Nash haven’t really gotten to know me or any of the other suitors overly well, so they usually eat silently, but it’s weird to see the entire pack silent like this.
Though there are a few seats between them, Cora and Skylar are the next two sitting closest to them, and they’re also quiet. Across from them, Bradley and Dustin are chatting, but mostly seem focused on their food.
Meanwhile, at our end of the table, everyone is joking and chatting with one another. Koda sits on my right next to Jagger. Tessa is on his other side with Gavin between her and Evander. On the opposite side, Ronan sits on my left with Natalie on his other side. Conrad, Lillian, and Alejandro finishing out that side. Conrad might not talk much, but he’s grinning at whatever Lillian and Natalie are saying to him.
I watch as Gavin and Evander attempt to pull the two beta men into conversation, but they both just look uncomfortable. The same seems to be happening with Alejandro as he tries to talk to Cora and Skylar. He’s able to engage Cora for a moment until she glances at her silent lover, and she falls silent once more.
Why is it that half the suitors seem to get along great, while the others don’t? Are they not putting in the effort? Are they uncomfortable?
“Here you go, babe.” Koda’s voice has me focusing on him and the plate he places in front of me.
“Thank you for making my plate, Tessa. This looks amazing.” Keeping my head down, I practically inhale my food. As much as I’d love to join the conversations around me, I really am starving.
It’s more than that, though. I don’t feel like I should be allowed to be a part of the easy comradery at this end of the table when the other eight suitors seem miserable. Did I do something? Should I have done something I didn’t? Is it my fault they don’t want to interact with anyone? What can I do to fix it?
“Are you okay, Evangeline?”
I glance up, meeting Jagger’s eyes, and it takes me a moment to realize what he asked me. “Oh, uh… Yes?”
He chuckles. “You don’t sound so sure. What’s wrong?”
My eyes dart to the other end of the table without meaning for them to, before focusing on him once more. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“Yeah, I don’t buy that for a second. Is there anything I can do to help?” He glances at the other end of the table, shaking his head. “Maybe even just listen to you if you need someone to talk to?”
I clear my throat. “Koda and I have a meeting with Finn once we’re done with breakfast, but thank you.”
“The offer is always there. I can only imagine how much pressure you’re feeling. I might not understand since I’m not going through it, but I’m always willing to listen.” He pauses, glancing across the table. “If you want someone to just talk at, though, you might want to choose Conrad since he never talks.”
Conrad’s head snaps to us at hearing his name. “What am I being volunteered for?”
“To listen to Evangeline if she ever wants to talk and not have someone talk back,” Koda says with a laugh. “Jagger seems to think that’s right up your alley.”
Conrad shrugs as he smiles. “He’s not wrong.”
“Yeah, I think I’m alright. I have Finn and Koda to talk to, but I appreciate the offer—of yourself and Conrad.” I roll my eyes at Jagger. “Maybe don’t offer up others for jobs they might not want.”
He huffs. “Conrad doesn’t care, do you?” At the other man’s shake of his head, he smirks. “See? Any of us would kill to spend more time with you. You’re probably the only one who doesn’t realize that.”
Glancing around the table, I see heads nodding—even some from the quiet end of the table.
I mean, obviously, they want to spend time with me. They’re all here to see if they can be part of my pack, but I guess I never really thought about it like that. But it’s also clear to me who’s really trying for this and who isn’t. We’re at the end of the fourth week and it’s time for me to start making hard decisions. There’s no way I can choose all eighteen of these suitors to be part of my pack, and I don’t want to.
That means I’m going to have to start letting some of them go. Let’s just hope I don’t make a mistake by letting any of them go too soon.
And with that thought, my stomach turns, and I’m no longer hungry. I push away my plate and turn to Koda. “Are you done?”