“Of course, there wasn’t any drama because we were all bored out of our minds. I have nothing in common with either of them. Hell, Tessa and Ana have more in common with each other than I have with either of those betas.” I sit up, scooting down to the end of the bed. I don’t know that talking about the disastrous week I’ve had will help at all. Right now, all I can think about is how I seem to be screwing everything up.
After all, I’m the common denominator being the only person on all the dates that have fallen apart. Not that Monday’s date with Ana, Paisley, and Tessa is my fault. That honor goes completely to Ana. She’s so good at wearing her mask that I have no idea what’s going on inside her head, but it’s clear that she has some issues that she needs to deal with. If only she’d chosen to speak with Finn after I mentioned it, I think I could deal with that disaster, but she hasn’t.
In fact, she hasn’t spoken to anyone that isn’t part of her pack since that night. She’s made sure to join us when we all get together as a group for meals and things, but she sits there quietly, never saying a word. I don’t know what the hell to do with that or her. Or her pack.
Paisley and I have grown closer and before our date, I talked to Koda about what it might look like to have a pack with three omegas. I would never choose them all just for Paisley, but at this point, I don’t know that I want any of them. I think Paisley and I will be better off as friends. Nash is so quiet that I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to get to know him. Malachi is infuriating with the way he seems to want to cause trouble wherever he goes—not that I think it’s done with malice, but damn.
“What are you thinking about?”
Glancing up at Koda, I sigh. “Pack Reyes.”
He hums. “Anything I can help with?”
“More than the conversation we had last night?” I shake my head. “No. I wish you could, but at this point, it’s on me.”
“I think it’s the right decision, if that makes you feel better. Not that I wouldn’t support you regardless, but I think this is how it needs to go.”
Shooting him a soft smile, I start toward the closet. I promised the suitors we would have breakfast this morning before Koda and I head for a session with Finn. I’ve pretty much decided how tonight is going to go and Koda agrees, but I feel like talking it out with Finn will help settle the nerves I can’t seem to shake. Plus, he’s been bothering me about not coming to see him often enough. This seems like as good of a time as any.
“Thanks, Koda. Having you here with me does make all of this easier.”
I don’t bother showering as I know I’ll want to do that before getting ready tonight. I don’t even feel like getting done up or care what I’m wearing, which is worrisome. I always care about what I wear and how I look. I have a brand to protect, after all. But today, I just want to pull on my softest clothes and drag Koda into our nest. Since that isn’t really an option, I still reach for my softest clothes—a pair of black lounge pants and a baby blue hoodie that’s too big to be mine. I giggle as I pull it on, realizing it’s Koda’s.
I hope he doesn’t mind me stealing some of his clothes from time to time—though, technically, all the clothes he has now are mine since I designed them and provided them to Bree, but that’s neither here nor there.
“I like you in my clothes, babe,” Koda practically purrs as he stalks over to me. “But it does make me want to take them off of you and fuck you into a coma.”
I flutter my eyelashes at him as I grin. “You say the sweetest things, Koda.”
We’re both laughing when our lips meet. Before he can deepen the kiss, I pull away and swat at him. “Get dressed. I promised the suitors we’d join them for breakfast this morning.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He shoots me a mock salute before rummaging around and pulling out a pair of distressed jeans and a graphic tee.
I can’t help watching as he dresses, loving it almost as much as watching him undress. Who am I kidding? There’s no way I love it nearly as much as watching him undress, but he’s sexy as hell clothed or unclothed.
“You better stop looking at me like you want to eat me if you want to make it to breakfast on time,” he warns, hunger in his eyes as he spins toward me.
I squeal as he moves toward me, racing over to the bedroom door and throwing it open. He catches up just as I turn the knob for the door leading out of the suite. His hand closes over mine as he presses against my back, his cock hard and ready as always. He runs his nose along my neck before letting out a happy sigh.
“They better have left a chair next to you empty or I’m going to throw hands,” he says as he releases me. “I’m tired of not getting to sit next to you.”
“You act like you don’t spend all of your time with me.” I shake my head, leading us into the hallway and toward the dining room. “Of everyone here, you get the most time with me. Of course, they want to sit beside me at meals.”
He rolls his eyes. “But you’re mine, and I want to sit next to you.”
“Then I guess you better throw some hands and show them just how dominant you are.”
He snickers. “Why do I imagine that turning into an orgy really quickly?”
I snort, but he’s not wrong. It probably would. I don’t know if any of the others are having sex outside of the packs, but it seems unlikely, so they’re most likely all very horny. Especially since neither Koda nor I wear scent cancelers while we’re at the compound. It’s not really safe to leave without using them, but I want to get used to everyone’s scents. While their scents aren’t going to be a deciding factor in who I choose for my pack, they definitely play a role.
“There they are,” Jagger hollers as soon as the two of us step into the dining room. “We thought the two of you forgot about us again.”
“We could never forget about you,” Koda fires back with a wink. “We just get easily distracted.”
I slap his stomach, shaking my head. As if they don’t all know exactly what he’s implying. We are easily distracted when we’re in one another’s company, though.
“I promised you I’d be here for breakfast, and here I am. I’m just a little slow moving in the morning. Sue me.”