Page 88 of Knot Her Reality

I pout once he’s covered up and climbing onto the bed. I clamber up after him, scurrying across the space between us to burrow into his side. “Probably not, but I think I need to push Ana to see if she’s just holding onto some prejudices or if she really can’t get along with Tessa. If she can’t, I’m not sure that Pack Reyes will have a place in my pack.”

“Because you’re going to choose Tessa as part of your pack?” he asks hesitantly, and I shake my head.

“I don’t know. We’re not there yet. But it’s not the only time she’ll have to deal with other female alphas. They might be rare, but in my line of work, I meet a lot of people. Unless she’s planning to never go to an event with me, then she’ll likely encounter a female alpha. With my reputation on the line, I don’t think I can chance having someone like that in my pack.” I sigh, lifting my head so I can meet his gaze. “Is that stupid?”

“No, it’s not stupid. Nothing about how you choose your pack is stupid. Even if you do it completely differently than someone else would, it’ll never be stupid. You have to choose your pack in a way you’re comfortable with. If you don’t want someone like Ana in your pack, then Pack Reyes doesn’t belong in your pack.”

“Our pack,” I correct him. “It’s not just me anymore. It’s about what we want, and something tells me you’d like a female alpha.”

He chuckles. “I don’t not want a female alpha. I’m not going to lie, having Tessa’s pussy lock around my cock was fucking amazing. But even with that, it’s not something I have to have. Knots work just as well for me as they do for you. And this is why being bisexual is the way to go.”

I shake my head as I roll onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. He pulls me closer to him and kisses the top of my head. My eyes fall shut as his scent surrounds me, instantly calming me. I remember the look on his face when Tessa locked down on him. He’d been in heaven. He might say he doesn’t need it, but I know he wants to feel it again.

“Just because you don’t need one doesn’t mean you don’t want one.” I glance over at him, my lips turning up at the corner. “At the very least, we can always invite Tessa to bed with us again if you want to feel her lock on your dick I just don’t want to get her hopes up if we don’t choose her, but we keep bringing her to bed..”

“I know you’re right. but I can get behind bringing her to our bed again.“ He laughs. “But only if it feels right. I don’t want to force anything just so I can feel a lock around my dick on the regular.”

Patting his hand, I nod. “We’ll see.”

We lie there in silence for a few moments before he nuzzles my cheek. “What about the others for the group dates? Besides Tessa, you chose packs. Are you breaking up the guys of Pack Reyes too?”

“Yeah. I think I’ll have one date be Malachi and Cora, and the other be Nash and Skylar. I think Skylar would kill Malachi if they were the only two on the date, but I think he and Cora will get along well—even if she’s not interested in him. Skylar has been dragging her feet in getting to know us. At first, she seemed really excited about it, but she hasn’t been putting in an effort, and I don’t know what to do with that.”

Koda hums. “She’s mentioned on more than one occasion that she doesn’t care for the drama and confrontation. I wonder if that’s why she’s pulling back. Maybe being on a reality dating show isn’t for her. Maybe you can talk to her about it on your date this week.”

Now it’s my turn to hum. There are more suitors to think about than I have time for. There are times I feel overwhelmed with it all. I try my best to hang out with the suitors who don’t get a date during that week, but it’s not always easy. As more and more people get sent home, I know it’ll be easier, but it’s the getting there that I’m struggling with. I’m afraid to send people home because what if I was wrong and they belong in my pack?

Obviously, with people like Sterling and Viktor, the decision was easy, but with the others? I don’t feel like I know them well enough to say yes or no if they’d be a good match for the pack I’m trying to build. It makes my head hurt when I think about it too much. I’m used to making hard decisions, but they don’t usually affect others as much as these decisions do.

“Hey, hey. I don’t know where your head just went, but let’s not think about it.” Koda’s lips brush against mine. “I didn’t bring this up to stress you out, but since it obviously did, why don’t I make it better?”

“And how do you—“ I cut off as Koda ducks between my legs with a smirk, my back arching off the bed as his tongue runs along my slick center.

“Oh, yes. I think that’s a brilliant idea.” My fingers go to his head, threading through his hair as I pull him closer to where I need him. His mouth is just the distraction I need.

Chapter Twenty-seven


Running my hands down my dress, I attempt to calm myself down. It’s really not a big deal that I’m going on a date with my omega, Evangeline, and another female alpha. It’ll all be fine. There’s nothing I can’t do if I put my mind to it.

The words fall flat, just as they have all day while I’ve been trying to psych myself up for this date. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Paisley and I are going on a date with Evangeline, but with Tessa too? Every time I’m around her, my back goes up and I feel the need to prove that I’m better than her. I even know why I’m like this. I just don’t know how to make it stop.

“Ana, we can always cancel.” Paisley wraps her arms around my waist as she lays her head against my back. “I’m sure Evangeline will understand.”

“Sure, she will,” Malachi offers, his tone coarse. “She’ll understand that Ana can’t be around female alphas, and she’ll send us home.”

Baring my teeth to him, I have to bite back the hiss that wants to spill from my lips. “It’s your fault this is happening in the first place.”

“Yes, it is. She needed to know, Ana. I like Evageline and I think she would make a good addition to our pack. Koda, too,” he adds as an afterthought. “But she can’t choose us without all the facts.”

I lift a perfectly manicured eyebrow, tapping my fingernails against my arm. “Does that mean you’re ready to tell her about your family?”

He makes a face. “That’s not really something we can talk about on national television, is it?”

“But you’re okay with keeping that from her. If she chooses us and we bond, only for her to find out about your family and want nothing to do with us? What then, Mal? How is this any different?”

He looks like he wants to argue, but he knows I’m right. Maybe coming on Heated was a mistake. We should’ve known better. There’s no way we can let her choose us without her having all the information. I should just cancel the date and let her send us home. It’s what’s best for all of us—especially Evangeline.