Page 86 of Knot Her Reality

“Today, can you forget about your doubts, and let’s enjoy today like we should? Then, when the day is over, will you watch the video? After watching it, if you still feel the same, then I’ll try to figure something out to prove myself to you.” She looks so earnest in her words that I don’t want to deny her. She’s not even asking for that much, and I really want to believe her.

“Why the hell not?” I laugh. “I’d prefer to enjoy the day myself, but I only accept it on one condition.”

She looks uncertain but nods. “Anything.”

“Will you please get me another cup of coffee? I feel like I’m dying.”

That makes her laugh as she jumps to her feet. “I’m on it.”

As soon as she leaves the table, Koda ventures over and drops into the seat beside me. “What was that all about?”

“That was Natalie trying to convince me that the only lies she’s told thus far have been to Viktor.” I laugh at the confusion on his face. “She’s the reason we were able to find out what Viktor was up to. She pretended to be of the same mind as him so he’d spill his secrets. As much as I want to believe her, how do I know she isn’t lying to me?”

Koda considers me for a moment before his eyes trail over to where Natalie is doctoring my coffee. “Has she ever given you a reason to doubt her before that?”

“No.” Shaking my head, I understand what he’s getting at, but I don’t want to deal with it right now. I want to get to know the suitors and enjoy this beautiful Sunday. “I made a deal with her and for today, we’re going to pretend like it didn’t happen. Then I’m going to watch the video. She seems to think I’ll be able to tell she was lying to him from that. I guess we’ll see what I think after I’ve watched it. Until then, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“Okay, babe.” He leans over and kisses me. “At least some of what Ronan and the others were talking about makes more sense now.”

Natalie chooses that moment to pop up, juggling three cups of coffee. “Here you go, Evangeline. Koda, I made you some too. You and Evangeline take it the same, so if you don’t want it, I’m sure she’ll take it.”

“Thanks, Nat.” Koda grins at her as he grabs two cups from her and hands me one. “I can definitely go for some coffee right now. Why don’t you sit down and join us while we drink ours. I was just about to ask Evangeline what she wants to do today.”

Which is how I find myself drinking my second cup of coffee with the two of them. I’m surprised that no one else ventures over, especially with the amount of eyes on us. All I can figure is that they’re trying to give Natalie some time with me. Koda does try to ask me what I want to do with the day, but I ignore him. Not to be mean but because I don’t know yet. My brain is still kicking online—that’s what the coffee is for.

Once I’ve finished my second cup, I’m feeling much more myself as I push out of my seat. “Come on. I want to get everyone together.”

I call everyone over, and we push tables together so everyone can sit together. Once everyone has found a seat, they all turn their attention to me.

“What’s going on, Evangeline?” Ronan’s the first one to speak up.

“Last week, we spent most of the day broken off into smaller groups. Today, I want all of us to hang out together. I’m sure you haven’t all gotten to know one another as well as you could have. I know I haven’t gotten to know everyone as well as I’d like. We’re going to change that today.”

Cora leans forward, a smile on her face. “And how are you going to make sure that happens?”

“By playing games,” I tell her, smiling when she sits back and claps her hands. At least someone looks excited because as my eyes go around the table, I don’t see very much enthusiasm. “Don’t be like that. I thought a game of twenty questions—or nineteen questions since that’s how many of us there are—would work out well. We’ll each ask one question that everyone will answer. “

Koda leans over and takes my hand. “Sounds like fun to me.”

“Says the bonded one,” Natalie says with a grin but nods her head. “I’m in.”

Pack Reyes seem the most reluctant, but everyone eventually agrees. I lean back in my seat, letting my eyes rove over the others. “I’ll go first.”

“Of course you will.” A smirk sits on Jagger’s face as he shakes his head. “What’s your question then, omega?”

I tap my finger against my lips as I try to decide what to ask. There are so many questions I have, so much I want to learn about each of the suitors. I grin when I realize what I really want to know. “I’ve spoken to a handful of you about your sexual identity and preferences, but not all of you. I know this can be a personal question, so if you don’t feel comfortable, I’ll understand.”

Dustin frowns. “Sexual preferences as in…”

“As in, do you like men? Women? Both? Something else?” Tessa pats the beta’s shoulder as she tries to hide her laughter.

“Well, you already know my answer,” Cora calls out, “but the others might not. I’m only into women. I’m a no cock zone.”

I snicker at her word choice, but that’s Cora for you. She likes to tell it like it is but in such a cheerful manner. Turning my attention to Skylar, it takes her a moment to realize we’re waiting on her response.

“Oh, me? That makes sense.” She chuckles as she shakes her head. “I’m bisexual.”

We go around the circle with each person giving their response. There are a few who identify as pansexual—Jagger and Gavin—and a whole lot of bisexuals. The only two who are only into women are Dustin and Bradley. Ana states that while she’s bisexual, she prefers women—to which Malachi and Nash roll their eyes.