Instead, we’re being congratulated by the other suitors, and I don’t want to be rude. So we’re standing here accepting hugs and talking to everyone when all I want to do is rip Evangeline’s dress off of her.
“Why are the two of you still here?” Natalie asks, hands on her hips as she comes to stand in front of me and Evangeline.
Evangeline frowns as she turns her attention to the pretty beta, who I can’t seem to stop imagining naked. It’s hard to forget how amazing she looked the night Evangeline invited us back to her room. Hell, it’s hard to forget what they all looked like. We won’t talk about the number of times I’ve jacked off to memories of that night. It was fucking hot all around. Plus, I pretty much always have sex on my mind.
“What?” Evangeline finally asks.
Natalie laughs. “The two of you should be locked in your nest, boinking and bonding. Stop letting everyone else slow you down and get the fuck out of here.”
See, and this is why I love this girl. She’s a spitfire and a half.
“That’s a great idea.” Reaching down, I scoop Evangeline into my arms and start for the door. “Later, losers!”
I hear catcalling behind us but I ignore them, my attention focused solely on the omega in my arms. The omega who will soon be mine.
“Was that rude?” she asks, still frowning.
I shrug. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. Natalie just said what I was thinking so I decided we’d spent enough time talking to the others. I’ve been thinking about getting you naked again since you kicked us out of your suite.”
“I did not kick you out!” she gasps, starting to struggle in my arms, but I just tighten my hold.
“You told us you had to get ready and didn’t invite us to join you, therefore, you kicked us out.” I lean forward to nuzzle my nose against hers. “It’s okay, though, babe. None of us held it against you. We were just happy to be the first ones invited to your suite. Though, I’m much happier about being the first one to get to bond with you.”
“You better be.” She tries to keep her face serious but fails miserably as a smile breaks out across her lips. “I’m really happy we’re doing this.”
“Me, too. Now, get this door open.”
She frowns. “Are you going to put me down?”
Shaking my head, I just grin at her. “Absolutely not. I’m not putting you down until we get to your nest.”
“Because I like holding you. Now, get the door open.” I shift her so she can easily reach the door and within seconds, we’re walking inside her suite.
Luckily, I already know where her nest is, so I hurry to her closet and finally set her down. “Too bad I don’t have access, then I would have carried you inside.”
“We’ll get you access tomorrow,” she says, glancing at me over her shoulder. “But if you really want to carry me inside, you can.”
I shake my head. “Nope, it’s too late now.”
But I’m already moving and swooping her into my arms as the door swings open. Since I was just here the other day, I’m not distracted by my surroundings as I kick the door shut and lower her to the floor of the nest. I spin her around and quickly help her out of the dress before she turns back to me in nothing but her panties and her high heels.
“Hot damn. That’s a sexy look.” I lick my lips, eyes wandering over her body. “You’re so fucking beautiful, and you’re so fucking mine.”
She smirks. “Not yet, but I will be soon. If you ever get over here so I can get you naked.”
I’m moving before she even finishes speaking, unbuttoning my tux jacket and throwing it to the side. “I’m sorry your naked body distracted me.”
“No, you’re not, but that’s okay.” Evangeline runs her hands up my chest before diving into my hair and yanking my head to hers, our lips meeting in a dirty, sloppy kiss. “Mmm…still too many clothes on.”
Her lips are back on mine in an instant as her fingers pluck at my bowtie, getting it undone before dropping it to the floor at our feet. Her fingers are nimble as she unbuttons the stifling white shirt I wore beneath my tux. As much as I want to drag my hands through her hair or drop between her legs, I need to be naked like five minutes ago.
I grip my aching cock over my pants before moving to the button and making quick work of it and the zipper. Evangeline is just pushing the shirt off my shoulders as I kick my shoes off. I shrug off the shirt as my pants slide down my legs, helped along by her hands. I grab the back of the tank I’m still wearing and rip it over my head, ending our kiss for a moment before our lips meet once more.
Evangeline’s hand dips under my boxer briefs, grasping my dripping cock and pulling it free. I shove them down, kicking them off along with my pants until I’m naked before her.
“Now, who’s wearing too many clothes?” I murmur against her lips, my hands sliding into the sides of the thong she’s wearing. Instead of pushing them down her legs, I yank on the sides until they rip apart. A gasp, followed by a moan, slips from Evangeline’s lips, and I can’t help smiling. She’s enjoying the rough treatment.