I shrug, smirking. “Not so much.”
“Wow. What else do you have planned? Maybe I can help?” She leans into my touch, so eager.
And now that I know she’s not a deviant, there’s nothing keeping me from sleeping with her. Sure, she already has an alpha, but I don’t give a shit. After all, she’s the one panting after me.
“I’m sure we can work something out.” Leaning forward, I kiss her as my hand slips to her inner thigh. My fingers brush against her covered center, and she freezes. Breaking away, I chuckle. “Don’t try and play hard to get now, beta. You’ve practically been throwing yourself at me since we met. I know you want my dick.”
Her jaw drops open as I slap her pussy through her pants. Yeah, that’s right, baby. I know exactly what you want and what you need.
“Nat? Where are you?”
Natalie jumps off the swing with a squeak, her head jerking toward the house where Alejandro is standing and yelling for her. “Fuck. I thought I had more time. I’m sorry, Viktor. We’ll have to continue this later. Ronan likely sent Alejandro to look for me, and I can’t keep my alpha waiting.”
“Of course not,” I growl, annoyance clear in my tone. She shoots me an apologetic look before taking off toward the house. I glare at Alejandro, pissed that he interrupted. That’s fine, I’ll just seek her out later now that I know where she stands. Her having an alpha isn’t going to stop me—not even her having other alphas calling for her. I’m just glad I now have a way to pass the time while dealing with Evangeline and the other deviants. It’s about fucking time.
Chapter Twenty-four
Glancing at the time, I realize it’s almost time for hair and makeup to join me. I better figure out which dress I’m wearing tonight so I’m ready.
Climbing off my bed, I head for the closet. I have entirely too many formal gowns with me, taking up one full side of the walk-in closet. What can I say? I like options. I never know what kind of mood I’m going to be in when it comes to my clothing. I’m absolutely one of those women who pack twice as many clothes as I’ll ever need. Fashion is my life, though. I don’t know why anyone would expect anything less from me.
Eyeing the bags, I recall the rest of the dates from the week. After the amazing night I’d spent with Koda, Tessa, Natalie, and Ronan, I’d been afraid I wouldn’t enjoy my remaining two dates of the week. But they’d gone off without a hitch. Jagger and I had a great time on our solo date. We went and did paintball most of the day before he took me for a motorcycle ride through the desert. His face when I revealed what we were going to be doing was worth how long it took me to convince Bree that riding on a motorcycle wouldn’t be too dangerous. Though, I think she only gave up because I wouldn’t let it go. We’d also shared a scorching kiss, and there might have been some over-the-clothes action.
Then on Friday, I went out with Conrad and Alejandro. Conrad came out of his shell a bit, but Alejandro and I carried most of the conversation that night. Which was fine by me. I just hadn’t wanted Conrad to feel left out, but he assured us both he didn’t. He said he preferred to observe and just enjoy himself. Who am I to deny the man what he wants? The three of us took a cooking class, which was super fun. I definitely want to do more of that. We’d followed that up with a stroll around town before stumbling on a really cool jazz club where we’d spent a few hours. That night had also ended with scorching kisses.
I still have no idea what I’m going to do for tonight’s ceremony. I don’t know what roses I intend to hand out or to whom. I’ve been thinking about it all day, but I just don’t know. Shaking my head, I force myself to choose a dress. I think I want to go bright for tonight’s rose ceremony. A deep pink dress catches my attention, and I pull it down to examine it. It has a V-neck that will cut to my navel, held up by two thin straps that will criss cross along my back and leave it mostly bare. The dress has a floaty, floral overlay of the same deep pink and a split on the left to mid-thigh.
Nodding, I decide this is the dress for the night. It’s sexy but elegant—my whole fashion goal while I’m here. I’m hanging the dress on the rack beside my closet when there’s a knock on my suite door. A glance at the clock shows they’re a few minutes early, but I’m alright with that. Never hurts to be ready a little early.
When I open the door, I don’t see Allison and Vivian. Instead, Bree and Natalie are standing there. “Ummm… hey?”
“Sorry, Evangeline. I know it’s almost time for hair and makeup, but Natalie came to me with an issue that I think we need to address before the ceremony.” Bree doesn’t look happy, and when I glance at Natalie, she looks worried. “Can we come in?”
I step back, waving them in. “Of course. Come on in, but I really don’t have a lot of time before they arrive.”
Bree waves off my concern. “That’s fine. They can wait if we need them to. This is much more important.”
“Okay.” I let the door fall shut behind them and sit on one of the nest chairs, waiting for them to speak.
“Natalie?” Bree raises her eyebrows at the beta, who sighs.
“You have to stop being so pissed at me.” Natalie shakes her head before turning her attention to me. “Obviously, there’s been some issues between Viktor and the other suitors—we’ve all seen it. He kind of gave me the creeps, but I decided we needed to know what was actually going on with him. So I befriended him? Until today, he hasn’t really given me very much information.”
I tilt my head. “Until today?”
She nods. “Today, he let a lot slip after I made him believe I was on his side. He told me he’s a part of CFA, who is behind the protests. He told me that the kayak incident wasn’t an accident and that he wants nothing to do with you. He’s only here to ruin the show. He thinks bisexual women are deviants.”
I frown, barely believing what I’m hearing. How is this even possible? How didn’t Bree know? Which is exactly what I ask her as I turn my attention to her.
“We don’t know how he slipped by. There was nothing in his background to make me think he was anything but what he said he was. I checked the cameras after Natalie came to me. She’s telling the truth—though she’s leaving out part of it.” Bree narrows her eyes on the beta. “Viktor was on his way to assaulting her before Alejandro came looking for her.”
“I could’ve handled him!” Natalie at least looks guilty as she faces me. “But Alejandro was my backup. When he found out that I was speaking to Viktor, he pulled me and Ronan aside, letting us know why that wasn’t a good idea. I told Alejandro my plan, and he was all for it, even if my alpha was more reluctant. I made sure I was as safe as I could be.”
I shake my head, trying to take it all in. “I still don’t understand why he would tell you all of this.”
“I may have convinced him that I agreed with the protestors—that I wasn’t bisexual.”