Page 78 of Knot Her Reality


Sitting in the game room with Dustin talking my ear off, my eyes roam across the other suitors. We’re mere hours away from the second rose ceremony, and I feel like I’m about to lose my gods damned mind. I hate being here. I hate what I have to pretend to be to play my part.

What I really hate, though, is that some of the suitors are onto me. I’ve tried my hardest to play the part I’m meant to, but it’s hard sometimes to hide behind the mask it requires. And then the omega has barely spent any time with me this week. How the hell am I supposed to get her to choose me for her pack if she doesn’t even fucking talk to me?

Not that I want to be a part of her pack. Fuck that noise. She disgusts me—her and every other female on this season. But I need her to choose me, to want me to be a part of her pack. Only so I can reject her and announce how deviant she and the others are. How no one will want to be a part of a pack that is filled with others like them. The point is to be able to embarrass her—and anyone else who is already a part of her pack at the time—on a national stage. Sure, Bree could choose to cut it from the show, but that would just give us more ammunition.

After all, rejecting her is just step one of a well laid out plan. After that, I’ll have a platform from which to spread CFA’s agenda. I absolutely cannot wait. Then, we’ll be able to convert more people to our way of thinking. I just need to have that voice.

As soon as they announced that there would be a bisexual female omega, the CFA—also known as the Cis Femme Alliance—decided that they needed to get someone in as a suitor. When they asked for volunteers, I signed up along with a few of my buddies. Somehow, it was me who was picked. I never thought I’d be chosen, so it was a bit of a shock. I wasn’t prepared for what it would actually mean to be a suitor.

CFA wasn’t widely known until they announced this season of Heated. Before that, we’d been working mostly behind the scenes, but we’ve been making it known that we’re the ones behind the protests. It’s time for the rest of the world to wake up. We’ve allowed this shit to go on for too long.

Population is down, and it’s because of women like Evangeline and Cora, and all the other women on this season. It’s because they think it’s acceptable to be with other women, when it’s their responsibility to bear the next generation. How the hell is a lesbian like Cora ever going to be pregnant if she’s so fucking scared of dick? Two women can’t create a baby. It’s because of women like them and women who refuse to have children that our population continues to dwindle.

The government is doing nothing to help us either—refusing to force women to have children. Hell, Evangeline is thirty-four years old. She should’ve already popped out at least a couple of kids before now. I don’t even think there’s anything medically wrong with these women who claim to be unable to have children. I think they’re just selfish and don’t want to do their part. They don’t want to do what they were put on this earth for.

How can people be so selfish as to not want to have children? Do they want us to die off?

Our goal at CFA is to force these women to bear our children by any means necessary. They have a uterus for a reason, and they’re damn well going to do it. Unfortunately, the people at the top of CFA want to try doing things legally and refuse to allow us to force ourselves on these women, but with the way things are going, I know it won’t be much longer until we’ll be able to do just that.

It won’t matter if they’re interested in men or their dicks because we’ll force them to take our seed over and over again until they’re pregnant. I’m a fan of the idea of breeding farms myself. Collect all the women in one location and allow alphas to rut them until they’re pregnant. Then they can have six months to raise the child before another one is put inside of them. Then, once our numbers are up again, we can look at allowing people to marry again. But none of this pack bullshit.

I don’t care if men far outweigh women in numbers, there’s nothing natural about a man being with another man. That’s an opinion I have to be careful about voicing, though, as most CFA members believe that it’s the only way for men to survive the lower number of women. After all, if they’re not fucking someone, then there’s no way for us to keep control of ourselves, right? Well, I’m not fucking anyone, and I’m able to control myself just fine. It all sounds like an excuse to me.

Shaking my head, I bite back my annoyance as I glance at the time. Shit. I need to get to my room.

Sighing, I cut Dustin off from whatever he was rambling on about. “Sorry, I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

I don’t bother waiting for him to respond, heading for our room. I appreciate that Dustin hasn’t fallen to peer pressure to stop talking to me, but the guy is annoying as hell at times. He just never shuts up. There’s only so much I can take. I was not built to be stuck inside with a houseful of strangers with no real escape. I know that most of the suitors can’t stand me and talk shit half the time.

Do you know how hard it is to not punch the shit out of these assholes when they talk shit?

As soon as I make it into my room, I head for the bathroom. I managed to sneak in a phone that I’ve been keeping in the tank of the toilet. It’s the only place I can keep it since it’s the only room that doesn’t have a camera. Since they decided to make Dustin and I share a room, I’ve had to be careful. Any time I’ve used it, I’ve made sure to run the water to cover up my voice.

Pulling it out, I power it up to find that I missed my contact’s call. Fuck. He’s going to be pissed. I flip on the shower as I return the call.

“Russo?” His tone is curt, voice sharp as he answers.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t get away until now.” I bite back my annoyance, not wanting to let him know how much I dislike him. Bastard shouldn’t be in charge with his deviant behavior.

He clears his throat. “Fine. I’m sure things are insane there. Are you close to being chosen for her pack?”

I don’t want to lie to him, but I also don’t want him to know how bad things are. I know the show will start airing soon, but for now, they have no way of knowing just how precarious my position here is.

“Well, as I told you with my last update, she didn’t choose me for a date this week. I’ve been able to spend some time with her around the others, but she’s been on dates most of the week. After tonight, I believe she’ll choose me for a date, and I can really work on getting her to fall for me. I do have an in with one of the female beta suitors. She seems sympathetic to me and the fact that some of the others still blame me for the kayak incident.”

He chuckles. “Which really was a stroke of genius on your part. Women are always in need of a white knight to come to their rescue. It’s just too bad you weren’t the one who came to her rescue.”

I ignore the reproach in his voice. “I’ve overheard the beta speaking with some of the other suitors, telling them that they should lay off and give me another chance. Between her and Dustin, I think some of them are starting to come around. The omega has already told me she doesn’t blame me, but I know she’s concerned about my ability to get along with others. I’m planning to remedy that this week as well.”

“You better, or there’s no reason for you to remain there.” I know he thinks that’s a threat, but I’d jump with joy if he told me they were pulling me. I want to do what I can for our cause, but being here, surrounded by these deviants and deviant supporters, isn’t overly comfortable for me. I’d much rather go home and be around people who share the same beliefs as me. I never realized how much work it would be to hide my thoughts and feelings from others—not to mention the damn cameras.

I tilt my head, just barely hearing a knock over the sound of the running water. “I understand. I need to go. If I’m gone for too long, then they notice.”

“Fine. Just play your part and get your in.” He doesn’t bother waiting for me to answer, just hangs up the phone.

“Asshole.” I power off the phone and shut off the shower, calling out as another knock sounds. “Just a minute.”