The two of us giggle as we hurry down the hallway, the others following behind us. As soon as we step into the room, I can smell the Italian food and allow my nose to lead me to the table. Knowing I’m being rude as hell, I grab a plate and start piling it full of food. Once it’s so full that I can’t add anything else, I move to sit at the long table that’s set up. I find the omega and his alphas sitting there talking amongst themselves and shoot them an apologetic smile.
“I really am sorry.” I lift my fork to my mouth, moaning at how good the food tastes.
“Don’t worry about it, Evangeline. We have an omega—we know better than to get between an omega and their food.” All three of them laugh, and I’m so busy eating that all I can do is shrug my shoulders. He’s not wrong.
It doesn’t take long for the others to join me and for us to eat our fill. Once the last person has finished, the alpha, who hasn’t spoken to me yet, stands up.
“My name is Greg. Henry is the other alpha and Aaron is our omega. The three of us run Filthy Rides. We’ll be taking you out today, but first, I need to know who all has ridden a dirt bike before.”
Both mine and Evander’s hands go up. I grin at him, glad to have someone else who knows how much fun we’re about to have.
“Perfect. I’m going to send the two of you with Aaron to get ready. We have all the necessary equipment for all of you. As for the other two of you, I’ll work with one of you, and Henry will work with the other.”
Aaron jumps to his feet, so I do the same. “Let’s go. You can have your first pick of bikes.”
Reaching back, I grab Evander’s hand. As he moves up beside me, he gives me a shocked look. I just shrug. I wanted to hold his hand. I have no idea why, but I didn’t even think twice about it. All three of us get geared up and pick out our bikes before moving to the track.
“How much riding have you both done?” Aaron asks, glancing between the two of us.
“I’ve been riding since I was a teen,” Evander says with a grin. “I thought about trying to make a run of it, but there were other things I wanted to do with my life. It’s been a couple of years since I rode, but I’ll pick it back up quickly.”
When Aaron turns to me, I laugh. “I haven’t been riding that long. I try to go a couple of times a year since I first learned how five years ago.”
“Oh, good. Then we’re good to go. I’m going to ride with you, but if you have any questions, just stop and flag me down.” Without another word, he revs the engine and takes off.
Glancing over at Evander, I ready myself. “Race you.”
“Oh, you’re on,” he calls as we both take off. The track starts off fairly straight and I manage to get ahead of him—only it doesn’t last very long. As soon as we take the first jump, he soars past me.
We race around the track a few times before the others make it out. We pull over to allow them time to get used to it, and then we’re off again. The hour and a half we have the track flies by, and I’m sad when we have to head back. Riding dirt bikes isn’t something I expected to like because it’s right there in the name—dirt. But the jumps and speed are exactly what I need.
There aren’t showers here, so when we head to the SUV, we’re all filthy. I snort at my unintentional joke. I love that they named their place Filthy Rides—what a great double entendre.
Once we’re all in the SUV, I turn to my seatmate Bradley. “What did you think?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not sure dirt bikes are something I’ll do regularly, but it was fun. Believe it or not, I preferred pole dancing.”
“I get it. Pole dancing is amazing, too.” I glance at Tessa and Evander, who have turned in their seats to look at the two of us. “Evander, I already know you loved it as much as me. What about you, Tessa? You seemed to do much better at this than pole dancing.”
“Alright, I get it. I suck at pole dancing.” She laughs, and the rest of us join her. “I actually had a lot of fun with this. Thank you for opening up my eyes to a new experience.”
Evander grins. “This might not have been a new experience for me, but thank you anyway. It’s been far too long since I’ve been on a track, and I’d forgotten just how much I love it.”
“Sounds to me like I picked the perfect date for the three of you, then.” I sigh as I lean back in the seat. “I’m going to be rude again, but I need a quick nap. I know there’s going to be drama at the compound when we get back because of Sterling. Plus, I have to get ready for the rose ceremony, and that’s going to take forever. This will be my only chance at a nap.”
Bradley scoots closer to me. “I’ll happily play the role of your pillow.”
I smile at him, eyes blinking. “I’m definitely taking you up on that.”
Readjusting my seat belt, I lay down on the bench with my head in Bradley’s lap, and I’m out before we’ve even pulled out of the parking lot.
Chapter Seventeen
Being a suitor on Heated was always the plan. At least once we knew that the concept worked. We just had to find the right season for me, and what better than the one with a bisexual female omega? Or, at least, that’s how Bree convinced me to join this season. I hadn’t wanted to—not after the mess I made at the end of last season.
It’s not been a great year for me, and being in the spotlight on the show wasn’t what I wanted. I hadn’t even planned to work on the show this season, which is kind of shitty of me, but I knew Bree would understand. She’s been by my side every step of the way. When I told her I didn’t want to be a suitor, she looked so upset I quickly agreed. I’m still not sure how the season is going to go. Most of what happened at the end of season two, and my part in it, wasn’t aired to the public. But there was enough out there that I knew someone was likely to hold it against me.