“Hell, yes,” Tessa says with a smile while Bradley nods.
Evander glances at the door when it opens to readmit Mike and shakes his head. “That would be amazing. Does it make me a bad person if I say I’m glad he’s gone?”
I snort. “Not at all, because I’m also glad.”
“Damn. Me too.” Mike laughs as he rejoins us.
Yolanda joins us as the five of us laugh, leading us down the hall to the studio. I can’t wait to see how everyone else does. We’ll definitely have fun now that the asshole has left.
After an hour-long class, we all have to shower before changing back into our clothes. I might have taken classes before, but it’s been years. I’d forgotten just how good the workout really is. Tessa and I are the last ones out of Enchanted as we walk out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Lucas asks with raised eyebrows.
“Not you—that’s for sure.” I stick my tongue out at him, to which he just rolls his eyes and gestures for me to get into the car. “I’m hungry.”
Lucas laughs. “I didn’t think it was possible, but I think you might be worse than Tyler.”
“Ohhhh, I’m telling him you said that,” I tell him as I climb into the SUV.
“Good. Do that. It’ll shock the hell out of him that I think someone is worse than him about anything.” Lucas climbs into the passenger seat as I plop down next to Evander, Tessa moving back to sit beside Bradley. “Food’s at the next stop. In case you’ve forgotten, you set up to have lunch catered there.”
I hum. “Oh, right. I guess I did. Mike, hurry up and get us there. I’m starving.”
“Maybe if you hadn’t been such a show off in class, you wouldn’t have burned so many calories.” Mike shakes his head as he meets my eyes in the mirror.
Being the responsible adult I am, I stick my tongue out at him, too. “Don’t be jealous that your alpha body doesn’t twirl around the pole as well as mine does.”
“I’m not sure anyone’s body twirls around a pole quite like yours,” Tessa says with a laugh.
“I enjoyed the show,” Evander says with a smirk. “And it really was a damn good workout. There’s no denying that.”
Bradley clears his throat as we pull away from the curb, leaning forward to rest his head on the back of our seat. “That was fun, Evangeline. Thank you for taking us. It’s not something I would’ve ever thought to do on my own.”
Turning in my seat, I grin at him. “And you did so well. You and Evander surprised me. A lot of men have trouble with the pole. I’m also surprised at just how bad Tessa was at it, which is what we were laughing about when we came out, Lucas.”
“Was she really that bad?” he asks as he turns to face us, and I nod.
“I was terrible,” Tessa confirms with a shake of her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so bad at something before.”
“That’s okay, Tessa. We have one more activity today. Hopefully, you’ll be better at that.” I snicker at the look she gives me before settling back into my seat.
Thankfully, it’s not too far of a drive. When we come to a stop outside of Filthy Rides, I see the confusion on all three suitors’ faces.
“Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out pretty quickly. Don’t dawdle, I’m starving.” With that, I jump out of the SUV and head for the door. I hear the others scrambling behind me, and Lucas barely catches up to me before I reach the door.
“Evangeline, you know I need to enter first,” he growls. “Wait here.”
I pout, ready to eat. “You better hurry up before I eat my arm off.”
“So dramatic,” he murmurs as he ducks inside. By the time he sticks his head back out the door, the others have caught up. “Come on, we’re clear.”
“Thank you.” I push inside, finding three men standing in the entrance waiting for us.
“Welcome. We’re so excited to have you join us today. We’re big fans of Heated,“ one of the men says.
“Thanks. We’re happy to be here, and I don’t want to be rude, but I’m going to be, anyway.” I wrinkle my nose, only feeling slightly bad about it. “Now, I’m starving, and no one wants this omega to get hangry.”
The three men laugh as the one who spoke steps forward and gestures for us to follow him. “I completely understand. My alphas always make sure I’m fed so I don’t bite anyone’s head off. There’s nothing worse than a hangry omega.”