Page 56 of Knot Her Reality

“Ahhh, come on, Lucas. You didn’t need to tell her that,” Mike complains from the driver’s seat, causing me to snicker.

“It’s okay, Mike. I won’t hold it against you too much.” Climbing into the SUV, I lean forward to bump his fist before taking a seat in the first row. Sterling is in the third row, and I’m just not prepared to deal with him right this second. All I can do is hope that he pulls the stick out of his ass before we get to our first destination.

Tessa is the next to climb into the SUV, her eyes flicking to Sterling before turning to me. “Do you mind if I sit by you?”

“Have a seat. I’d love for you to sit beside me.”

Evander and Bradley climb in after her, choosing to sit in the second row. The four of us chat for the ride into town, but Sterling never tries to join in the conversation. There’s no way I’m going to let him ruin this date. He needs to get his shit under control, or I really will send him packing.

When the SUV comes to a stop in front of Enchanted, Tessa turns to me with raised eyebrows. “We’re not…”

“Oh, we definitely are.” I grin, ignoring Evander and Bradley, who are trying to get one of us to tell them what we’re talking about. I climb out to find Mike and Lucas changing spots. “You weren’t joking, were you?”

“Do you know how excited my pack will be if I tell them I learned how to—“

“Yup,” I say loudly to cut him off. “I can just imagine. Now, hush. Tessa seems to know what we’re doing, but the other three don’t.”

Evander chuckles. “You know, you could just tell us and put us out of our misery.”

I shake my head. “Nah, there’s no fun with that. Mike, go in and do your security thing so you can join us.”

I follow him inside with the others trailing me. He’s already talking to the young woman behind the counter before wandering off to check out the rest of the studio.

“Welcome! I’m Yolanda, and this lovely place is all mine.” Yolanda comes around the desk to stand in front of us. “Which one of you is Evangeline?”

I raise my hand. “That would be me.”

“Excellent. I love when other omegas come in here for my classes. Most of them catch on so quickly.” She glances among the rest of my group. “We’ll see how the rest of you end up doing. Bree said you wanted to keep it a secret from the others; is that correct?”

I nod, grinning as I waggle my eyebrows. “I think these kinds of activities are best when they’re a surprise.”

“Oh, Evangeline, I think you and I would make great friends.” Yolanda chuckles as Mike reappears. “Everything good?”

He nods. “It is.”

“Excellent. There are two separate changing areas. Mike, since you’ve already found the men’s, why don’t you show the other gentlemen there? You’ll find proper clothing in the correct sizes waiting for you. Bree is nothing if not efficient.”

Tessa snorts. “You’re telling me.”

Yolanda’s smile only grows. “That must make you Tessa, the best friend. If you’ll follow me, ladies, I’ll show you where you’ll be changing.”

We trail behind her down the hall with Mike and the other suitors at our backs, though they turn off before we do—I’m guessing they head into their changing room, but what do I know?

“Okay, ladies. There’s no one else in the building except for us and the camera crew. Feel free to leave your clothes in one of the lockers. I’m sure you can figure out which clothes belong to which of you.” Yolanda opens a door, gesturing for us to head inside before leaving us.

I already know what clothing will be waiting for us, as they’re a part of my workout line. I just don’t know what colors Bree left for us. As we walk into the room, I see a hot pink and a dark hunter-green set of clothes waiting for us.

“The green is definitely for you,” I say with a laugh, already reaching for the hot pink set. It’s a tiny pair of dance shorts and a super supportive sports bra. I’ve taken a few pole dancing classes before, so I know that the more skin showing, the better.

“If this is what we’re wearing, what are the guys going to be wearing?” Tessa asks with wide eyes, laughter spilling from her.

I yank my shirt over my head. “Not much more than we are.”

Tessa’s laughter dies off as I unhook my bra and reach for the sports bra. My eyes lift to meet hers and see that her hungry eyes have dropped to my tits. Instead of pulling on the sports bra, I arch my back a little as I stand back up.

“Like what you see?”

Tessa’s eyes widen before she spins on her heel to face the lockers. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—I just couldn’t… You know what? I’m just going to shut up now.”