Shaking my head, I give myself the once over in the mirror. Today’s dress is a personal favorite. The champagne-colored dress sparkles beneath the lights as I move from side to side. It’s an asymmetrical dress with one sleeve falling to my wrist, while the other shoulder and arm are bare. Along the right sleeve, two thin straps attach to the top of the bodice to make sure it remains in place. A sheer V-panel in the center reveals the curve of my breasts down to my waist before cinching in. It hugs my hips, flaring down in the back and to the sides, but the front is also asymmetrical—the right side stops high on my thigh before gradually growing longer.
I’ve left my hair down in full waves, the front pinned back to keep it from falling into my face. My makeup is subtle, drawing attention to my eyes. I smile to myself as I move to the door of my suite, proud that Bree hasn’t come to drag me from my room tonight. When I swing the door open, I find Bree there with her hand lifted to knock.
“You’re ready,” she says, clearly shocked. “Wow. This dress is amazing.”
I preen under her words. Getting compliments on my clothing designs always brings me pride. With the number of people who have told me I would never amount to anything when I was just starting—that an omega can’t be a clothing designer—it’s always good to hear just how wrong they were.
“Thank you. It’s a favorite of mine.”
“Please tell me it comes in other colors. I’m going to need one in all the colors.”
We laugh together as we head outside. “I don’t think you need it in more than one color, but it definitely comes in more than one color. It comes in a shade of red that I think would look amazing on you. After the show is over, I’ll have it sent to you.”
“I knew having a fashion designer on the show was a good idea,” she says with a laugh. “The clothes alone are going to be the talk of the internet, not to mention you and the suitors.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I couldn’t wipe away my smile even if I wanted to, and spoiler alert, I don’t want to. It’s been so easy getting along with Bree. Even though a lot of our interactions have been about the show, they haven’t all been. I think the two of us will continue our friendship once my season is done and over with. Just another thing to look forward to at the end of this.
Fifteen minutes later, the first limo rolls up.
The man who steps out is tall and slender, but I can see the muscles beneath his tux. His unbound brown hair spills over his shoulders, giving him a dangerous look even in his formalwear. The crooked grin that splits his face tells of a different kind of danger—the fun kind. As he approaches, I see the scruff on his face and smile. A brave move to wear a tux and not shave, but it’s a good look on him.
There’s laughter in his eyes as he bows at the waist, lifting my hand to his lips. “Good evening, Evangeline. I’m Evander, and I’m here to sweep you off your feet.”
“Is that so?” A giggle spills from my lips as his dark chocolate, chocolate cake, and cherries scent hits my nose. Oh, yum. Now I want dessert. “I look forward to finding out how you plan to do that. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”
“Evander Nelson, age twenty-five, and an alpha. I’m a sign language interpreter. My younger brother was born deaf, so I learned it from an early age. I saw how hard life was for him when there wasn’t an interpreter available and vowed to do what I could to make it better for him.” The crooked smile finds its way to his lips once more. “I spent a lot of my childhood acting as his interpreter, so it was easy enough to move into doing it professionally. And honestly, it has to be one of the most fulfilling careers, knowing that I’m helping make someone’s life easier.”
With each word, I find myself melting more and more. “That’s amazing, and what a reason to get into it. I’m sure your brother appreciated your help growing up.”
He shrugs. “For the most part, but we’re brothers, so sometimes he just wanted me to leave him alone. It’s definitely easier now that we’re adults.”
“I would imagine that was the case with most siblings. I wouldn’t know since I’m an only child.” It’s my turn to shrug. I would’ve loved having a sibling growing up, but like so many people in our world, my mom just couldn’t get pregnant again.
“Growing up, I probably would’ve loved to switch places with you—for at least a day. After that, I probably would’ve missed my brother, but don’t tell him that.”
A laugh escapes me. “I don’t have to tell him—you just did. Assuming he watches the show.”
He wrinkles his nose as he chuckles. “Oh, well. I guess it’s okay if he knows I love him.”
We laugh together, chatting for a few minutes about his hobbies—photography and hiking—before it’s time for the next suitor. I’m still smiling when Evander goes to join Bree behind me. Reginald winks at me as the next limo comes to a stop, and I hope the rest of the night continues in the same manner.
When the door opens, I get a flash of a long leg and red hair before the woman exits completely. My eyes go wide, disbelief filling me.
I might have thought to myself on more than one occasion that I’d love to have Tessa Hanson as one of my suitors, but I never thought it would become a reality. As she walks toward me, a smile on her lips, all I can do is stare at her in disbelief.
“Tessa? What? How?” I shake my head. “Bree said you’d be joining us later, but she definitely didn’t make it seem like you’d be joining as a suitor.”
Tessa’s smile is tight. “We weren’t sure I was going to be able to, but how could I not when we have a beautiful bisexual omega? Plus, you approved of my scent. If that isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.”
Her pear, lavender, and sandalwood scent settles around me, and I sigh. I love her scent—it’s relaxing and invigorating all at once.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here, and one of my suitors,” I say with a smile. “Obviously, I saw you here and there in the first two seasons, but why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”
Her smile brightens. “You know my name, that I’m an alpha, and that I run Fated Industries with Bree. Heated is our baby, but it’s not the only pan we have in the fire—with more coming on the horizon. I’m thirty-six, and watching Bree find her pack on the first season showed me just what I was missing. I actually tried out our dating app, Mated shortly after, but didn’t have any luck. I’m hoping that being here as a suitor will be my chance—just like the other nineteen suitors.”
I laugh with her, still barely believing that Tessa is one of my suitors. Does that mean she’s meant to be my alpha? Absolutely not, but I’m excited to get to know her.
Even as I have that thought, my mind goes back to the end of season two. While not everything was shown, season two was cut short at Sophia’s insistence due to something that happened with Tessa. As if she knows exactly where my thoughts have gone, the smile falls away from her face.