Page 50 of Knot Her Reality

“Right. Right.” I try to sit up, but Conrad’s hold on my legs just tightens. I turn to him with my eyebrows lifted, but he refuses to meet my eyes. “Well, I guess I’ll be doing the interview from down here. Sorry, Bree.”

“It’s fine. I just want to get this done with so I can make it downstairs before Evangeline’s last set of suitors arrive. I don’t know how Tessa did this on her own in the first season. I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” She shakes her head again. “But that’s neither here nor there. Let’s start with our day four suitors, shall we?”

I perk up at that, though I’m practically lying across the two alphas at this point, so I probably look like an idiot. “Whatcha wanna know?”

“Obviously, we want to know how it went when you met Evangaline, and how your date was, but I was also informed that the guards were sent away from the car before you headed back to the compound. Maybe you want to let us know what happened with that?”

I don’t bother trying to fight the smirk on my face as my eyes meet Gavin’s. “We obviously didn’t want Evageline to be a needy mess when she met her last suitors, now did we? So, we made sure she was taken care of. That’s all that matters.”

A giggle escapes Lillian as Koda’s laughter fills the air. “That one’s going to be trouble, aren’t you?” Koda asks as he twists to look at me.

I shrug, feigning innocence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Laughter fills the room as I turn back to Bree, amusement written all over her face. From there, the four of us talk a bit about the dates and our first impressions of Evangeline. The other suitors chime in here and there to add that they felt the same way when they met her or to share a differing opinion. It’s something I wasn’t sure I’d be comfortable with—talking about a woman who we’re all trying to win over to be ours. But there’s a comradery in the room among the suitors.

Sure, there’s also some tension between different groups, but that’s not unexpected. I’m just glad to see that everyone is at least putting forth an effort to get along with one another—with one notable exception. Viktor doesn’t participate in the interview, just sitting back on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. Another piece of the puzzle that I’m obviously missing.

When Bree calls the interview to an end, Ronan and Conrad finally release me from their hold. I drop to the floor to sit with Lillian and Koda. “Okay, I need the 411. What’s the deal with Viktor?”

I glance over my shoulder to watch the man in question climb to his feet and head down the stairs. “Does he just not play well with others?”

Koda and Lillian share a look before Koda sighs, turning his attention on me. “Lillian told you that he’s the one that knocked Evangeline out of her kayak before hitting her with his?”

At my nod, he continues, “We think there’s a small chance that it was on purpose.”

“But why?” I frown, trying to figure out why a suitor would try to injure that season’s omega. “It doesn’t make sense.”

“That’s what we don’t know.” Koda shrugs. “But he gives off some shitty vibes too.”

Lillian nods her agreement. “I’ve asked the others not to leave me alone with him. There’s something—I don’t want to say sinister because that seems like too strong of a word, but something’s off with him. I don’t like the way he looks at me or Koda. Even at Paisley.”

“Which one is Paisley again?”

“That would be me.” A gorgeous blonde omega lowers herself to sit beside me, offering me her hand. “Paisley Reyes, and you’re Natalie.”

I shake her hand, nodding slowly. “That would be me.”

“I take it the four of you are talking about Viktor?” At our nods, she lets out a ragged breath. “He freaks me the fuck out, I’m not going to lie. Malachi says he’s sussing him out, but he hasn’t mentioned anything to me yet. Are we doing dinner in the theater again tonight?”

Lillian nods. “That’s the plan. You and the other day four suitors are welcome to join us, Natalie. They’ve got a massive theater on the second floor, and they’ll deliver our dinner there. We’ve been doing it every night after the suitor interviews. It’s a nice way to relax since we can’t venture to the first floor or basement until Evangeline heads out on the date with her day five suitors tomorrow.”

“I can get behind that. I’m not sure about the others, but I’ll let them know.” I push myself to my feet, pausing before seeking out my alpha. “But I think before the movie, I’m going to talk to Viktor.”

“I don’t think—“

“You can’t—“


I hold up my hand as all three of them attempt to speak at once. “First, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Second, I believe the three of you that something is off with him. I just need to see it with my own eyes, and since it’s clear he isn’t welcome in the group, seeking him out is the only way I’ll be able to find out for myself. This is just who I am. You’ll get used to it, I’m sure.”

None of them look convinced, but they don’t try to stop me when I shoot them a smile and head to where Ronan, Conrad, and Gavin are talking with Pack Reyes.

“Ahhh, here she is. My little troublemaker, Natalie. This is Pack Reyes—Ana, Malachi, and Nash.” Ronan grins as he pulls me against his side.

“That’s me—always the troublemaker. I was just talking with the others. They said they’re going to have dinner delivered to the theater on the second floor and watch a movie. Paisley said her pack is already in, which I’m guessing is the three of you. I’m definitely joining. What about you three?”

“If you’re there, I’m there.” Ronan kisses the top of my head, and my smile only grows. Gods, I love him so much.