Chapter Fourteen
“You alright, baby?”
I smile as I turn my face up to Ronan. “I’m fine. Just a little lost in my thoughts.”
“Thinking about a little omega who you got a chance to taste, by chance?” He smirks as I blush.
“Maybe. What’s it to you?”
He leans in, brushing a kiss against my forehead. “It was hot. Can’t blame you for thinking about it. I certainly have been, and I’m not even the one that got to taste her release on my tongue.”
“She was delicious, Ro. So sweet.” I sigh, glancing at the clock. “Unfortunately, we don’t have time to reminisce on the topic. We have an interview we need to get to.”
Ronan groans, diving in to kiss me before pulling me to my feet. “I guess we should meet the other suitors. There are what? Twelve of them here before us?”
“Yes, darling. That’s how math works—three days of four suitors—“ I break off when his fingers dig into my side, hitting all of my ticklish spots at once. That’s the definite downfall of being with someone for that long. They know everything that makes you tick—usually a good thing, but in this case, a very bad thing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
He grins, pulling me more firmly against him as he leans in for another kiss. “That’s right, beta. You need to remember who the boss is.”
I gasp in mock horror. “You certainly can’t mean yourself, alpha? I’m definitely the one in charge.”
“Whatever. You’re a menace.”
Grinning, I pull away from him and head for the door, pausing only long enough to slap my hand across his tight ass. I giggle and dance out of his grasp as he turns in an attempt to catch me. Luckily, I was prepared for that and escape the room before he catches me. Immediately going left, I manage to make it to the game room before he catches up with me. Turning to glance at him over my shoulder, I stick out my tongue.
“Keep testing me, naughty beta, and I’ll turn that ass so red you won’t be able to sit again until after the rose ceremony,” he murmurs in my ear, and I have to fight a full-body shiver. I know it’s meant to be a threat, but it feels more like a promise to me.
“You made it,” Gavin calls with a smile, waving us to the couch he and Conrad are sitting on. Ronan wraps his arm around my waist before leading me over to them. He plops onto the couch and pulls me back onto his lap sideways, my feet ending up in Conrad’s lap. He rolls his eyes at Ronan, but when I attempt to lift my feet, he grabs them and sets them back onto his lap.
“Thank you, Conrad,” I say, leaning over to kiss his cheek. Before I get a chance to pull back, he turns his head, and our lips are just inches apart. A smirk forms on his lips when my eyes fall to them. Knowing that my face is turning red, I pull back and wave at Gavin. “Hey. Did you get a chance to meet everyone?”
There’s a soft giggle beside me, and I turn my head to find a pretty blonde standing in front of Ronan. “Not yet, I was just coming over to introduce myself. I’m glad you made it before then. I’m Lillian.”
“Hello, Lillian.” I grin, offering my hand and biting back a laugh when she blushes before sliding her hand into mine. “I’m Natalie Wells. The alpha who manhandled me is mine, Ronan. The hot, silent alpha beside me is Conrad, and the beta on his other side is Gavin. They’re not mine.”
“Awww, well, that’s unfortunate for you,” she says softly, her flush darkened even as she smiles at all of us. “I’m here on my own, though I’ve made friends with a few of the other suitors thus far.”
Lillian drops onto the arm of the chair, pointing out each of the suitors and giving us the down low on each of them. As if knowing that she’s speaking about them, a few come over to say hello—one of them being the yummy tattooed omega. Koda, Lillian said his name was. I recognize Alejandro from last season, and the alpha with him is Jagger. I settle back against Ronan, leaning a bit on Lillian as we chat with the others.
“Oh, good. You’re all here and on time. I love it when that happens.” Bree claps her hands to draw our attention to her. “Why doesn’t everyone find a seat?”
There’s a bit of shuffling around the room. Lillian and Koda end up dropping to the floor, their backs pressed against the couch we sit on and the one that Alejandro and Jagger claim. In the center is another couch with the two beta women. On the couch across from us is Pack Reyes, while on the last couch sits Viktor and Dustin. Lillian explained that the two of them are the only ones rooming together who aren’t a pack, and that Viktor is the one who caused Evangeline to be hurt and delay the show by a week.
She seems extremely uncomfortable around him, and that makes me very curious. I might have to seek him out to see what’s what. Without Ronan because my alpha would just scare him off. Lillian wouldn’t say more about the alpha but it’s clear that the other three men weren’t a fan of his either. I’m definitely one of those people who can’t let their curiosity lie. Having questions about someone or something just makes me want to know more.
“Lillian. Koda. There are more than enough seats on the couches for you to sit on them.” There’s a bit of exasperation in Bree’s voice, and I have to bite back a smile.
Koda shrugs. “I’m feeling the floor today.”
“Me too.” A faint smile paints Lillian’s lips as she smiles at the omega. Something tells me she’s the one who wanted to sit on the floor, and he joined her so she wouldn’t be alone.
Bree throws her hands in the air and shakes her head. “I swear, each season brings more and more stubborn people than the last.”
I bite my lip to fight back my laughter, but when Lillian turns her head to meet my eyes, we both lose it. I laugh so hard that I end up sliding further down Ronan and more into Conrad’s lap.
“Natalie.” Ronan’s voice is filled with amusement. “I believe Bree is trying to get the interview underway.”