“That’s for damn sure,” Conrad says with a chuckle before offering me his hand. Smiling up at him, I place my much smaller hand in his and walk to the SUV between him and Gavin.
“Morning, Evangeline. I hear we have a troublemaker today.”
I laugh at Lucas’s words. “We sure do. One thing is for sure, she’s going to make it interesting.”
“Of that, I have no doubt.” He nods for me to climb in. “Justin is with us today. We’ll both be joining you for the date like Mike and I did yesterday.”
“Sounds great. Thanks, Lucas.” I climb into the SUV, stopping in my tracks when I see Natalie straddling Ronan as she kisses the hell out of him.
I must make some kind of noise because she breaks the kiss to glance back at me. “You’re welcome to join us if you’d like, Evangeline.”
“Gods above. Natalie, stop it.” Ronan shakes his head as he picks her up off his lap and sets her back on the seat.
“While I appreciate the offer, I think I’ll sit up here with Conrad.” I drop into the first row, patting the seat for the quiet alpha to join me.
As he sits beside me, I let my eyes fall shut and try to calm myself—though having the giant of an alpha sit next to me might not have been the best idea. He sits close enough that his entire right side is pressed against me, and for a moment, I forget how to breathe again. First with Natalie practically humping her alpha in the back and inviting me to join, and now with Conrad pressed against me, all I can think about is someone filling me with their cocks and knotting me.
Think about something else, Evangeline. If you don’t, they’re going to smell you, even over the scent cancelers.
Taking another deep breath and then another, I finally get myself back together. I can’t do anything about my slick-covered panties, but something tells me I’m going to spend a lot of time with wet panties over the next seven weeks.
“You good, Evangeline?” Gavin asks from behind me and I turn to find him in the row right behind me.
“Yup, all good. It’s just an omega thing. I’ve been dealing with it for nearly twenty years.” I laugh, turning back to focus on the road. Somehow, I missed us going through the gates. I guess that’s one good thing about getting lost in my head and my lust.
The trail I picked out for us isn’t quite an hour away from the compound, and by the time we pull into the parking lot, I’m practically bouncing in my seat. The hike itself will only take about an hour, and then we’ll do some rock climbing before eating. Then we’ll have to hike back for another hour. That gives us plenty of time if anyone needs us to slow down for a bit. The hardest part of planning these dates was making sure I’d have enough time to get home and get ready for the next set of suitors.
Tonight is the last set of suitors, which sends butterflies rushing through my stomach.
I shake my head, knowing I need to focus on the date I’m on and not worry about the suitors I haven’t yet met.
As soon as Justin has parked the car, I reach for the handle and jump out. Before anyone else has had a chance to climb out, I’m already dropping to my warm-up stretches.
“Not planning to wait for the rest of us?” Gavin asks with a chuckle.
I glance up at him and Conrad just as Ronan helps Natalie step down. “If the four of you don’t know how to stretch, then you’re fucked for the hike.”
“I thought we weren’t supposed to say fucked, little omega?” Conrad asks quietly as he tries to hide his smile.
“Oops?” I shrug with a laugh as Lucas shakes his head. “Luckily, the camera crew is still getting set up.”
“Speaking of,” Natalie says as she drops beside me. “How are they going to carry those massive cameras on a hike? Also, I love how you refused to confirm we were going on a hike.”
“Well, that’s not the only thing we’re doing.” I stick my tongue out at her, laughing when she snaps her teeth at me. “As far as the cameras? They’re going to have us wear cameras, but they’ll also follow us with some much lighter ones. Trust me, this isn’t their first rodeo.”
She laughs, leaning forward to touch her toes. “Oh, I’m aware. I watched the first two seasons. I know they’ve done hikes before; I was just never sure how it worked.”
“You watched too?” I hum at her nod, turning my attention to Ronan. “What about you? Did you watch it, too?”
He laughs. “I did. At first, it was just so she’d leave me alone, but I found myself enthralled in it.”
“What about you two?”
Gavin shakes his head. “I saw a few episodes here and there with my sisters, but it’s not something I set out to watch.”
“I’ve never seen an episode,” Conrad admits. “I came into this completely blind.”
Once we’ve all stretched, Lucas and Justin lead us toward the trail. There is a very good chance that we’ll encounter other people. There was no way to have the trail to ourselves.