Pushing the door to my bedroom shut, I start undressing. While Gavin, Conrad, Ronan, and Natalie had come down to breakfast dressed for the day, I had not. When we’d finished eating, I didn’t want them to leave me even for a few minutes, so I invited them back to my suite. We hung out in the lounge area, just chatting and getting to know one another. The five of us get along like we’ve known each other our entire lives. It’s been absolutely effortless, and I love it.
Now, that’s not to say I’ve forgotten about the other twelve suitors I’ve met thus far, but it’s definitely easy to stay focused on these four with how well we get along.
I toss my clothes in the basket, hesitating for a moment before tossing my panties in as well. I’ve already been turned on a couple of times this morning, so it’s probably best to go with a new pair. I don’t know what anyone expects of the omegas on Heated. How are we supposed to be around this much hotness and not be turned on twenty-four-seven?
It doesn’t take long for me to redress, choosing a cute pair of shorts and a tank top before pulling on my hiking boots. I’d had to give away a bit of the plan today to make sure that everyone was dressed properly—not that I’ve confirmed that we’re going hiking. But when Bree provided everyone with a set of hiking boots and told them to dress for being outside all day, they had guesses on what we were doing.
The hike I have planned is a little long, but according to their site, it’s an easy one. That makes me feel better since everyone is wearing brand-new boots, but it’s better for them to have the right equipment—even if they have to break it in.
Pulling my hair up in a messy bun, I grab the scent canceler and give myself a thorough spray before dropping it into my backpack. Bree had backpacks made for each of us with snacks, water, and a few other hiking essentials to get us through the date. I grab a second bottle of the spray and add it to my bag just in case either of the alphas needs it. After all, we’re likely going to be sweating today, and with sweating comes our scents running amok.
“Okay, I’m ready,” I announce as I throw the door open.
“Hell, yes!” Natalie crows as she jumps up from the nest chair she was sitting on beside Ronan and hurrying over to grab her backpack. She links her arm through mine and leads us toward the door.
I glance back to find Ronan, Conrad, and Gavin pulling themselves to their feet, amusement on their faces.
“We’re going to have so much fun,” Natalie continues, oblivious to how her actions have amused the guys. “I’m so glad we’re here.”
I laugh, laying my hand on hers where it rests on my arm. “I’m glad you’re here, too, but your energy is off the charts, and I don’t know if I can keep up with you.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Ronan calls from behind us. “It won’t last long. It’s the coffee—it always hits her hard and fast. Hence why she only has one cup a day when she’s not working.”
Natalie flushes but keeps smiling. “He’s right. I’m insane when I have coffee. You should see me at work. I drink the stuff almost the whole time I’m there to get me through the shift.”
“How do you sleep afterward, then?”
“I stop about an hour before my shift ends. By then, my body is ready to sleep. I don’t drive, so either Ronan picks me up or I grab a ride share. If it’s Ronan, I usually fall asleep in the car, and he has to carry me inside.”
I can already imagine it in my mind, and it’s kind of adorable. I might not have known them for long, but I love the relationship Ronan and Natalie have. They’re more than lovers, they’re best friends. I wonder what it would be like to have that kind of relationship.
“Are you just going to stand there and block the doorway, or are we going on a date?” Ronan asks with a chuckle, and I realize we’ve stopped walking.
“Oh, we’re definitely going on the date,” I tell him sassily.
Natalie laughs, yanking on my arm and urging me to hurry. “Better watch out. Ronan likes the sass, but only so he can spank it out of you later.”
And there goes my slick.
I almost trip over my feet as I come to a stop, gawking at Natalie. “You can’t just say things like that!”
“Sure, I can.” She grins as she steps closer. “What’s wrong? Did it make you wet?”
Oh, this girl. She’s definitely trouble, but I’m so here for it.
“That’s enough, Natalie.” Ronan sighs, throwing his arm over her shoulders and dragging her away. “Stop torturing Evangeline, please.”
She sticks out her bottom lip. “But it’s so much fun.”
Laughing, I lift my hands to cover my face as I flush. Today’s going to be interesting if this is how it’s going to go.
“You good?” Conrad grunts.
Lowering my hands, I nod. “Yup, just thinking about how much of a disaster this date could be.”
“Nah,” Gavin reassures. “It’s going to be a blast. Natalie is going to keep us all on our toes, though.”