“I think I was eight. Old enough to know better but young enough not to care.” I shake my head. “Luckily, I wasn’t hurt, but my parents made sure to let me know just how disappointed they were in my behavior. After all, it’s not becoming for ladies to jump off of roofs.”
“Seriously? That’s all they cared about?” He shakes his head. “You’re no longer in contact with them, right?”
I nod. “Nope. They wanted nothing to do with me when they found out I was bisexual.”
Reginald catches my eye, and I wrinkle my nose as he signals to wrap it up.
“It looks like we’re out of time, Gavin. It was fun talking to you. I can’t wait to hear more about your adoptive siblings.”
Gavin takes my hand in his once more, kissing my fingers with a smirk. “I enjoyed meeting you as well, little omega. I look forward to speaking with you more.”
Then he’s gone, leaving me with desire rolling in my belly. What is it about a hot man kissing your hand? It shouldn’t do it for me, but it really, really does.
It’s easy to slip back into a smile as the next limo circles the driveway and comes to a stop before me. When the door opens, a large man steps out, and my eyes go wide. If he’s not an alpha, I’ll eat my cupcake dress. He has to be closer to seven feet than six and broad enough that he might struggle to get through door frames. His skin is a deep, dark brown with red undertones that makes me wish I could find material in that color.
He’s definitely one of those men that wears his tuxedo instead of it wearing him. It hugs his shoulders and torso, making me wonder if it hugs his ass just as well. He shoots me a quick grin before turning back to the limo, helping a woman out. She looks almost like a child next to him, given his large size and how small she is. She can’t be much over five feet and slender. Her mahogany brown hair is down in waves that fall to her mid-back. Wearing a scoop neck navy blue dress with ruching throughout the torso and hips before falling to the floor.
A half smile curves across her lips as her dark eyes meet mine. As they head toward me, something tells me the two of them are going to be trouble, but only the best kind.
“Hello, Evangeline.” The woman is the first to speak as they come to a stop in front of me. “I’m Natalie Wells, and this yummy man beside me is my alpha, Ronan.”
A hint of their scents trail to me as I give them a smile, offering them each my hand in turn. As I suspected, Ronan is an alpha with a scrumptious scent—black cherries, cinnamon, and almond. Natalie’s scent is weaker, confirming her beta status, but smells just as good—birch and maple leaves with pomegranate, juniper berry and orange blossom. Her scent is like nothing I’ve ever smelled before, and I find myself leaning in toward her.
“Like what you smell, omega?” Ronan asks with a chuckle, and I yank myself back with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I say as I turn my attention to Natalie. “It’s just so unique, and I quite like what I smell.”
Natalie grins, her eyes flashing with mirth. “I promise I won’t complain about a beautiful omega wanting to smell me.”
I flush at her words, unsure why I seem to be so affected by her and her scent. My eyes scan Natalie’s neck, hopefully discreetly, looking for a mating mark. I don’t see one, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. While the neck is the most obvious place to mark a pack mate, it’s not the only place—and it’s definitely not as fun as other places that could be marked.
I lick my lips, perfuming at the thought. I shuffle slightly as my core tightens, slick spilling from me. Ronan sniffs slightly, but keeps his smile in place and says nothing. That’s a point in his favor to not point out how my scent has changed, even with the scent-canceling panties I’m wearing. There’s only so much an omega can hide their reactions.
“It’s nice to meet both of you. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourselves? Obviously, you’re a pack—are you bonded? Gods, that was a rude question. Please ignore me.”
“We absolutely will not,” Natalie says with a grin. “I might only be a beta, but even I know you don’t ever ignore an omega.”
Ronan reaches over to squeeze Natalie’s fingers, shooting her a look of warning. “We’d love to tell you about ourselves, and please forgive Natalie. She loves giving people a hard time.”
I shrug, ducking my head. “I don’t mind when pretty women give me a hard time.”
“And pretty men?” Natalie asks.
This time I laugh out loud at her words even as I flush from head to toes. “And pretty men. I don’t discriminate.”
“Neither do I,” Natalie says with a wink.
“Okay, beta, that’s enough.” Ronan laughs, a deep and melodic sound that has me turning to him. “We’re bonded and have been for coming up on four years now. It might just be the two of us, but as of now, we’re Pack Wells. I’m thirty-eight, and I work as an arson investigator. I was a firefighter for about eight years before moving into the investigative side.”
Natalie smiles up at the alpha. “Luckily, by the time I met him, he was already doing arson investigations. The idea of him running into fires on a regular basis freaks me out, but I have so much respect for those that do.”
I nod slowly. “I can only imagine. But you did that for eight years? Wow. That’s definitely a scary line of work, but necessary. What about you, Natalie? What do you do?”
“You didn’t ask, but I’m twenty-five. Yes, I met Ronan when I was only twenty-one, but when you know, you know.” She shoots the alpha another smile, and it’s easy to see the love between the two of them. “I work as an emergency nurse, and met Ronan just out of school when I was working at a hospital. He came in to interview my patient, and by the end of the night, we were together.”
I don’t bother to fight the smile on my face. “I love that—the idea of meeting someone and just knowing.”
“Hey, it could still happen. Just because you’re being inundated with twenty suitors doesn’t mean it can’t still happen for you,” Natalie says softly, reaching out to take my hand.