Page 4 of Knot Her Reality


“And that’s a wrap,” Bree calls out, and I let out a sigh of relief. “Come on, Evie, it wasn’t that bad.”

I smile at the nickname. “No, it wasn’t, but I hate feeling like I have to be on, you know? Also, don’t start calling me that again. You’ll end up messing up and saying it on camera or around the suitors. I want them to choose their own nicknames for me, not steal yours.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Bree rolls her eyes as Reginald, and I stand up. “Come on, let’s get set up near the driveway. The first suitor will be here in five. Don’t stress out too much about this. Remember that if something happens, we don’t have to wait until the rose ceremony to send someone home. We, of course, want to attempt to do that, but our omega’s safety is our number one concern.

“And everyone has been tested for any STDs, so you don’t have to worry about that. As an omega, you can only get pregnant during your heat, so you’ll just need to get your birth control shot before then. We’ve put all the male and female suitors on birth control as well, just to be on the safe side.

“As we know, alpha and beta women can be impregnated at any time, and I’d hate for something like that to happen by mistake. And if there happens to be any omegas, they’ve been put on suppressants, as well as birth control. I made sure to make this as safe of an environment for you and the suitors as possible.”

I laugh, shooting her a thankful smile as butterflies dance in my stomach as I lay my hand in the crook of Reginald’s elbow, allowing him to lead me down the stairs and up the path to the driveway. The cameras are already set up; the crew milling around as we approach.

Reginald pats my hand before stepping away from me. “I’ll be right over here to do my thing, and Bree will be wrangling the unruly suitors once you’ve met them.”

“I’ve got this,” I tell him, reassuring myself at the same time.

“Welcome back, viewers.” Reginald smiles at the camera, which will remain focused on him throughout the introductions. “We’re standing outside of the mansion, awaiting Evangeline’s first suitor. In fact, I believe they’ve just turned up the driveway. It won’t be long until we get to meet them.”

Geez, thanks, Reginald.

Like I need the reminder that I’m about to meet my first suitors. I lift my chin as the limo appears from between the trees, heading toward us. While I’m certainly nervous, there’s a good bit of excitement at the journey I’m beginning.

The limo pulls to a stop in front of me, and the door slides open almost immediately. I bite my bottom lip as I await the reveal of my first suitor before promptly releasing it. Don’t want to mess up my lipstick, after all.

My mouth falls open when the woman steps out of the limo. She’s breathtaking. Her shoulder-length hair is loose and seems to be somewhere between black and dark brown. Her skin is pale and her eyes an ice blue as they meet mine. A smile lights up her face before she turns back to the limo and leans back inside.

Oh! My first suitors are a pack? That’s exciting!

Another woman steps out of the limo before they shut the door and begin walking toward me. They both wear deep red dresses that look amazing against their differing skin tones while accentuating their bodies. The second woman has warm amber skin, her hair in a blown-out afro that’s a lighter color than the first woman’s. The curls are gorgeous, just like the woman herself.

“Wow. They started out strong for me, didn’t they?” I say as the two of them reach me, smiling as my eyes continue to trail over them. “I’m Evangeline, obviously. Who might you pretty ladies be?”

I sniff the air, trying to latch onto their scents. My eyes fall shut, and I practically purr as they finally reach me. They’re betas, telling me they’re unbonded since betas can’t initiate bonds. One of them has an amazing scent of peach, lily, vanilla, and… is that cashmere? Damn, that smells good. The other scent is cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla. They pair well together, and I smile. I’m a unique omega for more than one reason, but one of those is that I’m attracted only to food scents. Weird, I know.

The first woman holds out her hand to me. “I’m Skylar Garrison, and this is Cora Cassidy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Smirking, I shake the petite woman’s hand. She’s barely over five feet tall, if I had to guess, so I tower over her. She might be a beta, but she holds herself like an alpha. It’s clear that my height doesn’t phase her. Turning to Cora, I take her hand as well. “It’s nice to meet the both of you. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourselves?”

Skylar runs a hand through her hair, flipping it to the side. “I’m forty-two and a doctor. An OB-GYN specializing in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Like yourself, I put work first because all I’ve ever wanted to do is help others have babies—if they want to, of course.” She rolls her eyes, glancing toward the gates. The protestors must be out there again. “I’m also bisexual.”

“I’m a lesbian,” Cora says with a grin. “I’m just going to start there. I know in a pack situation, I’m likely going to need to see penises. I just don’t want them near me or in me.”

The three of us laugh together. Any tension that might have been there is now long gone.

“Beyond that, I’m thirty-three and a flight attendant. I love flying and getting to see different parts of the world.” She reaches down to lace her fingers with Skylar’s. They’re closer in height to one another than to me, but Cora is probably about five-four or five-five. Neither seems deterred by my height, which I appreciate. Yes, I’ve had women who have said I’m too tall for them.

“How did the two of you meet? How long have you been together?”

The women look at one another, smiles lighting up their faces before they turn back to me. Cora is the one to speak. “On a flight, actually. It was about eight years ago. She was flying to Japan for a conference on the fertility crisis. I was working in first class for that particular flight, and the minute I saw her, I just knew.”

“While I took longer to come around to the idea,” Skylar says with a laugh. “But Cora can be very convincing when she wants to be. By the end of my flight, she had my number and a promise of a date when I was back stateside. Dating a flight attendant was hard at first since she was away so often, but it was totally worth it.”

I sigh at their story, wanting my own story like that with someone. “What made the two of you decide to come on the show? Not that I’m not glad you’re here, but it sounds like the two of you are happy together. With Cora not being interested in men and the fact that you’re betas, I’m surprised.”

Skylar nods. “That would be because of me. Cora might not like men, but I do. Our relationship has always been open. We love one another, but sometimes there’s more than love that we need in a relationship. I was raised in a pack, and I always wanted one. I’d pretty much given up on the idea of ever having one, but when they announced that there would be a bisexual omega this season, we knew it was meant to be. This was our chance to find a pack.”

“And it’s not that I don’t want a pack,” Cora adds. “There’s a comfort to being a part of a pack. Knowing that no matter how busy we all get, there will always be someone there for us—that we can be there for them. I don’t have to like dick to want to be a part of that.”