Page 37 of Knot Her Reality

“It’s time for us to head to the interview. Are you sure you’re doing okay?” Her face softens as she drops to sit on the bed beside me. “I hate that I didn’t see how much you were struggling with all of this. It shouldn’t have taken Evangeline pointing it out for me to notice. We haven’t been giving you enough attention, obviously.”

I shrug, trying to hide the hurt her words force into me. “It’s really okay. I know how excited the three of you were to come on Heated. If I really had a problem with it, I would’ve told you. I just… I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m conflicted on the whole thing.”

She hums, entwining our fingers together. “All you have to do is say the word, and we’re out of here. Nothing is worth you being uncomfortable or unhappy. You’re our number one priority—even if we forgot that for a short time. We don’t need a second omega. We already have the perfect one for us.”

“Yeah?” I laugh, a smile unfolding as I turn to fully face her. “Then why are we here?”

Ana confidently opens her mouth before snapping it shut. Frowning, she shakes her head. “Honestly? We signed up because of the prestige it could bring us to have an omega pair in our pack. But you know that.”

“I do, but I don’t like it. That’s probably why I acted the way I did. Evangeline and I aren’t an omega pair.”

“How can you be sure?” Ana’s words are hesitant—something I’m not used to from her.

“I don’t know how to explain it,” I tell her. “It’s just a feeling I have in my gut.”

Ana sighs. “I should probably let Bree know we’ll need to head home at the rose ceremony, then.”

“Why?” I shake my head. “Just because we’re not an omega pair doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t get to know her. I like her, and I think the three of you do as well. I’m still not sure that having another omega in the pack is something I can handle, but how will I know if I don’t at least try?”

A smile slowly creeps over her lips. “That’s very mature of you, Paisley.”

“Unexpected, right?” I giggle, and I can see her fighting her own laughter.

“I wouldn’t say that,” she starts before breaking off with an apologetic smile. “Okay, yes. That’s exactly what I was thinking. You’re still so young, Paisley, and this is an unexpected situation. I’d honestly worry if you didn’t struggle. But I love how Evangeline was able to see the root of the problem and her willingness to work with you. If you’re truly okay with this, then I agree—we should continue to get to know her.

“As great as it would be for you to be part of an omega pair, it’s more important that you’re happy. If being on the show ever leaves you feeling anything but happy, then you tell me, and we’ll leave.”

I nod, a smile lighting up my face. “I love you, Ana.”

“And I love you, omega.” She leans in and kisses me, slowly coaxing my lips open until her tongue brushes against mine.

I moan into the kiss, trying to move closer, but she breaks away with a laugh. “Sorry, omega, but we have an interview that we’re officially late for.”

“And we both know how much you hate being late for anything.” I brush my lips against hers before allowing her to pull me to my feet, laughter spilling from my lips as she grimaces.

Yeah, my alpha deplores being late. She’s one of those people who likes to show up at least fifteen minutes early, if not more. Too bad I’m terrible at being on time for anything. I don’t even know how she puts up with me half the time.

“Well, come along, then,” I sass as I hurry past her, laughing when she lets out a growl before following me. Stepping into the sitting room, I realize that Nash and Malachi must’ve left without us.

“I told them to head out,” Ana says as she takes my hand in hers and leads me to the door. “I figured it was better if at least part of the pack was on time.”

I wince. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. It’s clear that you have something on your mind—you don’t ever have to apologize for that. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. If you just need time, then just tell me.”

“Thank you, alpha.” I stop her from opening the door with my hand on her arm, leaning in for another kiss before pulling away. “You’re the best alpha an omega could ask for.”

That brings a smile to her face, and I can’t help the pleasure that rushes through me, knowing that I’m the one who put it on her face.

She swings the door open before striding down the hall, keeping a hold of my hand as she does so. Coming into the game room, I see that we’re the last to arrive.

“Oh, good. You’re here. Come have a seat.” Bree waves to the couch where the rest of my pack sits.

There are three couches that form a U-shape and two loveseats beside the couches to form longer sides than the center. Nash and Malachi sit on the center couch while the day one and two suitors are spread out across the remaining couches and loveseats. I haven’t had a chance to meet any of them, preferring to be in our pack suite than out here among the suitors. I know eventually, I’ll have to meet them and get to know them, but I’m just not ready for it. Just meeting Evangeline and the rollercoaster of emotions I’ve gone through over the last day is more than enough for now.

I make my way over to the couch, choosing to drop onto Malachi’s lap and leave the empty spot for Ana. Taking a moment, I glance around the room to take in the other suitors. My eyes snag on one of the men, smaller than the others and covered with tattoos, sitting on one of the couches closest to us. Tilting my head, I try to figure out what’s different about him than the others. He’s sitting beside a pretty blonde, his eyes lifting to meet mine, and that’s when I realize what it is—he’s an omega.

“I didn’t know there were other omega suitors,” I blurt out, and he grins.