Nash shrugs, causing Malachi to roll his eyes. “Good morning, Evangeline. We’re all very excited to see what you have planned for us.”
“But any clue you’d like to provide us on what we’re doing would be greatly appreciated,” Ana says with a cocked eyebrow.
I have to fight back a smile because something tells me that this alpha doesn’t like going into anything unprepared. We’ll just have to see if I can break her out of that shell or not.
“Nope,” I reply, popping my p as I step out of the room.
Ana sighs as I meet Paisley’s eyes, only to find she’s fighting back her laughter as well. I force myself to look away in the hopes that we’ll both be able to keep it in. I don’t think Ana would appreciate us laughing at her expense.
“Let’s head out. The sooner we get there, the sooner you’ll find out what we’re doing.” I walk toward the front door, not bothering to check if they’re following me. If they’re not, then I guess I’ll be going on this date alone. Either way, I’m doing it.
“Wait up, Evangeline,” Malachi calls, and I slow my pace until he catches up. He throws an arm over my shoulders, tugging me closer to him. “Sit beside me?”
A low growl reaches my ears, and when I glance back, I find Paisley baring her teeth as she glares at where Malachi is touching me.
“I think that’s going to depend on your omega,” I tell him, shrugging off his arm and stepping away.
“Paisley?” Ana’s voice seems to cut through to Paisley, who winces.
“I did it again, didn’t I?” She shakes her head. “I don’t even realize I’m doing it.”
I give her a soft smile. “It’s okay, Paisley. We’ll try things and see how you react to them. That’s what today is all about, isn’t it?”
“Well, yes, but I still feel bad.”
Malachi gives her a tight smile. “I was just asking Evangeline if she would sit beside me in the SUV. Do you think you’d be okay with that?”
I can already see her bristling, but before I can voice that it’s a bad idea, she sighs. “I think if I sit on your other side, it should be fine.”
“That sounds perfect, Paisley. Thank you.” I shoot her another grin before we all start moving toward the SUV again. Finding Lucas standing beside it, I wave. “No Finnegan today?”
Lucas laughs, shaking his head. “No, my guys are here now, so Finn can go back to doing his job. Mike is with us today, and he’ll be driving. I hear you have a fun adventure planned for us today.”
“I absolutely do.” Winking, I climb into the SUV after he swings the door open. Since I need to sit somewhere where Malachi, Paisley, and I can fit, I head straight for the third row. I slide in, Malachi and Paisley following suit. Ana sits in the second row, but for some reason, Nash chooses to sit alone in the first row. “How’s this feel, Paisley?”
“Good, I think. Who knew I was such a possessive omega?” She laughs.
I laugh along with her, though no one else does. “How long has your pack been together?”
It’s at this point that we hit the front gate, the sounds of the protestors reaching my ears. I wince, already tired of hearing their cruel words, but the others act as if they can’t hear them as the conversation continues.
“Nash’s cousin was my best friend growing up,” Ana tells me. “He moved in with them when he was young, and they lived next door. We’ve known each other for most of our lives. It wasn’t until he joined me in college that we got together. We met Malachi about a year and a half after I became a lawyer. He came with an offer of a job by his dad. That was a little over four years ago. Paisley’s parents introduced her to Malachi’s family when she was just sixteen, so he already knew her when we met. But it wasn’t until she revealed as an omega at eighteen that we realized she was the omega for us.”
“Wow.” She’d been so young, and they might have been the first pack she met. I don’t bring this up because it’s none of my business, but it kind of rubs me the wrong way. It reminds me too much of the world I grew up in—of what was expected of me from my parents until they found out I was bisexual. “And this is the first time you’ve been around another omega, right?”
Paisley nods. “Yes. There weren’t really any other omegas for me to be around once we knew that omegas not getting along was a lie. Though, it seems like maybe I’m one of the omegas who would’ve made people think that was true.”
“No,” I tell her with a shake of my head, reaching across Malachi to take her hand in mine. “This is the first time that your pack has been around another omega, and you’re just feeling protective of them. That’s the omega in you, and you should never feel bad about the instincts you have. Like I said, today is just to find out if having a second omega in your pack is something you can do. There’s really no pressure.”
Malachi lays his hand on top of ours. “There absolutely isn’t. You’re our priority, Paisley.”
“Thanks, Mal.” Paisley leans in to kiss him on his cheek. “You’re the best alpha.”
“And what am I? Chopped liver?” Ana asks, cocking her eyebrow. I’m not sure if she’s joking or not since she says it completely seriously.
Paisley glances between her and Malachi before unhooking her seatbelt and moving into the second row. “You’ll always be my favorite, Ana.”
“Of course I am,” Ana purrs, wrapping her arm around Paisley after she’s belted in once more.