Page 32 of Knot Her Reality

“Obviously, I know that.”

I nod slowly. “Then do you not want to be here? Is that what it is? Is that why you’re acting the way you are?”

Her jaw clenches as she glances first at Ana and then at Malachi before focusing her attention on me. “I don’t know. Every instinct inside of me is screaming that you’re an interloper and to get you away from my pack.”

“Okay. I appreciate the honesty. It doesn’t do us any good if we’re not up front with one another, does it?” I wait until she shakes her head before continuing, “So here’s what I’m thinking. We’ll finish our dinner and the four of you can spend the night talking about if this is going to be too much for your omega. Because if it is, there’s no point in wasting any of our time, right? Tomorrow, if she feels like she can do this, then we’ll go on our date. If not, then the four of you can go on the date, and I’ll stay here. How does that sound?”

Ana clears her throat. “I don’t think that will be nec—“

I hold up my hand to stop her. “I know you said she wants to be here and that you didn’t force her to come. But is it possible that you put too much pressure on her so she felt like she couldn’t say no? I’m sure she wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

“I don’t like what you’re insinuating.” Ana’s eyes flash with anger.

“I’m not insinuating anything, Ana. I’m not saying you did it on purpose. I’m not even saying you did do that. Maybe Paisley was all for coming on the show, but did you not hear what she just said?“ I gesture to the omega in question. “She’s having to fight her instincts? I don’t know what that’s like for an alpha, but I can tell you that for an omega, it’s terrible. We have instincts for a reason. All I’m asking you to do is to take the night, speak with your pack, and listen to what your omega is telling you. See if this is something your pack can do without it hurting Paisley. I don’t want to see someone else hurting because they want to please their pack. I’m sure you don’t either.”

Malachi sighs. “Of course, we don’t. You’re right, Evangeline. Thank you for looking out for Paisley. Ana and I can get a little… pushy about things when we’re excited—as most alphas can. We need to check in with our omega to make sure this is what she wants now that we’re here.”

“Exactly that,” I tell him with a smile before turning back to Paisley. “And no one could hold it against you if you realized you can’t do this now that you’re actually here. Trust me, I completely understand. But if this is something you decide you want to do, I’d really like to get to know you.”

For the first time since she stepped out of the car, the bitchy attitude seems to disappear. “Thank you, Evangeline. I think I’d really like to get to know you, too.”

I glance between the other members of Pack Reyes. “That goes for all of you. I would love to get to know you, but only if every member of your pack is comfortable. I’m sure you can understand that.”

Nash grins. “You’re a special lady, Evangeline.”

“Why, thank you.” I laugh. “Is there a particular reason you’re saying that…”

“Not every person—let alone an omega—would put up with the way Paisley has spoken to you. And then to tell her it’s okay if she changed her mind?” He shakes his head. “Not all people in this world are good people, but you? You definitely are.”

I flush at his kind words, grinning as I duck my head. “Thank you.”

“Blushing looks good on you, Evangeline,” Ana says softly, and when I lift my eyes to meet hers, I find a genuine smile on her lips. “Thank you for looking out for us.”

“We’ll definitely make sure we talk as a pack and get our decision to you in the morning,” Malachi assures me. “In the meantime, let me tell you about Nash’s obsession with golf.”

The tension has fallen away, and I’m so grateful for it. I really don’t need any more stressful meetings with suitors. I don’t know what decision they’ll come to tonight, but I’m glad they’re willing to listen to their omega—even if I’m the one who had to point out the issue. It’ll make me feel better about the pack if they end up staying. But that’s a worry for tomorrow.

Chapter Ten


I pull my hair into a high ponytail, grinning at my reflection.

When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t sure if I’d be heading out on a date today or not. I assumed the worst when I arrived at breakfast, only to find no one from Pack Reyes. I’d resigned myself to staying in for the day and having fewer suitors than planned when Paisley knocked on my door. She’d come alone and told me she wanted us to go on the date today. She wants to see if this is something she can do or not. She wants to, but she needs more time—which I respect.

They should be knocking on my door any minute now so we can head out. I’m curious to see what their dynamic will be now that we’re going out, and Paisley genuinely seems to be on board with it.

Since today’s date will be another adventure outdoors, I’m dressed in leggings and a tank top—casual but still fashionable. I have a cardigan to wear over the top of it if I get cold, but I’m not too awfully worried about it just yet.

The knock I’ve been waiting for sounds out, so I grab said cardigan and hurry over to the door with a smile on my face. Throwing it open, I find Ana and Paisley standing at the door with Malachi and Nash standing further back.

“Hello again, Paisley. Good morning, Ana.”

“Good morning, Evangeline,” Ana purrs, her hand linking with Paisley’s.

A smile warms Paisley’s face. “Thank you again for looking out for me. I know I was a downright brat yesterday. While I can’t guarantee I won’t act the same way today, I promise I’m going to attempt not to.”

“That’s all I ask of you.” I glance between the two women to the other two members of their pack. “Good morning, Malachi. Nash. Are the four of you ready for some fun?”