Page 29 of Knot Her Reality

Without another word, she pads away from us. I hate how much it seems to be affecting her, and she’s right. We can’t act like this when Evangeline is around, but I don’t think I can let this go. I have zero proof, but I know that Viktor is up to no good. But maybe I don’t have to be so antagonistic about it. I can at least pretend to play along, I think.

“You should definitely join us, Dustin,” I tell him as I push to my feet. “We really haven’t had enough of a chance to get to know you, and I think it’s time to remedy that.”

Which is how I find myself in the theater room with Lillian, Koda, Dustin, Jagger, and Cora watching some action film that Dustin was really excited to watch. It’s not terrible, but it’s certainly not good. I don’t need to pay a lot of attention to the story to keep up, which gives me time to think.

At this point, there’s no way Viktor would believe me if I suddenly started trying to be friends with him, but maybe there’s another way. Maybe there’s a way to coexist without raising his suspicions? Because, let’s be real, the only reason I’d be doing it is because I know he has to fuck up eventually. The moment that he does, I want to be there so I have proof to bring to Bree and Evangeline.

Until Viktor is gone, I don’t think I’ll truly be able to let my guard down.

A vague plan begins to form in my mind, and I nod to myself. Once the movie is over, I’ll talk to Jagger about it. Between the two of us, we should be able to work it out. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Evangeline, and even Koda and Lillian, safe from him.

Chapter Nine


Turns out that three hours is more than enough time for me to get ready—something I did know, even if it doesn’t seem like it. I think I’m just excited to be moving forward with the show once more. Now that I have a week less to get to know the suitors and decide on a pack, I want to get these first few days over so we can really start the process of getting to know one another.

Well, at least after tonight, I’ll only have four more suitors to meet.

Damn, that sounds bad. I want to meet all of them. I just wish this part didn’t take so long. On the other hand, I’m glad that they started introducing the suitors like this last season. Bree got to meet all her suitors in one night. Which is great for time but not for getting to know anyone or remembering their names.

Smoothing down my cornflower blue dress, I wait impatiently for the first of today’s suitors to arrive. Today’s dress is quite different from the ones I wore on the first two days. It’s short, hitting my mid-thigh, and the skirt will spin out if I twirl. It has a boat neck neckline and short sleeves, but the entire thing is overlaid with sheer material. The only place with solid material is over my breasts. Even the skirt is sheer, but it’s made up of multiple sheer layers, making it harder for anyone to make out the panties I wear beneath it.

I’m not sure what made me decide to go with this dress today, but it called to me. And who am I to say no to the fashion gods? Not to mention, it looks amazing.

I am equal parts excited and anxious as I wait. Something tells me that this doesn’t get easier with each day. There’s just something about the unknown; something about not knowing who I might be meeting today, that just makes me anxiety ridden.

Sound of tires on asphalt draws my attention to the driveway once more. Time to get my game face on. It’s time to meet today’s first suitor.

I stare at the limo as it pulls around, stopping just in front of me. Who will it be this time? Alpha? Beta? Omega? A pack? Any and all the above? Are they really as okay with waiting a week as Bree said they were? It had to be frustrating to spend a week in a hotel or wherever they wait until they come to the compound.

It’s this uncertainty that will not allow me to fully relax. I’ve always thought myself to be a patient person, but being on Heated has proven me wrong. I now know that my patience is limited by the unknown. I do not enjoy not knowing what is waiting for me. But isn’t that just the human condition?

The door swings open and anticipation fills me. I try to keep my face calm and collected, not wanting anyone to see just how uneasy I am. It’s not just the cameras that I would like to hide this from but also the person or people that I’ll be meeting. After all, doesn’t everyone wish to make the best first impression?

A head appears above the car door, beautiful green eyes meeting mine. He’s tall, but not too tall. At least he’s taller than me. His hair is a mix of red and brown that I find extremely attractive. His crooked smile brings one to my own lips. He winks before stepping out and turning back to the limo.

He ducks back down, offering his hand. A moment later, a gorgeous woman steps out beside him. Her skin is bronze and her hair black as night. Her eyes are so dark from this distance, they appear black as well. Her lips are pouty and the look in her eyes, intelligent. It takes more effort than it should to keep myself from biting my lip. I don’t know who this woman is, but I have to know her.

She gives me a soft smile, but it’s not warm and welcoming. While the other female suitors have been friendly, this one seems to hide behind a wall, her emotions unreadable in her eyes and face. That doesn’t deter me from her, though. In fact, it intrigues me more. It makes me want to get to know her better so I can see the way she thinks—the way she feels.

She moves out of the way, and another man steps out of the limo. He’s about the same height as the first man, but his hair and eyes are dark. There’s a bit of facial hair, slightly more than a five o’clock shadow, but nothing fully grown. It gives him an air of intrigue, just like the woman before him. These three must be a pack. I can’t help but wonder what their designations are.

When the man turns back to the limo, I’m surprised. A feminine hand lays in his moments before a woman appears. Her long blonde hair flows behind her as she shakes her head. Her eyes turn to me, and I see they are a pale, pale blue. She’s gorgeous and so petite. Even without scenting her, I know this woman is an omega.

This pack already has an omega, so why are they here on Heated?

I guess I’m about to find out as the four of them make their way toward me. The dark-haired woman leads the way with the first man at her elbow. The second man escorts the omega, whose hand rests on his arm. As they grow closer, their scents hit my nose. Because they are a pack, it’s hard to differentiate the scents.

There’s a strong scent of chocolate and orange zest. Beneath that I find blood orange, sea salt, ginger, vanilla, spearmint, jasmine, petals, and then beneath it all mangoes and pineapple swirl with strawberry. Something tells me that the last scent belongs to the omega.

As they come to a stop in front of me, the first woman raises an eyebrow before offering me her hand. Before I reach for her, I allow myself the time to run my eyes over her. The dress she wears is beautiful, and its simplicity hugging her curves. The high neckline reveals her beautiful shoulders and arms. Because I am the designer, I know there is a slit in the front of the dress, but with the way she walks, she never reveals any skin. She’s someone accustomed to wearing these types of gowns and knowing when to show her assets.

I shake her hand with a smile on my lips.

“Hello, omega. My name is Ana Reyes, and I am the head alpha of Pack Reyes.”

I lean closer to her, eyes falling shut as I take in her scent—chocolate, blood orange, and sea salt. That makes sense. My eyes fall to the first man who stepped from the car. It takes a moment, but I realize that he is a beta.