“You’re pretty. Are you an angel?”
The angel scoffs. “How hard did he knock you with the kayak? Fuck. I’m definitely no angel, omega. It’s Alejandro. You know me.”
“Right.” I try to nod before halting the action as nausea and pain rush through me. “That was a bad idea.”
Alejandro curses again before wrapping his arm around me. “I’m going to swim you back to the shore.”
“But I know how to swim,” I tell him as he leans me back into the water. I watch as the sky passes overhead before it, too, makes me nauseous. Deciding that it’s best to close my eyes, I allow him to haul me to the shore. I’m not sure I could swim right now even if I wanted to.
I start to drift off, but Alejandro shakes me. “You can’t go to sleep, angel. You might have a concussion, and you’re definitely in shock. Just stay awake for a little bit longer. Can you do that for me?”
I don’t know if I can, or why it’s so important, but I nod my head. “Sure.”
My words come out slurred but my teeth are still chattering, and I finally realize just how serious this is. Something is very wrong—I can’t even feel my body any longer.
“We’re almost there. Finnegan and the others beat us back and are waiting for us. An ambulance just pulled into the parking lot. Bree probably had them on standby, just in case. She’s a bit of a control freak, that one, isn’t she?”
I laugh because he’s not wrong.
“Thank goodness she likes to be over prepared though, because we’re both going to need to get warmed up, and your head definitely needs to be looked at.”
I have to fight to keep my eyes open, groaning when I’m jostled. It takes me a moment to realize that Alejandro has me in his arms as he’s running through the shallower water.
“What the hell were you thinking?” I hear Finnegan scream, and for a moment, I think he’s yelling at Alejandro. I roll my head to the side to tell him off or something, only to realize he has Viktor pinned against a tree.
I don’t hear his response because there’s suddenly a new face hovering over mine. I jerk back, groaning at the movement.
“What happened?”
“Someone ran into her kayak with theirs and it ended up tipping. She was able to get free pretty quickly, but then the same person ran their kayak into her head.” By the time he finishes explaining the events, he’s practically growling. “I jumped in when I realized how disoriented she was. I towed her back to shore, and she almost passed out a couple of times.”
“Hand her to me,” the person says, and Alejandro’s arms tighten around me.
“Absolutely not.”
The person scoffs. “Let me guess—she’s an omega.”
“Damn straight,” I slur. “Why can’t I feel my body?”
Suddenly, I’m yanked out of Alejandro’s arms and lifted up. My back hits a flat surface as I close my eyes against the sudden onslaught of light.
“You can’t just—“
The person, who I now realize is a man, cuts off Alejandro. “Look, here, alpha. I need to get her under the warming blankets and look at her head. I need to do that inside of the rig. If you want to join us, that’s fine. In fact, I’d recommend it since you’re soaked as well. Alice!”
I flinch away from his shout, whimpering. The room suddenly moves before Alejandro appears at my side, his vanilla with sweet cane sugar and a zesty lime twist scent soothing my nerves. “Alejandro…”
“I’m here, Evangeline. I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.”
“What’s up, Thomas?” a new voice asks.
“I have a female omega who needs to get under warming blankets and a male alpha who needs the same thing. Something tells me he isn’t going to react well to me undressing her, so I think it would be best if I drove the rig.”
“Where are you taking her?” a voice I recognize but can’t quite place immediately asks.
“The closest hospital is Oakes General—it’s twenty minutes up the road. We need to get her there as soon as possible, and I can’t do that with you in the door. Clear out so we can get going,” Thomas says before the doors slam shut, and I wince again. It’s just so loud and bright in here. It hurts my head.
I feel movement around me before the light pressing against my eyelids finally abates somewhat.