Page 18 of Knot Her Reality

Not bothering to wait for her response, I quickly finish dressing in a tank top, a pair of shorts, and tennis shoes. Throwing my hair into a high ponytail as I head for the door, I push away my annoyance at needing guards to “protect” me on dates. I just want to live my best life. I don’t get why that has to make people so angry.

Throwing the door open, I find a scowling Viktor standing on the other side, and I jerk back from the anger in his gaze.

“Oh, Evangeline, there you are.” As if it was never there, the anger disappears, replaced with a smirk. “The others headed out to the car, and I told them I’d wait for you.”

“Oh, uh… Thanks.” I try to step out of my room, but he’s suddenly directly in front of me, cutting me off. “Ummm… What are you doing, Viktor?”

Instead of saying anything, he lifts his arm to lean against the doorframe, blocking my way out. My heart pounds in my chest, fear racing through me as I stare up at him.

“You look beautiful, omega,” he finally says, reaching up as if to run his hand down my cheek, but I jerk away from him.

“Thank you, but how about you get the fuck out of my doorway and let me out?”

He laughs as if I’m joking or something, but I’m not. And if he doesn’t move the fuck out of my way, I’m going to show him just how much I’m not joking. “Sorry, omega. I just couldn’t let you leave the room without telling you that.”

When he finally steps out of my way, I let out a sigh of relief. What the hell is up with this guy? He tries to pretend like he’s this nice guy, but there’s just something off about it all. I thought that last night before he even pulled whatever this was.

“Again, thanks.” Brushing past him, I head for the front door as I try to slow my heart rate.

“What the hell are you doing, Viktor?”

At the unexpected voice, I look up to find Alejandro staring at the other alpha. I slow my pace, glancing over my shoulder to find Viktor pushing into my room.

Viktor spins around, pinning Alejandro with a glare. “I thought you went out to the car with the others.”

“Yeah, I wanted to see Evangeline too much, so I decided to stay inside, too.” Alejandro reaches out to pull me against his side, his eyes never leaving Viktor. “Now, answer my question. What were you doing going into Evangeline’s room? No one is to enter an omega’s space without permission—especially while on the show. It’s rude and disrespectful.”

“I thought I saw something, so I was just going to check it out,” Viktor says smoothly, pulling the door shut as he steps back into the hallway. “But it was just a trick of the eye. I’m sorry, Evangeline. I would never think of invading your space without your permission.”

I force myself to smile and nod. “Of course. We best get going. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us before I meet the next set of suitors tonight.”

Something flashes in Viktor’s eyes, there and gone again in a flash before he smiles. “Of course.” Without another word, he passes us and heads out the door.

“That was weird,” I say slowly.

“Weird as fuck,” Alejandro agrees. “I’m not sure about him. There’s just something off.”

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed.” I pull away from the alpha, shaking out my body as I force myself to relax. “I’ll mention it to Bree. She’s already freaking out. We have two guards coming with us on the date.”

Alejandro makes a face. “Why?”

“Apparently, there have been death threats made against me, and they’re taking them seriously.” I shrug. “I think it’s just assholes being assholes. It’s not the first time I’ve had death threats for being who and what I am.”

“Death threats? Are you serious? Why would you be getting death threats?”

I make a face. “Did you not watch the news about the show before you came? Or notice the protesters outside the compound?”

He nods. “Of course I did. They think the death threats are coming from the same people? That’s quite a leap from protesting to murder.”

“I agree, but that’s what Bree said. I tried to tell her it wasn’t necessary. Apparently, the orders came from the network, so there’s no fighting them. But right now, I just want to forget about all of this and enjoy my date.”

He looks like he wants to argue, but nods. “Then let’s get out of here.”

When he offers me his hand, I take it with a smile. I’m so happy that he’s here—this version, and not the way he was when he first arrived last season. It’s clear that he’s matured so much from his experience and what he’s been doing since. He leads me out to the SUV, where Lillian and Dustin have already climbed inside. Finnegan stands next to it, and I’m a little sad to see that Lucas is in the driver’s seat.

“Where’s Ian?”

“Glad to know you’re happy to see us,” Finnegan grumbles with a smile. “Since Lucas and I will be joining you, one of us will act as the driver while the other one comes with you. That way, we know no one will mess with the car and you’re still covered. If anything happens, he’ll be able to join us quickly, but I don’t anticipate any issues.”