Page 16 of Knot Her Reality

He chuckles again. “You said that, and don’t worry, I’m not offended. I was surprised when I received the phone call as well. Apparently, there was a big campaign by fans of the show who thought I deserved another chance at happiness. Bree did tell me that if I punch anyone this season, I’ll never be allowed near set again.”

A giggle spills from my lips as I turn to look at the omega in question. Her eyes narrow on Alejandro as she gives him the ‘I’ll be watching you’ signal. “Definitely no punching, then. I’d hate for you to not be allowed on the show. I’m actually a big fan of what you did. I admit, I was a big pile of omega goo when you did it, and then listening to your interviews after? Getting kicked off because you knew Sophia belonged with Carson and the rest of his pack. It was…”

“Stupid,” he offers with a grin before shaking his head. “I don’t regret it. No matter how much she denied it, Sophia was meant to be with them. Carson still thanks me anytime it gets brought up.”

“Oh, are you friends with them, then? With Pack… Shit, I don’t even know what pack name they went with.”

“Pack Lewitt,” he offers. “Asher is still the head of the pack, and the omegas wanted to share a name. And yes, I am close with them. In fact, Chase and I are actually working on a project together now.”

My smile grows at that. “I love Chase and what he’s doing for omegas. I don’t usually follow politics as it’s quite dry, but when he’s out there lobbying for my rights and my treatment, I figure I ought to pay attention.”

“I’m sure he’ll love hearing that.” He grins. “He loves to hear that omegas are sitting up and taking notice of what he’s doing. It makes him feel like he’s actually making a difference.”

“He is, and he should never doubt that. Can you tell me more about the project the two of you are working on together?”

Alejandro laughs. “Are you sure this is what you want to spend our time talking about?”

“If it interests you, then I want to know about it.” I shrug. “If someone is passionate about something, it means they believe in it, and that’s always something I want to hear.”

He nods slowly. “Okay, then. Sure, I can tell you a little about it. As an alpha, I felt like I wasn’t properly informed of what and who an omega is. I feel like our education system is failing us on this, and I’m not the only one. We learn the basics in high school, but once our designation reveals, we only learn about our own designation. And what we learn isn’t all correct. I’m not the only one who feels like they were unprepared for meeting an omega or trying to form a pack.

“When I realized that it was an issue that many alphas, betas, and even omegas felt the same about, I knew something needed to be done. Chase and I are working on a proposition for a bill to expand and better the education programs surrounding designations. It’s still in the beginning stages, but we’ve had a lot of positive feedback, and there’s been an influx of support. With how slowly laws are passed, it could be years before we’re able to get it passed—if we’re ever able to get it passed—but I’m hopeful.”

My smile has grown with each word. It’s clear that he really is passionate about this, and I love it. He’s no longer that spoiled model who showed up last season. He’s clearly becoming the man he was always meant to be, and I can’t wait to see him continue to grow. That might seem a little weird, considering I’ve just met him, but I feel like I’ve known him longer. Not just because he was on the show but because there’s something drawing me to him. I don’t know how to explain it.

“That sounds like a great idea, and I hope the two of you are able to get it worked out.” I shrug. “I know nothing about lawmaking, but I definitely support what the two of you are trying to do. Does this mean you’re not modeling anymore?”

Because trust me when I say I’d love to have him model for my male line.

He shrugs. “Over the last year, I’ve only taken a few jobs, and they’ve mainly been for charity or other good causes. I love being a model, but I love trying to enact change even more. I never would’ve thought that politics would be my thing, but when it fits, it fits. I’m even going back to school in the fall.”

“That’s really awesome. Well, if you ever do want a job modeling, I would welcome you with open arms. My male line still needs a spokesmodel.” Is it a little weird that I’m trying to hire him when he’s here as my suitor? Maybe a little, but I’ve learned that you don’t waste opportunities.

He laughs. “Why don’t we see how things go over the next few weeks? I won’t say no because this line is fire. You might not have a spokesmodel yet, but I’ll be surprised if you don’t have people jumping for the opportunity. It hasn’t launched yet, has it?”

“Officially? No. We’re considering this a soft launch,” I say with a laugh as Reginald catches my attention. This time, I do pout.

Alejandro laughs as he glances over my shoulder at Reginald. “I guess our time is up? Come along, little omega. There’s no reason to pout. Allow me to escort you to Bree and then dinner?”

“I’d like that.” I slide my hand into his offered arm, allowing him to lead me toward the other suitors. Once more, I feel Viktor’s gaze on me and have to fight a shiver. Refusing to give him an ounce of my attention, I smile at Lillian and Dustin before giving Bree my full attention.

“That’s it for day two suitors. If the five of you will follow me, we have dinner set up for you inside. Afterward, you’ll have the night free. Evangeline will have a choice of spending time with you or not before your group date tomorrow.” Bree turns on her heel, and we fall into step behind her.

I hear Viktor grumble something under his breath that I can’t make out, but Alejandro must hear it because he stiffens up beside me.

“Are you okay?” I ask, glancing up at him.

He gives a sharp nod. “It’s fine. Nothing for you to worry about. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

I smile, allowing him to change the subject, but all it does is make me more curious about what Viktor said. Nothing I can do about it now. Maybe I can do some digging at dinner or after. I guess we’ll see.

Chapter Six


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Bree asks from her spot on the couch in my suite.

I shrug, unsure how to answer her. After breakfast, she asked if she could speak with me in my suite. She’d seemed so serious that I knew something was going on, but I hadn’t been prepared for what she had to tell me.