Lillian seems a little awestruck as I refuse to release her hand. She shakes her head as if to clear it, her voice still quiet. “I work in marketing. I just graduated with my degree last year, so I’m still working my way up, but I really love it.”
“That’s good. We should all love what we do.” I step closer, reaching up with my free hand to trail my hand over her cheek. In her heels, she’s only a few inches shorter than me. I wonder if all of my female suitors will be shorter than me. I guess only time will tell. “I love what I do, and seeing you in this dress, I’m really glad I do what I do. It looks like it was made for you.”
She flushes again, ducking her head. “It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever worn, and surprisingly comfortable. Plus, there are pockets!”
I laugh. “That there are. I’m a firm believer in putting pockets on dresses when possible. Just because we wear a dress doesn’t mean we don’t have things to carry with us.”
She nods. “I’ve always hated that about dresses. It’s why I mostly wear pants to work, though I do have some skirts with pockets.”
“You’ll get to check out my whole line while you’re on the show, and I promise there are lots of dresses with pockets. Hopefully, you’ll try them out?” Glancing down at her long legs, I grin. “Because it would be a shame to cover up those legs.”
“Oh.” She giggles, ducking her head again. “I can’t seem to stop blushing.”
“That’s okay, sweet girl. I like it.” I step back from her, giving her some space. I don’t want to overwhelm the poor woman, after all. We chat about our hobbies for a few moments, and when I see Reginald signaling for me to wrap it up, I have to fight back a pout. “It’s been wonderful chatting with you Lillian, but it looks like our time is up. We’ll talk more at dinner, okay?”
She nods, still smiling. “I’d like that a lot.”
“So would I,” I tell her, turning to watch her walk toward Hector, who’s standing at Viktor’s side. My smile falls away at the way the alpha’s eyes move up and down the beta’s body. I’m just about to step toward them to make sure he doesn’t make her uncomfortable when Bree steps in front of me.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She raises an eyebrow, hands on her hips.
I frown. “I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. She’s shy, and I don’t want him to overwhelm her.”
Bree glances over her shoulder, watching as Lillian tries to put space between her and Viktor. “Yeah, I don’t like that either. I’ll take care of it. You just worry about meeting your next two suitors, okay?”
I open my mouth to argue with her but snap it shut at the look on her face. I grin, shaking my head. “Yeah, okay, Bree. Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” she responds before turning to head toward the others. I can’t hear what’s being said, but I don’t like the look on Viktor’s face as he listens to Bree. But he does stop trying to move closer to Lillian, his eyes finding me instead. I fight to keep my face neutral as I spin back toward Reginald.
The beta gives me a tight smile but doesn’t say anything as the next limo turns into the circular driveway. I’d been much too concerned with Viktor and Lillian to notice its approach. I guess it’s a good thing that Bree interrupted me.
The limo pulls to a stop and the door pops open almost immediately. The man who steps out is probably close to six feet, but lanky, the tux he wears not fitting him as well as it could. His messy hair is a nondescript brown, his eyes the same. He’s cute, but not nearly as attractive as most of the other suitors I’ve met. The smile on his lips makes him more attractive, and I find myself returning it easily.
“Hi,” he says eagerly as he saunters over. “My name is Dustin Ellior.”
I take his offered hand, trying not to frown at his weak handshake. Trying to scent him discreetly, I lean closer. Definitely a beta. His honey and clementine scent barely registers over the scent cancelers. “It’s nice to meet you, Dustin. Obviously, I’m Evangeline. Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?”
“Well, I’m thirty-six, a beta, and I work in banking,” he starts, and I try not to zone out as he explains how much he loves banking. While I’m glad he loves what he does, there isn’t really anything exciting about banking, and it’s all he talks about. And he doesn’t let me get a word in edgewise, so I can try to move him to another topic. It’s unfortunate, to say the least.
“Oh, sorry to cut you off,” I say with a smile when Reginald sends me the signal to wrap it up, “but it looks like our time is up. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard about banking quite like that. I look forward to getting to know you better after meeting the other suitors.”
Dustin doesn’t seem put off by this, just giving me a smile and moving toward Bree and the other suitors. I try my best to keep my face blank, to not reveal the thoughts coursing through me—the boredom and disbelief. I refuse to lift my eyes back to Reginald, afraid I’ll end up revealing everything I’m thinking to him and the cameras. I don’t want to embarrass the poor guy on national television just because he got excited about his job. It seems cruel.
Taking a deep breath, I force myself to focus on my final suitor of the day arriving. Within a minute, the limo pulls up into the driveway and stops in front of me. The door doesn’t open immediately, and I find myself shifting from foot to foot in impatience. Why are they taking so long?
Finally, the door opens and my jaw drops as a familiar face steps out. I’d recognize that sun-kissed skin, artfully tousled brown hair, and olive green eyes anywhere. After all, he’d ended up being my favorite on season two.
“Alejandro Delgado?” I gasp, trying to bite back a squeal. Unfortunately, it slips out. “Oh, my goodness! I can’t believe you’re one of my suitors!”
Alejandro chuckles, flashing me those pearly whites of his. The alpha comes to a stop in front of me, his vanilla with sweet cane sugar and a zesty lime twist scent hitting me hard. All I can do is stare up at him as slick spills from me. He’s even more beautiful in person.
When he first appeared on Heated’s second season, I had been less than impressed—just as Sophia had been. He was everything I was used to seeing in models, and I hated it. But watching him grow up in the weeks he was on the show, only to be sent home for stepping in to punch Dylan before Carson could? My little omega heart melted right then and there. Sacrificing himself for a beta who he knew belonged with Sophia.
When they interviewed him afterward, he had no problem telling them exactly why he did what he did. I watched it more times than necessary and every other interview he’s given since then. To say I’m obsessed is putting things mildly.
“Hello, Evangeline. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” When he reaches out to take my hand in his and lifts it to his lips, I almost melt at his feet. What did I say about men kissing my hand?
“As happy as I am to see you here, I’m surprised they let you return after punching another suitor.” I wince, realizing just how bad that sounds. “I really am happy that you’re here.”