Page 12 of Knot Her Reality

Spending time with her and the others made it easier to control myself, but it felt like a tease. I just want to spend all of my time with her. It’s so fast, but I can’t help the way I feel. I know she’s going to be my everything.

And that’s after only knowing her for less than twenty-four hours.

What will it be like once I’ve gotten to know her better? When we deepen the connection between us. She might not be ready to call me hers just yet, but I know she felt what I did. It was clear by the way our scents exploded from us, overpowering the scent cancelers. And the way our scents twined together? Holy shit. It was amazing.

Letting my eyes fall shut, I fall asleep thinking of the omega I’m going to make mine with a smile on my lips.

I don’t know how much later it is when I jerk awake, but my heart is racing as I sit up. Something woke me up, but it takes me a moment to realize what it was—the door.

Clearing my throat, I swipe at my eyes as I climb out of my nest and head for the door. I don’t know who’s there, but they keep knocking, and it’s starting to make my head pound.

“What the hell?” I growl as I swing the door open.

Bree stands there, hands on her hips as she stares me down. “You’re late.”

“Shit. Really? I didn’t think I’d sleep that late.” I swipe a hand over my face. “Do I have time to shower? I built a nest when I got back and climbed in without washing off.”

Bree’s face softens as she nods. “Yeah, just make it fast. I need to get downstairs for the suitors arriving.”

I nod. “Just give me five minutes.”

Shutting the door, I run for the bathroom, throwing clothes to the floor as I do. I don’t bother washing my hair since there isn’t time; just wash my body before climbing out and drying off. It might be a few more than five minutes, but not by much.

When I make my way into the third floor game room, I find the others waiting. “I’m so sorry. Apparently I was more tired than I thought.”

“It’s okay,” Cora assures me, patting the couch beside her. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

Since she offered, I hurry over to sit beside her. Skylar is sitting on another couch with Jagger, both of them looking relaxed, while Bree stands beside the camera. “Last season, we found that group interviews with the suitors were easier for all parties, so we’ll be continuing with that this season. This is time for the four of you to tell us your thoughts on Evangeline and how you think the group date went. What have the last twenty-four hours been like for you?”

The four of us glance at one another before Cora leans forward. “Evangeline is amazing. I’ve been wearing her clothes for years so it’s awesome getting to meet her for that alone. Beyond that, she seems like a nice, genuine person who I want to get to know better. Even spending time with her last night before the date today, that isn’t enough time to really get to know someone. None of us can deny that she’s gorgeous, so of course, I find her attractive. Do I see myself as ending up part of her pack? I don’t know yet.”

“Things are different for Cora than they are for me. All she’s looking for are female partners.” Skylar smiles at her partner before turning back to Bree. “Obviously, the two of us are together and if we become part of Evangeline’s pack, if there are other females in the pack, we might want to be involved with them. We just don’t know how it’s going to play out, you know? But I also like men, so this experience should be interesting for me.

“I don’t know how Evangeline will feel about sharing her mates with others in the pack—that’s not something that we discussed. It’s hard to decide if someone is right for you after just one date, you know? We haven’t discussed the big topics like her pack being with one another, kids, the future. I can like someone and be attracted to someone, but that won’t matter if we don’t see eye to eye on certain topics, you know?”

Jagger hums. “I’d say that the date was a success for all of us. I had a good time, not just getting to know Evangeline but Koda, Cora, and Skylar. While the show’s main focus is on the omega finding her pack, it’s also about us getting to know one another. I can’t imagine being a part of a pack where there’s animosity between pack mates, you know? Cora and Skylar are both right; it’s next to impossible to know what the future will bring based on one date. Do I want to remain on the show and get to know her and the suitors? Absolutely. But who can decide their entire future based on knowing someone for only twenty-four hours?”

“Me,” I announce with a grin. “I have zero doubt that Evangeline is meant to be mine, and I’m meant to be hers. It’s not just because of the way our scents and bodies reacted either. It was like the moment I saw her, I just knew. There was a feeling deep inside of me that just echoed ‘mine’ over and over. Obviously, everyone was able to see that there was an instant attraction, but for me, it was so much more. A deep knowing that this is where I’m meant to be.”

Bree stares at me with raised eyebrows, and as I turn to look at the others, I see similar looks on their faces.

“What? None of you are believers of love at first sight?” I laugh. “Don’t worry, neither was I until yesterday. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an omega, or if this is just who I am, but that woman is my future.”

Jagger shakes his head. “And you’re not worried that you’re going to scare her off with your certainty?”

“Nope. She’s here to find her pack. Why would she run from me saying that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.” I shrug. “It’s not like I can guarantee that she feels exactly like I do. I can’t guarantee that she’ll choose me. I can’t even guarantee that she’s the only person I’ll fall for while on the show. After all, I’m an omega, too. I need knots during my heat just as badly as she does. Or locks—not that I’ve ever been with a female alpha, but man, would I love to.”

Bree giggles, lifting her hand to attempt to hide it, but she can’t seem to keep the sound from falling from her lips. “I’m sorry, Koda. I’m not laughing at you. I just don’t think I’ve ever met someone who was so sure of what they wanted and just put it out there. Remind me how old you are again?”


“And it’s not like it’s because you’re young and don’t know any better. You know what? I love it. Don’t ever change.” Bree glances at the other three. “Do any of you have anything to add?”

Cora’s smile never falters as she turns to face me. “I believe in love at first sight. I had that with Skylar, but it definitely took time for her to catch up. If you say Evangeline’s the one for you, then I believe you. Not only that, but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she does pick you. I’m a sucker for a good romance.”

“That’s sweet but unnecessary,” I tell her. “Either she’ll want me or she won’t. I’m pretty confident with my chances.”

“As you should be. The tension and chemistry between the two of you?” She claps her hands. “I didn’t want to say anything because it’s really not my place, but since you brought it up, I figured I should share. I’m not even attracted to men, but yesterday? I wanted to take both of you to my bed, and that’s really saying something because I don’t want penises anywhere near my holes.”