Page 118 of Knot Her Reality

Now, it’s Bree’s turn to laugh. “I didn’t think it would. Should I let Finn know you’ll be down to see him shortly?”

“Yes, please, and can we set up the ceremony for tonight? Really, for as soon as we can after I talk with Finn.”

Tessa chuckles, glancing at her watch. “Sweetheart, it’s already five o’clock. There aren’t many more hours left in the day.”

“I don’t care. I want to do it tonight. I just won’t have as long to get ready. Who cares what I look like?”

Lillian lifts a hand to my forehead. “Are you running a fever? Because I thought I just heard you say that it doesn’t matter what you look like. You always care what you look like.”

I shrug. “It doesn’t matter as much as claiming my pack as mine. While I’m talking to Finn, the three of you can pick out a dress for me. I’m sure Allison and Vivian can come up with a look that won’t take too much effort to match. I need to do this tonight.”

Tessa leans in, running her nose along my neck. “Shit, you’re going into heat really soon. No wonder you’re so insistent on doing this tonight. Don’t worry, omega, we’ll get it taken care of. You go have your chat with Finn, and we’ll make sure everything is ready for tonight.”

“Thank you.” Letting my eyes fall shut, I smile as I realize I never have to do everything myself ever again. I have a pack now, and they’ll always be there for me. Now I just have to convince Finn that I’m in my right mind so I can claim my pack. I can do that.

Within two hours, I’m standing outside of the ballroom with Koda, Lillian, and Tessa at my side. Reginald, Bree, and Finn stand across from us with smiles on their faces.

Finn had surprised me when I went down to talk to him. He’d only had two questions for me when I told him I was ready to choose my pack—was I sure and did I have any questions. I thought I would’ve had to convince him I was ready, but he just accepted that I knew. We did talk about the embarrassment I felt in the pool after I realized I announced to all of them that I loved them. He helped me understand why I felt that way, and some ways to deal with it if those kinds of feelings came up again.

“Are you ready?” Bree asks, and I nod. “Good. The suitors were very confused about why they had to get dressed up and go to the ballroom on a Wednesday at seven o’clock at night. They’re going a little crazy in there since they have no idea what’s going on. As requested, we took down the stage and the risers. They’re all gathered in the center of the room, just waiting for the four of you. Well, and Reginald, I guess.”

“I do have to do my host thing before you can claim them. Do you have the roses?”

Glancing at Tessa, she nods and holds up the box that she assures me holds five red roses. “Yup. We’re ready.”

Reginald grins, and it’s so different from the smile he uses on the show or in his movies. He’s genuinely happy for me. “Then congratulations, Evie. You’ve done it. You’ve found your pack. Tyler, Lucas, and the rest of the pack send their congratulations as well.”

“Make sure to thank them for me.” I roll my neck, letting the tension fall away. “Let’s do this.”

Finn and Bree open the doors for us, Reginald taking the lead, and the four of us trail behind him. The suitors are speaking quietly, but they fall silent when they notice us. We stop a few feet from them, in front of one of the cameras as Reginald faces it.

“Welcome back, viewers. We have a surprise for you tonight. It’s Wednesday in the seventh week, and Evangeline has requested a special rose ceremony. We’ve gathered the five remaining suitors—Ronan and Natalie from Pack Wells, Alejandro, Conrad, and Jagger. Now, I’ll turn this over to Evangeline.”

“Thank you, Reginald.” I’m smiling as I take his spot, but my eyes are on the suitors and not the camera. “First, I’d like to apologize for disappearing on the five—well, eight of you, really—after Sunday in the pool. I wasn’t embarrassed by what happened, but the truth that slipped from my lips. I wasn’t ready to admit that to myself, let alone the eight of you. With that being said, my pack talked some sense into me, and I didn’t want to wait another three days to do this.

“Natalie, there’s been a connection between the two of us from the beginning. Even when I wasn’t sure if I could trust you, it was still there. I should’ve known better than to ever deny that. Ronan, you’re an amazing alpha to Natalie, and I’ll admit I was envious of what the two of you shared when you first arrived. But now I know that’s just how you are. You love hard and with your whole heart, and I know you’ll love all of us like that if given the chance.

“Alejandro, I wasn’t sure what to expect with you. I watched season two, so I know how you came onto the show, but I also know what you did for Sophia and her pack. You grew while you were on the show, but I didn’t know which guy I’d be getting when you appeared. It turns out the answer is neither. You may have grown on the show, but you’ve grown so much more outside of it. You’re everything an omega could want in an alpha.

“Conrad, the gentle giant—at least when it comes to me and Koda. You’re not a man of many words, but that means I listen to the words you do speak. I heard you, Conrad, and I see you. You’re amazing, and any omega would be lucky to call you theirs. Then there’s Jagger. The man with the swagger. The man I’ve found it very hard not to call daddy on the regular because hot damn, you are certainly a silver fox—and I’ve never had a daddy kink a day in my life.”

Laughter fills the room and my smile only grows. “Every one of you is someone I want to be a part of my pack. That we want to be a part of our pack. I love all of you, and I hope you’ll choose to join us when we give you these roses.”

Tessa appears at my side, offering me two roses, and I smile when I see the other three members of my pack holding one each. Lillian and Koda offer theirs to Natalie and Ronan, while Tessa gives hers to Jagger. I step up to Alejandro and Conrad, my hands brushing theirs as they take their roses.

I step back with the rest of my pack and watch the suitors, waiting for any kind of reaction. Luckily, I don’t have to wait long.

“I told you!” Natalie yells, punching Ronan’s chest before running over to throw her arms around me. “Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

I laugh as I wrap my arms around her. “Shouldn’t you wait to hear what your alpha has to say?”

“If he’s stupid enough to say no, then fuck him.” She giggles. “But I know him well enough to know he’d never say no.”

“She’s right. Only an idiot would turn you and your pack down, and none of us are idiots.”

I can’t seem to stop smiling as hugs and kisses are shared between me, my bonded mates, and my soon-to-be bonded mates.

“Well, there you have it, viewers. Evangeline has chosen her pack, bringing the third season of Heated to a close. Make sure you tune in next season to watch another lucky omega find his or her pack.”