Page 114 of Knot Her Reality

Chapter Thirty-six


This week has been insane. Each of the remaining suitors was able to go on a date with Evangeline and her pack. Gavin was sent home last night at the rose ceremony, but we knew that was going to happen after they came home from their date. Everyone decided that they would be better off as friends. It almost made me feel bad for just how well mine and Natalie’s date went. But really, nothing can spoil that night for me.

I’d hoped that Evangeline would give Nat and me a red rose at the ceremony, but she handed out peach roses to all five of us. I was disappointed, but I got it. We still have two weeks left before the last rose ceremony, after which Evangeline will go into heat sometime in the following week. I don’t blame her for wanting to be sure about who she chooses for her pack. Koda was a given, and so were Lillian and Tessa. It was clear that they were all meant to be together. It’s the rest of us that she’s apparently not sure about.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk away from her if she sends me and Natalie home. It would break our hearts. We want to be a part of her pack—of their pack. Natalie has been head over heels for Evangeline since the beginning, and she’s never relented in that belief. It took me a little longer to realize that I wanted forever with her, but that’s the hardheaded alpha in me.

Now, I just need her to realize that she needs and wants us just as bad. Hopefully, that’ll come sooner rather than later.

“Are you ready?” Natalie asks as she steps into the sitting area, eyes running over me before sighing. “Are you brooding again?”

Frowning, I shake my head. “I don’t brood.”

“Bullshit, you don’t brood, but whatever. Get your ass out of the chair, and let’s get downstairs. We overslept, and I bet everyone else is already downstairs.”

I chuckle as I push to my feet. “And whose fault is it that we overslept.”

“Mine, and I have no problem admitting that, alpha. You definitely weren’t complaining last night or this morning.”

“That’s because I’m not an idiot. I never said I didn’t enjoy myself, but you were the one that didn’t want to wake up this morning. I was only indulging you by staying in bed.”

She snorts, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door. “And that’s why it was me who had to wake you up an hour ago?”

Ignoring her, I swing the door open and hold it for her. Once we’re on the stairs, my hand finds its way to the small of her back. When we make it to the pool, I realize we are the last ones to arrive.

“It’s about time,” Evangeline says as she saunters over to us. “I was beginning to think we would need to send a search party for the two of you.”

Natalie laughs, shaking her head. “No search party needed. We just needed a little more sleep than usual. Can’t let all this beauty go to waste.”

“Oh, no. We definitely don’t want that.” Evangeline leads us over to the food and beverage table. “Get some food and coffee if you need it, then come hang out in the pool with us.”

“Yes, ma’am.” When she turns to look at me, sass written all over her face, I just wink before turning back to the table and making myself a plate.

“Damn saucy alphas,” I hear her mutter as she walks away. “Don’t take too long. I’ve missed you!”

Natalie snickers. “You hear that? She missed us.”

“I don’t know why you’re laughing about it. That’s good news. That means she’s thinking about us even when we’re not here.”

Natalie rolls her eyes. “You’re still worried she isn’t going to pick us, aren’t you?”

I shrug, keeping my eyes on the food so I don’t have to meet her eyes. Only, she’s not having any of that. She pokes me in the side until I turn to her with a glare. “Stop fucking poking me.”

“Then stop trying to avoid eye contact, asshole. You act like I don’t know how you are.” My beta’s face softens. “She’s taken us to bed twice, Ro. The first time was with two people who are part of her pack now. She likes us. She will choose us. We just need to give her the time to wrap her head around it. We will be a part of her pack. Just keep telling yourself that until she realizes it, okay?”

I nod slowly, a smile breaking out on my face. “Thank you, Nat. That’s just what I needed to hear. This is why we work so well.”

“And don’t forget it,” she says before tugging on my shirt until I lean down to meet her lips. She sighs when we break apart before going back to making coffee for us. “You better have put enough food on that plate for both of us, or I’m going to shank you.”

I throw my head back as I laugh. Gods, I love this woman so damn much. And yes, her threatening to shank me does it for me. Everything about her does it for me, and I just want to give her the life she deserves—the life we both deserve. Which is why I’ve been worrying so much about Evangeline not choosing us. I know we’re meant to be a part of her pack. I know that we’re meant to be forever. I just don’t know that my omega knows it—and yes, she is my omega, even if she hasn’t chosen us yet.

“The two of you are having entirely too much fun without the rest of us,” Koda yells from the pool. “You’re taking too long. Hurry up.”

Laughing, I slap my hand down on Natalie’s ass. “You heard the omegas, Nat. We need to hurry up. Can’t leave them wanting for anything.”

“Slap my ass again, and you’re going to end up wearing this coffee instead of drinking it,” Natalie hisses at me, but I can see the humor in her eyes. She’s not even remotely upset. In fact, I think she’s excited that our attention is being demanded by both Evangeline and Koda.