Page 11 of Knot Her Reality

“I’d love to ride with you, if you don’t mind.” Koda winks, causing my smile to grow. “I want to see how much you enjoy this.”

“Damn it. That was my plan, too,” Jagger says good-naturedly. “But that’s alright. I’m sure I’ll have fun driving myself.”

“That’s the spirit!” Turning back to Mario, I can’t seem to stop smiling. “I guess we’ll only need three buggies.”

Mario nods as we step inside. It takes a few minutes for us to all sign our waivers and watch a required video. He hands us each a helmet before leading us outside. As we approach a buggy, he goes over the safety rules and features—including that each buggy comes with a five-point harness in both seats. Between that and the helmet, he makes it clear that we’re as safe as we can be in an activity like this.

By the time he lets us pick out our buggies, I’m so excited that I practically run over to the one with the pretty teal coloring.

“We’re taking this one!” I yell out to Koda, who’s chuckling as he jogs over to join me.

“You’re excited.”

Rolling my eyes, I tilt my head as I stare up at him. “And you’re not?”

He laughs. “Of course I am. Let’s do this.”

We climb in, buckling up and donning our helmets. Mario comes around to each buggy to make sure we’re all belted in with our helmets on before jumping into a buggy himself.

“And go!” he yells, already pulling away from us.

I gasp, punching my foot down on the gas pedal. I might be a tiny bit competitive. But I quickly forget about competition as I fly over the first sand dune, launching our buggy into the air. I yell out my excitement, Koda doing the same.

“Hell yes,” I scream as the tires touch down, jostling us from side to side as the buggy takes off, spitting sand up around us.

“This is awesome! Do it again!” Koda yells, holding on to the bar on the top of the buggy.

Occasionally, I’ll see or hear the others around us, but overall, I’m focused on making sure Koda and I have the best time possible. I could do this forever, but sadly, that can’t happen.

Much too soon, Mario is waving us down to head back to the base. I sigh, glancing at Koda. “I want to keep going.”

“So do I, but you have four more suitors to meet tonight, don’t you?”

I stick out my bottom lip in a pout as I turn the buggy around to head back. “Yesssss…”

He laughs. “Don’t act like you’re not excited, and if we don’t get you back on time, you’ll have to rush to get ready. Something tells me you’d hate that.”

My eyes widen as I nod. “Oh, goodness. I hadn’t even thought about that. We need to get back as soon as possible.”

I wrinkle my nose as he throws his head back and laughs. I might be a little bit high maintenance when it comes to my appearance, but I have to be with my job. Plus, my first group of suitors is amazing, so I’m hoping that all the others will be as well. A girl can hope, anyway.

Chapter Four


After finishing our date with Evangeline, I head back to my suite. It’s not that I don’t like Cora, Jagger, and Skylar, but I just need a few moments to myself.

I’ve always been an outgoing person, but once I revealed as an omega, I started needing more time to decompress on my own. Life as an omega can be hard with our heightened senses and high sex drive. Even on suppressants, it can be a lot when surrounded by a bunch of people—even worse when it’s strangers.

Heading for the main bedroom, I grab the box of extra blankets and dump them on the bed. This bedroom isn’t a nest by any means, but I can make it more nest-like. I fall into the task, letting my thoughts fall away as I work to make it exactly right. I have to grab more blankets and pillows from the closet before it’s perfect.

Then I climb inside, burying myself in the softness.

There’s nothing like being surrounded by soft things—at least for me. I haven’t known a lot of omegas, male or female, so I don’t know how it is for others, but this is my happy place. This is the space where I can let everything go and recharge. At least, I usually can.

My thoughts drift to Evangeline, and a smile flickers across my lips. I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that she was mine. She’s not quite on the same page yet, but I think she’ll get there. I’ve never believed in love at first sight, though I’m well aware that lust at first sight is definitely a thing. Only, I felt both toward her when I met her. Yes, I want her naked beneath me as I worship that amazing body, but it’s so much more than that.

I want to love her, cherish her, hold her. I want to do it all. I just want her.