I hold the rose out to him, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “I know you’ll find your pack one day. Just keep being the amazing man you are.”
Koda has tears in his eyes when Evander turns to him. “We’re going to miss you around here.”
“And I’m going to miss all of you, but this is what’s for the best.” He pulls my omega in for a hug, and when they break apart, they both have tears in their eyes. With a nod in my direction, Evander makes his way off the stage to join the suitors for the last time.
“Tessa and Lillian, there was definite attraction when I met both of you, which has only grown since I’ve gotten to know each of you.” I glance at Koda as he plucks the two red roses from the vase. “When Koda and I imagine our future pack, we can’t imagine it without both of you. Lillian, you’re like literal sunshine. I never want to give that up. I want you to be in my life forever. And Tessa? You’re so strong and brave. Not to mention kick-ass. We couldn’t think of a better alpha to be our first alpha. We want both of you to be a part of our pack, if that’s what you want.”
Lillian’s smile takes over her face as she throws herself at me, wrapping me in a hug. “I would love to be a part of your pack.”
As soon as she releases me, she does the same to Koda. Then the three of us turn to Tessa, smiling as she stares at us in shock.
“You’re choosing me as your first alpha?” she asks, sounding unsure of herself. “Even though I’m broken and can never have children of my own?”
Koda chuckles. “There are already two other women in this pack who will carry our children if that’s what they want to do. Any child that is born of this pack would be yours just as much as anyone else’s. Who gives a fuck that you can’t have a biological child. You’ll still have children, and you’ll have a family.”
Tears stream down her face as she nods. “Then, yes. I accept your invitation to your pack.”
“So formal,” I say with a laugh, nudging Lillian’s side. She immediately begins to giggle. Tessa rolls her eyes but hurries over to us to pull all three of us into a hug.
“There we have it, viewers. Evangeline has sent home another suitor, but has added two more to her pack. There are still three more weeks for her to make her final decisions. Make sure you tune in next time to see how things are fairing between them all. You definitely don’t want to miss the next rose ceremony. Until next time!”
I hear the suitors cheering, but my focus is on my two soon-to-be mates. We need to get to the nest so I can make them mine.
I can’t wait.
Chapter Thirty-four
Tessa takes each of the omega’s hands as we leave the ballroom. I trail behind them, a little unsure of how this is going to work. I know Tessa has been invited to their bed more than once, but this is the first time I’ll be joining them.
I’m not some untouched flower or whatever, but I haven’t slept with all that many people. I’m the youngest of the four of us and the only beta. I’ve never been with an alpha or an omega. Everyone I dated in high school and college have been beta men and women. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in either of the other designations, it’s just that the small community I lived in before going to college was mostly made up of betas. Then my parents would only allow me to attend a beta only college, afraid that if I was around alphas and omegas, I might get distracted from school. I can’t even blame them for it. If I’d met these four in college, I definitely would’ve been distracted so it was probably the right decision.
Moving to Los Angeles after graduating had been crazy. I’ve been there for over a year and haven’t bothered trying to date, instead focusing on work. It was my mom who convinced me to sign up for Heated. She thought that since I was finished with school, I could begin to look for a pack. I didn’t grow up in a pack, but I always knew I wanted to be a part of one. Since I’m bisexual, I knew I needed to be a part of a pack that welcomed men and women equally. I might be a little greedy, but I refuse to go without both cock and pussy for the rest of my life.
So the pack life is the life for me.
Only now that I’m faced with it, I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been in bed with more than one person at a time. I would’ve loved to try it out, but betas who aren’t looking for a pack don’t tend to like more than one person in their bed. It’s close minded of them, if you ask me. Not that they did, but they’re definitely the ones missing out.
“Lil?” Evangeline calls back, and I realize I must have stopped walking at some point as they’re almost to the suite and I’ve barely stepped into the entryway. “Are you okay?”
“Yes…” I shrug. “And no.”
Evangeline pulls free from Tessa and hurries over to me, taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong?”
I can hear the other suitors heading for the door of the ballroom and realize this isn’t a question I want to answer out here where anyone can hear. “Why don’t we go to your suite, and then we can talk.”
Talk. Just what everyone wants to do after declaring they want to bond with you. Not that Evangeline looks upset about it. She mostly just looks worried about me.
“Sure. We can do that.” She slips her hand in mine and pulls me to catch up with Tessa and Koda before hurrying to her door. She lets us inside and leads me over to the sitting area. “Have a seat. I figured you’d feel more comfortable out here than in the bedroom—at least to talk. Things can get a little blurry inside that room.”
I snort, leaning over to kiss her cheek before dropping into a chair and pulling her down with me. She comes willingly, though we get a little tangled in the dresses we’re wearing.
Koda sits in the chair next to ours and pulls Tessa onto his lap. Once everyone is settled, they turn their attention to me.
“So everything I said in the ballroom is true. I’m so happy to be chosen as part of your pack, and I know I’m going to be so happy with you and whoever else is chosen for our pack.” I take a deep breath. “I’ve always wanted to be a part of a pack. As soon as I realized I liked boys and girls at ten-years-old, I informed my mom of my decision to be a pack beta. When she asked why, I told her it was because I loved boys and girls equally and I didn’t want to choose. She laughed, but I never swayed from that decision.
“With that being said, I was raised in a community of betas and went to a beta college. I live in LA now so I’ve been around alphas and omegas before I came here, but I’ve never slept with anything but betas. And never with more than one person at a time. I want to—a lot. Trust me on that. I just don’t know how… If that makes sense? It’s kind of embarrassing, but that’s what happened. I got lost in my head about it all. I don’t want to disappoint any of you.”