Page 106 of Knot Her Reality

Glancing at the dance floor once more, my eyes almost fall out of my head when I find Koda and Ronan making out. Holy shit, that’s hot. And this is the first time that Koda has expressed interest in someone without me being right there. It’s nice to see, but it’s also not helping to dampen the need rising inside of me.

“I need a drink,” I manage to spit out from my suddenly parched mouth. Without waiting for a response, I head to the bar, fill a glass with water, and down it in one go.

Someone clearing their voice behind me has me spinning around with wide eyes to find Gavin standing there. “Are you okay, Evangeline?”

“Hmmm…yeah, I’m fine. I just…” I wave at the dance floor, then at Jagger, sitting on the couch staring at me. “That’s just a lot, and I’m feeling…”

“Overwhelmed?” He nods slowly when I agree. “Alphas will do that to you—as will betas and omegas. We might come on strong, but you know if you want them to stop something, we will. They’re not that kind of alphas, and I’m not that kind of beta.”

I nod slowly. “I know that, and it’s not like I don’t want to climb on their dicks, but I don’t want it to all be about sex.”

“Then, let’s go back over there and do what you want to do. If they start acting up, just tell them to stop.”

I laugh. “And what about those two?”

Gavin turns to face Ronan and Koda before shrugging. “I don’t think it’s fair to make them stop, so I guess you’ll just have to ignore them.”

“Easier said than done,” I mutter, filling my cup again before following Gavin back to the couch.

“I’m sorry if we overwhelmed you, Evangeline,” Jagger says earnestly. “It definitely wasn’t my intention.”

I wave off his apology. “No. It’s not like I don’t want that. I just don’t want it right now, if that makes sense?”

“Even if it didn’t make sense, we’d still honor that,” Jagger says as he takes my hand in his. “Now, you said something about getting to know each other better. What do you want to know?”

I let out a sigh of relief, leaning back on the couch as we fall into conversation about our likes and dislikes. We talk for hours, Ronan and Koda eventually rejoining us.

Once I’m all talked out, all six of us make our way onto the dance floor and enjoy ourselves. There’s plenty of kissing and grinding, but no one tries to take it any farther, for which I’m eternally grateful.

I’m an omega, and we’re very sexual creatures usually. But choosing a pack is about so much more than sexual chemistry. Yes, it’s an important aspect, but I refuse to be one of those people who only choose their pack based on their omega instincts. I’m more than my omega, so I will use more than those instincts to choose my pack. Even when all I want to do is climb them like trees and ride their dicks all night long. There will be time for that later.

It’s Friday, and time for my last date of the week. I’m glad the dates have gone much better than last week’s. Even outside of the dates, we’ve been hanging out as a group, and it’s been so much better seeing all the suitors getting along. What a huge difference it makes having the right suitors.

“Babe, what’s taking so long?” Koda peeks around the corner to find me sitting on the bed and rolls his eyes. “Evander is waiting for us, and you’re sitting on the bed? Get that sexy ass out here.”

Sticking my tongue out, I climb off the bed and follow him into the sitting room. “Hey, Evander. Sorry, I was a little lost in thought. I didn’t realize it was so late.”

“That’s okay. I never mind waiting for you.” Evander offers me his hand, which I take without hesitation. “You look amazing, as always.”

I snort, glancing down at the white T-shirt and leggings, which match what both he and Koda are wearing, though they’re both wearing white jeans. “Yeah, not usually an outfit I’d be wearing on a date. Especially not all in white.”

“Look, there’s nothing wrong with the outfit,” Koda huffs, heading for the door. “And it’s for the date, so stop complaining.”

Evander laughs. “It sounds like you might have already complained to him about it?”

“She did,” he calls over his shoulder as we follow him. “For like three hours.”

“I did not.” Shaking my head, I choose to ignore my omega. “I complained for maybe an hour.”

Evander laughs again. “Yeah, I’m not getting in the middle of that fight. I’m just going to assume you’re both right.”

“That’s not possible,” I argue, and he just shrugs. Sticking my bottom lip out, I can’t help pouting. Maybe bonding an omega was a bad idea. These alphas won’t pick sides.

“This is a no pouting zone,” Evander says as he reaches up to thumb at my lip.

I wrinkle my nose. “I’ll pout if I want to, and honestly, I don’t know why he’s so worked up over me complaining about the outfits. I definitely whined a lot longer about having no idea what we were doing on our date.”

Koda cackles in front of us but doesn’t say anything until we reach the SUV. “I’m sitting in the middle this time.”