Page 10 of Knot Her Reality

Cora was a natural. Koda did almost as well as Cora. Jagger was a bit awkward about it but overall did pretty well. Skylar, on the other hand, didn’t bode so well. I don’t know if she was too inside her head or if she’s just not capable of doing this kind of thing, but she couldn’t seem to grasp the concepts. She was a good sport about it—or at least I thought she was until just now. Hopefully, I can find out what’s bothering her.

After those of us who needed to douse ourselves in scent-canceling spray are finished, the camera crew was already packed up, and we jump into the car and head to the Mexican restaurant that I picked out for today. Can’t ever go wrong with Mexican, am I right?

“Mmmmm, Mexican?” Koda asks as Ian pulls up in front of the restaurant.

I nod. “I take it that you approve?”

“Of course! Who doesn’t love Mexican food?” He glances around the car, waiting for anyone to disagree with him. When they don’t, he grins and climbs out of the SUV. He offers me his hand, and I lay mine in it. His grin turns lascivious as he reaches in to grip my thigh, lifting me out with just one hand and forcing me to slide down his body.

“Was that necessary?” I ask, lifting my brows as I attempt to bite back my smile once my feet hit the ground.

Jagger chuckles as he climbs out, his hand rubbing my lower back. “I’m sure he felt it was, and I can’t blame him. If I’d have thought of it…”

“Oh, don’t worry about the two of us,” Cora’s voice filters out, amusement warming her tone. “We definitely don’t want anyone to help us out.”

Jagger turns, quickly lifting her out of the car and setting her on her feet before reaching in and doing the same for Skylar. “Sorry, ladies. That was very rude of me.”

Cora snickers. “I mean, I get it. Evangeline can be quite distracting, can’t she?”

“That she can,” he agrees before offering his arm to both her and Skylar while Koda wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads us into the restaurant. There isn’t anyone else here as they don’t have private rooms, but I’m sure that Bree and Heated paid them well for us to have the place to ourselves. The food is amazing, and I’m almost glad I skipped breakfast so I could eat more.

I’m not able to get Skylar alone, but whatever was bothering her before doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore. She’s laughing and chatting along with everyone else, so I decide to just let it go. If something was bothering her, all I can do is hope that she’ll talk to me if it was something serious.

Glancing at the time, I curse. “Crap. We have to get going. Today’s schedule is a little tight. We need to head out now so we’re not late for our last activity.”

“Let me guess,” Skylar teases as she stands up. “We’ll get no hints about what we’re doing?”

“How did you guess?” I laugh, hurrying out with the others at my back. Luckily, Ian has the car parked out front and our last stop isn’t too far away. Definitely a good thing, since we’re supposed to be there in ten minutes.

Usually, I’m a lot better with time management, but I’m having such a good time with my suitors that something like time isn’t important—until it is.

“Dune buggies?” Jagger asks with a snicker as we pull into the parking lot.

I shrug. “Bree did it in the first season, and it looked like so much fun—I just knew that I had to do it. Why? What’s wrong? Scared?”

“You really are trying to get a spanking, aren’t you?”

And there goes my perfume filling the SUV—even with the scent-canceling spray.

“Alright, everyone out of the car!” Ian calls out with a chuckle. “No talk of spanking while the driver is in the car.”

I chuckle, waiting for the others to climb out of the SUV before following them out. I wave to Ian as he pulls away from the entrance, the camera crew scrambling out behind us.

“Hello!” a masculine voice calls, startling me as I turn. “You must be my group from Heated.”

I nod, smiling. “Sure are. I’m so excited about this.”

“My name is Mario. I’m one of the owners, along with my wife, who is at home with a sick kid today. I was glad when Bree called to say that another omega wanted to have a date here.” He glances at the camera crew to make sure they’re ready before waving for us to follow him. I’m fairly certain he’s a beta, but he seems to be using top-of-the-line scent cancelers because I can’t smell anything but fabric softener coming from him. “Come on inside. We’ll need to have each of you fill out a waiver, and then we’ll go over the safety rules. You have the whole place to yourselves, which means we have more than enough buggies for you each to drive yourself if you’d like.”

“I’m definitely driving,” I tell him, glancing back at the others.

“Me too.” Cora grins, shooting me a wink. “Something tells me that dates with you are always something I’m going to want to do. You seem to like adrenaline just as much as I do.”

“I’m definitely a fan.”

Skylar shakes her head. “I’ll ride with Cora. I don’t really have a desire to drive one myself.”

That just leaves the guys, who I turn to. “And the two of you?”