Page 72 of Resisting You

Frey hummed quietly, still tracing shapes along Renato’s skin. “I think it would be way more dangerous. So many divorces.”

He couldn’t relate to that. His loss had been against his will. But he was coming to terms with the fact that maybe young, powerful love wasn’t always the forever kind. Maybe the forever kind had rougher edges and harder starts.

“Would you ever do it again?”

“Get married?” Frey asked, and Renato nodded. He blew out a puff of air. “I always told myself no. But I think that was more self-preservation than anything. Like…like I didn’t want to take responsibility for not seeing Jace’s red flags until I had a small, sick baby that needed someone better than him.”

Renato turned his face further into Frey’s shirt and closed his eyes, breathing in the clean scent of him. “I thought I was one-and-done. But my brother-in-law keeps telling me that I deserve to let myself live the second half of my life the way I want. Not as some…shell of myself.”

Frey stroked fingers through his hair. “Everyone deserves that, I think.”

“We’re quite a pair, yes?”

Frey snorted and held him a little tighter. “Seems like it. Stay a bit longer, will you?”

“As long as you want me,” Renato promised. He knew it wouldn’t be long enough. Not yet. But he was willing to hope that eventually, he’d wake up in the morning and he wouldn’t be alone.

Frey: How do you feel about the beach?

Renato: Is that an existential kind of question? Or general?

Frey: Practical? IDK. I had a beach day planned with friends but one of the kids got mono and Rex begged for a sleep-over with a friend so I’m all alone in swim trunks with too much sunblock on.

Renato: Are you asking me to blow off paperwork and patients?

Frey: Do you have patients?

Renato: Technically yes. But Foster owes me favors. Many favors.

Foster didn’t really owe him favors, but his load was light, and Renato wasn’t above begging. Luckily, his oldest friend didn’t make him go that far.

“Are you going to wear a Speedo?”

Renato stared at him.

“I’ve been to Italy, man. I’ve seen what you all wear on those beaches.”

Renato flushed slightly. In another life, he might have. Today he had linen shorts and a shirt to match with a straw hat and a pair of expensive sunglasses he’d gotten from Auden for his last birthday. He had a moment of panic because what if Frey expected him in a Speedo?

“Relax,” Foster said, waving his hand at him. “I’ll just put this on the list of shit you owe me.”

Renato wasn’t about to argue. He just grabbed his keys and his phone, and without another moment of hesitation, he found himself on the freeway heading to Frey’s. When he pulled up, Frey was waiting for him outside in a tank top and board shorts. He looked like every wet dream Renato had ever had about him from the moment he became aware of how good-looking Frey was.

“Is this weird?” Frey asked when he got in the car.

Renato shrugged. “For me, a little. I haven’t blown off work…ever, I think Foster is going to have some questions for me when I get back.”

Frey groaned and covered his face. “The night at the bar was embarrassing enough as it was. I’m…fuck, I’m still really embarrassed.”

Renato scoffed softly as he pulled onto the freeway and headed toward a stretch of beach that only the locals ever frequented. It would be especially quiet in the middle of the week, which he appreciated.

He hadn’t seen Frey since their impromptu dinner. He hadn’t touched him since he slid out of the bed after Frey had fallen asleep. They hadn’t kissed since before Frey’s eyes fluttered closed.

And Renato was wondering if he was allowed to now without really knowing what they were to each other.

“Does Foster think I’m a complete disaster?”

Renato let out a soft laugh. “That man has no place to judge anyone. Trust me.”