“Fuck off,” Frey groaned, but he didn’t sound angry anymore.
Renato closed his hand around Frey’s and guided him, his hips thrusting up, making Frey gasp. He kissed the quiet moans from his lips, and he felt the heat in his body ramp up when Frey was close. Renato pulled back only to see the look on his face when he came, and he was rewarded a moment later as Frey’s eyelids fluttered, and his dick pulsed, and then he shot thin ropes over their knuckles.
The sound of him letting go, the sight of the ecstasy on his face, pushed Renato over the edge. He buried his groan in the side of Frey’s neck as he came, laying sloppy kisses to the top of his lover’s shoulder.
“I did not come here for that,” Frey said after a long beat.
Renato chuckled and pulled back. The mess was mostly contained to his hand, and instead of making Frey lick it up the way he wanted, he reached on the bench for a towel and cleaned them both up. “It was unexpected but very welcome.”
Frey looked both satisfied and still a little wary, but he melted when Renato cradled his cheek with one hand again. “It’s hard watching you like that knowing you’re…not an ass all the time.”
“Did you really expect that I was some monster running around making everyone cry every moment of my day?”
Frey’s gaze cut away, and Renato’s heart hurt a little because, my God, Frey really had assumed that. He assumed that Renato was some callous ass who took pleasure in hurting people.
He took a step back and hugged himself. “I didn’t mean to give off that impression.”
Frey stared, and then suddenly, he went pale. He stumbled to the bench and sat down hard, staring at his feet. “I fucking did it to you. I can’t believe I did it to you!”
Renato shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
“They all thought—they all think I’m,” Frey started, then bit his lip. Renato didn’t need him to finish the sentence. “I’m nice to a lot of people. I like being playful. They assumed I was flirting—they assumed that flirting meant I was fucking them all.” He looked up, his eyes glassy. “I never meant to make someone else feel like that.”
Renato shrugged. He was still hurt, but he understood. “When all you know is me here behind these walls…”
Frey jumped up and grabbed Renato around the waist, pulling him close. After a moment of tense silence, he kissed him. “Come over tonight.”
Renato had plans to go home, take some Tylenol, and watch a documentary on beluga whales he’d had his eye on for a while. But the moment Frey asked him to come over, it was the only thing Renato wanted.
Renato pulled back. “Rex…”
“Really likes you,” Frey interrupted. He looked suddenly unsure. “I mean…of course, you don’t have to spend time with my kid. I know that’s super weird. Forget I asked. Actually, we can?—”
“Does Rex like pasta?”
Frey bit his lip, then asked, “Lazy pasta?”
Renato burst into laughter. “Would he enjoy it?”
“He’d enjoy doing anything with anyone who isn’t me. I’m old news.”
Renato’s grin lingered on his lips as he lifted Frey’s chin with a single finger and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’ll bring everything.”
Frey sighed and rested his forehead against Renato’s chest. “I can’t wait.” And he sounded like he genuinely meant it.
Chapter Seventeen
“Fellas, is it gay to fall for your friend with benefits?”
Dallas gave Frey a flat look. “Are you both men?”
“Then it’s probably pretty gay. But it could also be bi,” Dallas said with a shrug. “Or pan.”