“It’s Sharon’s birthday?—”
“That’s the party committee’s job,” Renato said. He gripped Frey’s hair, and after a second, Frey felt him tug. Shock hit him in waves when he realized Renato was tugging him toward his dick. He parted his lips and took the head between them, and Renato gave a soft sigh. “What do you need me for?”
“Money. You’re the only one in this office who isn’t broke, and the party fund is depleted. She’s turning seventy. We’re not getting her a Costco cake.”
Renato hummed as he urged Frey to suck him in all the way, but when Frey tried to pull back, Renato held him fast. His cock sat fat and heavy on his tongue, and Frey realized what he was doing. He was a cockwarmer. His entire body shot white-hot with a strange feeling. It bordered on humiliation, but it was something more. It was deep and visceral, and…it was important.
When he stilled, Renato gave him a soft pet over his cheeks, a wordless “good boy,” and Frey fought the urge to touch himself because fuck, he was seconds away from shooting off. He distracted himself by feeling the honey-slow drips coming steadily from the slit of Renato’s cock.
“You got me something from Kroger last year,” Renato complained.
Frey could not believe he was encouraging the conversation to go on. He sucked hard, and Renato pinched his ear before gentling his touch. Frey relaxed his mouth and suckled just lightly, making Renato sigh again.
“…the one with the money, like I just said. So be a good guy for once and foot this bill.”
“If I do that, will you get Foster to take Mrs. Beckett in five?”
“He’s going to laugh in my face,” the woman said.
Renato’s body shifted with his shrug. “I’ll throw in streamers.”
“Throw in happy hour,” she countered.
He hummed, then rolled his chair forward, making Frey take his dick almost to the back of his throat. His hips shifted minutely, and Frey began to suck him in earnest. Renato started to moan, which he turned into a cough.
“Tell me you’re not getting sick,” the woman said.
Renato laughed, sounding a little ragged. “Just allergies. Make it work and I’ll buy everyone three rounds.”
“Done. It was a pleasure doing business with you, sir.”
Frey froze for long enough to hear the door open and shut, and then suddenly Renato was rolling back, but he was taking Frey with him by a firm grip on the back of his neck. Frey was forced to crawl forward on his hands and knees—once again humiliating him, but he wanted it. Fuck, he wanted it so badly.
Renato looked down at him and stroked a touch along the edge of his jaw, then around his lips, which were pulled into a tight o around him. “Make me come.”
Frey’s eyes slammed shut. He could tell Renato was close. They both were. His own dick was throbbing hard, and he could feel himself tumbling toward the edge. He began to suck the man in earnest, hard, fast pulls, taking him to the back of his throat before pulling off to swirl his tongue around his head.
Renato kept their gazes locked, his lips parted in a soft pant, and his hips continued to thrust forward until his cheeks went pink. “Good,” he grunted. “So good. Gorgeous mouth. I love the way you feel on me. Take it, amore. Take it.”
Frey lost himself. He shoved his head forward, taking Renato all the way to the back of his throat, and the moment he felt a hot spurt against the back of his tongue, he lost control. He shuddered, coming in his scrubs. He braced himself on one hand, using the other to cup himself, but there was no way to hide what had happened.
His light blue, flimsy scrubs would show everything.
Real humiliation hit him as he swallowed the last of what Renato had given him, and he pulled back, swiping at his mouth and refusing to look up. How did he get out of this? How did he save face?
His fingers shook as he pressed them to the ground in an attempt to stand, but he only got so far as a crouch before Renato was pulling him into his lap. His fingers brushed over Frey’s swollen lips, then down his chest to where he was sporting a very obvious wet spot. Renato rubbed the heel of his palm over it like he was trying to rub it in.
“You came.”
Frey flushed so hard he felt like he was going to pass out. “I’ve never done that before.” He admitted the truth in a rough, ragged whisper. What was Renato going to think of him now? He was already so pathetic.
Renato looked at him. Frey could feel the weight of his gaze, and then he tipped Frey’s chin up. For a long, impossible moment, he thought Renato was going to kiss him. Instead, he swiped his thumb against the corner of his mouth, then pressed it against Frey’s lips.
He sucked what was spilled off Renato’s skin, then let out a shuddering sigh when Renato ran the digit over his lower lip. “I do have patients to see,” Renato murmured.
Frey understood the dismissal, and he supposed that was better than being left with his dick out. He glanced down at himself. “Shit.”
Renato sighed quietly. “I have spare sets in the cupboard there. I’m going to leave so you can change, then sneak out as best you can.”