Page 45 of Resisting You

Frey’s brows shot up. “Is it?”

Renato shrugged. “It is when you’re a surgeon and don’t have time to make proper pasta. And I’ll die before eating Olive Garden.”

Frey groaned. “You’re missing out. That endless salad and breadsticks deal?” He made a chef’s kiss. “To die for.”

Renato’s mouth twitched, almost like he was going to smile, but before Frey could really get his hopes up, his expression shuttered. “What do you want?”

“Drop-off,” Frey said, defeated. He walked into the office, and his foot caught on the door stopper, knocking it away. The door shut with a slam so heavy it made him wince. “Um…”

Renato waved him off. “There is fine.” He pointed to the side of his desk, and when Frey didn’t move after setting the pile down, he folded his arms. “Are you going to watch me sign them?”

Why did that sound sexy?

Frey felt a hint of panic in his gut because he was here. He had Renato alone. And he had no idea what to say. “I’m sorry,” he finally blurted.

Renato blinked rapidly, then glanced at the papers like they were about to catch fire.

“I didn’t do anything to them,” Frey defended, throwing his arms up in the air. “That’s not what I meant.” He forced himself to take a calming breath, and he wrapped his arms around himself in a pathetic hug. “The other day—the first time we?—”

“Yes,” Renato interrupted.

“I walked away. I…I don’t know. I was a dick about it. So I get why you did what you did in the theater, but that really sucked.”

Renato’s face fell—a proper and actual emotional response that Frey was unprepared for. He’d expected to be laughed at, or sneered at, or insulted. But Renato looked guilty. “I wasn’t trying to pay you back. It wasn’t some sort of revenge thing.”

Frey’s heart continued to beat hard. He took a step closer to the desk and set one hand down on it. It was much nicer than anything they had at the hospital. Birch, maybe? Mahogany? He didn’t know wood.

At least, he didn’t know that kind of wood.

He forced himself to look up at Renato. “Why’d you leave me like that? My dick was out and everything.”

“There was no one around,” Renato murmured.

Frey felt his body heat and his cock thicken. He felt suddenly bold and a little wild, and he was getting ideas that were very wrong. And very risky. They could get fired. Maybe arrested. Both if they were unlucky. But he was almost powerless to stop himself.

“You made me come.”

Renato swallowed heavily. “Yes.”

“You tasted it,” Frey went on.

Renato’s eyes darkened. “Yes.”

“You left unsatisfied.”

At that, Renato let out a deep, almost dangerous chuckle, though he still didn’t smile. “I don’t know why you think I wasn’t satisfied by that.”

“Fuck,” Frey whispered, a shiver running through him. He lifted his hand, keeping his fingertips on the desk, and he walked around until he was face-to-face with Renato. For a moment, the doctor didn’t move, and then after a single breath, he turned his chair.

“What are you doing?”

“You left hard,” Frey said. He took another step closer, then another. Renato’s legs widened, almost like he was unable to stop himself. Frey swallowed thickly. He could see the outline of Renato’s cock through his dark trousers. “You left unsatisfied.”

“I told you?—”

“You left without letting me taste you,” Frey said, cutting him off. Without really thinking about it, he dropped to his knees and set his hands on Renato’s thighs. “I really, really want to taste you.”

Renato lifted a hand and cupped Frey’s cheek. The gesture was far too tender for Frey to handle, and yet he couldn’t do anything except lean into it. Renato was tracing him with his gaze, stroking his thumb over Frey’s stubble.