Page 43 of Resisting You

Adele grinned and leaned against the truck door. “Couldn’t hurt. You on errand duty or what?”

Frey shook his head, and his stomach swooped when he thought about work, considering he was unsure if Renato would be there. “I have a shift in a bit, but Bowen said he was going to help out with Rex for the rest of spring break. What are you two up to?”

“Just got done with my lawyer,” Dallas said.

Frey’s eyes widened. “Your ex?”

Dallas snorted and shook his head. “No. We preemptively had a little sit-down in case Lane’s ex decided to get litigious.”

Frey knew Dallas and Adele had put the fear of God into Sana, but he’d never gotten the chance to ask how they’d done it. “If I ask you what you said…”

Dallas and Adele exchanged a look, then Adele shrugged, and Dallas leaned further out the window. “He threatened to fuck her husband.”

Frey almost choked on his own tongue. “You’re not being serious.”

“I’m being dead serious,” Adele said, giving Dallas’s arm a pat. “I walked right up to her window and told her not to show her face around town ever again. I told her that she and her new husband are not allowed to cross into the city limits.”

“I bet that went over well,” Frey said with a snort.

Adele smirked. “Not at first. Husband was a real piece of shit too. Laughed at us. So I told her that was fine, but the next time they showed up, I was going to fuck her husband.”

Frey blinked at him. “Uh…”

Dallas grinned. “She started to pop off about assault, but then Adele just shook his head and winked at the poor bastard and said, no, honey. He’ll be begging me to fuck him. I’ll make him see God, and every time he goes home to you, all he’s going to be thinking about is my dick. Eventually, he’ll leave you because he’ll never be able to forget me.”

“And when she started to talk again,” Adele went on, “I told her that I wasn’t done. I said that after he divorced her, I’d fuck her next husband. And the one after that. And maybe I’d skip a few, but she’d always be terrified that every time her husband didn’t answer his phone or took too long answering a text, she’d be wondering if I was fucking him.”

“Holy shit. You’re terrifying,” Frey whispered.

Adele rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I am.”

“He was also very convincing. And kind of sexy,” Dallas said.

Not for the first time, Frey wondered just how heterosexual his friend was. It hadn’t taken Lane very long to realize that his thing for Henry Cavill was more than just a man-crush, and he was willing to take bets on Dallas.

But he wasn’t going to call him out. That was his journey.

“Do me a favor and don’t tell Lane or Bowen,” Adele said. “They asked me not to interfere, and I know Lane was happy I took care of the drama before it could fuck up Briar’s party. I don’t think they’d be thrilled with how I handled it.”

Frey was in no hurry to tell Lane or Bowen that Bowen’s older brother cowed Sana by threatening to fuck every husband she’d ever have. Though the look on his face might be worth the drama.

“Scout’s honor,” Frey said.

“I don’t believe for one second you were in Scouts,” Adele said.

“Let’s do a knot contest and I’ll prove it,” Frey said, then heaved a sigh. “After my shift.” Where he might have to see Renato and face the consequences of their recent actions. Or where he might not see Renato and have to face the gut-wrenching realization that he was less than nothing to him.

It was all fucked.

Dallas frowned. “You okay?”

“Nope,” Frey said cheerfully. “But I wanted to invite you both to the beach soon. I need a vacation.”

“Count me in, like, yesterday,” Adele said with a groan. He backed away from Dallas’s door and put his arm around Frey. “Let me know when you get something solid, and I’ll put in my time off.”

“Same,” Dallas said. “I’ll ask if I can keep Audra for the trip. I know she’s tiny, but I feel like she might enjoy the water.”

“Don’t bet on it, but she’ll love the sand,” Frey warned. He and Adele backed up further so he could reverse into the street, and they both waved as he drove off. When he was gone, Frey sighed again, and Adele gripped the back of his neck, shaking him gently.