And he thought Renato was cheating.
“I guess I do. He is adorable, isn’t he?” Foster, blissfully unaware, leaned over and gave Renato’s cheek a pinch. “Gives great head too.”
“Oh. I’ll bet he does,” Frey said. His smile was vicious. “Anyway, you two have fun.” He turned on his heel and headed for the bathrooms, and Renato panicked.
“What do I do?”
Foster blinked. “About…?”
“He thinks you were serious,” Renato said, throwing his hands up. “God help me, I can’t believe you’re such an idiot,” he said in Italian, knowing full well Foster couldn’t understand him.
Foster blinked, and then he sat back like the wind had been knocked out of him. “You’re sleeping with him.”
“Keep your voice down,” Renato hissed.
Foster ducked his head. “You two are…oh my God. Oh my God. You finally break your celibacy, and it’s with him? I can’t believe you, Renato!” He looked around frantically, then grabbed the bouquet and plucked the biggest, pinkest daisy from the bouquet and pinched the stem until it broke just a few inches below the petals. “He’s in the bathroom. Go fix it.”
Renato’s hands were shaking, but he moved like he wasn’t entirely in control of himself. There was no line, so he slipped in and found Frey standing at the sink with his hands braced on the basin, his head tipped down. It smelled rank, like old beer-piss and God only knew what else, but Renato ignored it at the sight of Frey’s broken expression.
“You’re joking,” Frey said with a bitter laugh. “Please tell me you didn’t come in here to save face.”
“Foster and I are not a couple,” Renato said. “He was being an asshole.”
Frey scoffed. “Right. Just besties who bring each other flowers and suck each other’s dicks.”
Renato groaned, then turned away. His gaze fixed on the dead bolt, and although he knew it was the most ridiculous idea he’d ever had, he walked forward and flicked the lock.
Frey let out an angry laugh. “I’m not going to fuck you in here. Are you out of your mind?”
Renato took a breath, then pulled his phone out as he approached Frey. Frey backed away, and Renato kept going until the other man was pressed against the wall. He held his phone up so Frey could see the screen, and then he scrolled to Foster’s name and hit the button.
“Did he rip your balls off?” Foster said by way of answering.
Renato let out a tense laugh. “No, but he’s thinking about it. I can see it in his face. I just need you to tell him you weren’t being serious.”
“I wasn’t being serious,” Foster said automatically. “Renato is not my type.”
“Not into hot surgeons?” Frey asked sarcastically.
Foster laughed. “More like into hot nurses if you’re ever free.”
Frey looked at Renato for a long moment. “Is this a kink? Like, do you two get off on humiliating people and fucking them so you can go talk about it at home?”
Foster sighed, his voice sobered and serious. “Renato and I are friends. We’ve been friends for a very long time. I’m into some freaky shit, but being with him would be like fucking my brother, and that’s not my yum. I think you’re his, though, so go easy on the guy, okay? He’s been through it.”
Frey didn’t break Renato’s gaze. “If you’re lying to me—if I find out this is some sick game the two of you are playing—I will ruin you both. I have friends. Powerful friends who have literally run people out of town.”
Someone knocked on the door, and Renato turned his head. “Occupied!”
Frey slapped a hand over his mouth to cover a hysterical giggle, and he looked at Renato, staying silent until he had control over his laughter. “We’re going to get banned. And I really like this place.”
“I’ll bribe them to let you back in,” Foster said. “Just let Renato get his head out of his ass and apologize. I was joking. I swear.”
The call ended abruptly, and Frey looked down, eyes widening when he apparently noticed the flower in Renato’s hand. “Why did you get him flowers?”
Renato took a slow breath. “I didn’t. When I saw them, I just…bought them,” he said with a shrug. He twirled the daisy between his thumb and finger. “I brought them to the cemetery, but they weren’t right for Grady. I realized they were for you, but I didn’t think you’d appreciate them.”
Frey let out a strained laugh. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”